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China and India agree to end doklam stand off

I don;t think this will be a lesson to China. Yes, there won't be any road on Doklam, but China will keep propping up Pakistan against India. And it will never support India on NSG, Masood's issue.
What's new ?
Facts are that china has always seen India as a adversary and threat. That's why the investment in India has been negligible in the last 10 years.
The sort of investment which can't be easily withdrawn like in infrastructure or industry.
Investment in IT startups can be easily divested.
Issue was construction of road not patrolling, Bhutanese and Chinese troops were already patrolling in the area.
Can you just accept you lost? I predicted this outcome and it came out exactly like what I predicted, no MUTUAL withdrawal, no road agreement whatever, you just withdrew unilaterally.
What do you want China to confirm , that they will negotiate with India on a piece of Chinese/ Bhutanese land. Isn't it self explanatory.

What part of we need to wait to see whether the road is built do you not understand?

In a few months all will be clear.
Wow Maths genius. Ever wonder China could be 20 times economy of India by 2050.

Boy, read economic forecasts by IMF, World Bank, or PWC. I was just quoting them.
Issue was construction of road not patrolling, Bhutanese and Chinese troops were already patrolling in the area.

Road construction would be done soon too. For now you have a good facesaving.

If Chinese can patrol a piece of land then they have every right to build anything they want to.
Let's break down what "nullified" means to either side:
1. For India, "nullified" is when China agrees to stop the construction of its road in the region. Thus far, there is no indication that it has agreed to do so.
2. For China, "nullified" is when India withdraws its troops from Bhutan. This has indeed occurred.

And I don't think the Chinese ever "talked" to India about this issue.

Diplomatic channels have always been open , our mea has clearly mentioned that talks were ongoing since June.

Your points clearly fail to mention that the mea directive from the Indian side mentions about mutual withdrawal and not unconditional withdrawal.
All the stand off was about building the road. If Chinese media has not mentioned means, you not building the road.
Fllow your logic, If India did successfuly stop China from building the road, why not mentioned it in the news.
Agree or not, balance is already be broken.
China may withdraw troops as a result of consensus, but they will plot silently, how to harm Indian interests from now on.

The troops might withdraw, but the contractors to build the road continues
There is no way we stop building the road , if we stoop building the road, that will make our claim weak.
This is just a save saving for india.
india objective is to stop the road building, if they win the agreement, it's sure a hell of the victory for them and modi will brag all day long, but the road construction is not mentioned.. you can go figure the rest.. :azn:
Just half off topic:

Bhakts lose big time today by the following news too, along with Modi Doklam withdrawal:

Arvind Kejriwal gets big boost, AAP wins Bawana bypoll
Not entirely off topic ... Aaptards believe this

No no no sunny, its just beginning do you think China now seeing the threat from India will now not plan, support Pakistan and build up its military forces in the region:-)
So you're happy that you will be getting more freebies from China. Good for you.
Spark, India just withdrew unilaterally. Get this into your head.

Did we claim that place as ours at any point of time dear?

We saw ...we conquered ...read the daily threats ...got bored ...went back to our place.

Now its your time.. sing a song... make merry.
The only way to stop is to kill, we gave you time to retreat else we will kill, and you did just as told like a good dog, you scrambled back home.
LOL Don't hide behind silly argument

No hiding that Indian army trespassed into what chinese claim there territory camped there for two months Stop road construction (which achieved )

While PLA is busy in war propoganda and Moaning

LOL PLA Is so weak that any one can tresspass into there territory and capture without a fight from PLA and go back :lol:
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