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China and India agree to end doklam stand off

All news originating from Indian Sources and Media. Let's wait for official confirmation from both sides before calling it one's victory or defeat.
LOL why PLA Not Stop Indian army From trespassing

and Camping there in tents with born fire for Two months


Doklam is no mans land Like its was from day one there was no PLa presence there accept Light patrols
The only way to stop is to kill, we gave you time to retreat else we will kill, and you did just as told like a good dog, you scrambled back home.
Cheerleaders in the dug out, all kitted up! Oh well..seems like a long wait!

They had a very big hope in the incident..after decades long wait for liberation, revolutions
I bet they must be very much dissappointed.. feel for them.
Anyway , they with their miniskirts will be busy singing praises for the brave red army.

Even that guy with Indian flag and who digs up anti India stuff and posts 100 messages per minute with same pics is seen thoroughly dissapointed..
sorry @ashok321 .. you will get plenty of negative stuff from net.. its vast. keep the good work.:tup:
It's simple , you have been talking all these while even with the troops on the ground so that condition is nullified.

Secondly the territory is not claimed by India , so you agreed to talk to India about your territory where India is not a party of claimant just shows you have lost sovereignty over your territory matters.

Road was the dispute in this standoff nothing more , no bullets were fired , we didn't claim your territory just maintain the Panchsheel agreeemnt , don't build fortifications on either side.

Let's break down what "nullified" means to either side:
1. For India, "nullified" is when China agrees to stop the construction of its road in the region. Thus far, there is no indication that it has agreed to do so.
2. For China, "nullified" is when India withdraws its troops from Bhutan. This has indeed occurred.

And I don't think the Chinese ever "talked" to India about this issue.
I don;t think this will be a lesson to China. Yes, there won't be any road on Doklam, but China will keep propping up Pakistan against India. And it will never support India on NSG, Masood's issue.
They had a very big hope in the incident..after decades long wait for liberation, revolutions
I bet they must be very much dissappointed.. feel for them.
Anyway , they with their miniskirts will be busy singing praises for the brave red army.

Even that guy with Indian flag and who digs up anti India stuff and posts 100 messages per minute with same pics is seen thoroughly dissapointed..
sorry @ashok321 .. you will get plenty of negative stuff from net.. its vast. keep the good work.:tup:
Spark, India just withdrew unilaterally. Get this into your head.
Indian bhai,

Facts for today:

1) India asked for a mutual withdrawal
2) China asked for unilateral withdrawal

what happened today

1) India wihtdrew
2) No agreement on road building
3) Chinese soldiers still in Doklam

I thought you were supposed to be protecting Bhutan, waht are you doing? We are in Doklam. Where are you cowards?:rofl:
As per your chinese media ?? Then with logic I go with India media. Cuz my dikk longer. Prove it with proper links what you say. You don't trust Indian media..I don't trust chini maal. Jaao aish karo.
We need China to confirm the news, not just what the Indians are saying.

If China says nothing then it is a case of waiting a while to see whether a road is actually built.

What do you want China to confirm , that they will negotiate with India on a piece of Chinese/ Bhutanese land. Isn't it self explanatory.
Indian news is Modi controlled.
This was supposed to happen, as I said month ago.
I know India/Modi better.
Simple logic. China has 5 time India's economy now, by 2050 China will be 2 times India's economy. India growing faster than China hence catching up with China.
Wow Maths genius. Ever wonder China could be 20 times economy of India by 2050.

NEW DELHI: China and India have agreed to end a lengthy stand-off at the Sikkim border than began in June, said the government today. The breakthrough was reached by diplomatic talks, India said.

"On this basis, expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is on-going" said the Foreign Ministry.

India, China Agree To End Sikkim Stand-Off, Troops Being Withdrawn (NDTV LINK)
Post reported for misleading the audience by changing the title.

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