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China acknowledges 'cancer villages'

we have to admit that some of our cities are bad poluted,that's what the the industrialization bring us.it is time we are alerted to deal with it.
in my hometown ,water are not clear any longer....many families use water purifiers.but we have to solve the problem from the root.
Aegis DDG,

Absolutely agree with you on that. My overall point was that Cancer isn't one of those medical conditions where you can always put your finger on and say, "Ah ha", that's what caused it. There are so many factors and conditions that go into causal diagnosis of cancer.

I'll be the first to admit that China is polluted and things need to change and change now.
we can work jointly with Denmark. Denmark is working seriously on green business, it already has made few cities as green cities.

i have 1 idea for air pollution reduction. we can introduce many articulated buses with 1st class-2nd class facilities. It will also decrease traffics because people will start travel on those buses instead of private cars. You all know vehicles are one of the big part of air pollution .
Specific cancer deaths rates:

Lung Cancer:


That statistics of lung cancer is also caused by smoking as some posters have said.

We need to cut down on tobacco smoking seriously. I think lung cancer caused by tobacco smoking is more than the causes by smog and air.

Overall we have an increasing rate of life expectancy over the years.
That statistics of lung cancer is also caused by smoking as some posters have said.
We need to cut down on tobacco smoking seriously. I think lung cancer caused by tobacco smoking is more than the causes by smog and air.Overall we have an increasing rate of life expectancy over the years.
In Indian villages Smoking has remained as a tradition of some sort. Men, women, family members do it while chatting.

Chewing tobacco is also the important factor. Is chewing tobacco common in China ?

we have to admit that some of our cities are bad poluted,that's what the the industrialization bring us.it is time we are alerted to deal with it.
in my hometown ,water are not clear any longer....many families use water purifiers.but we have to solve the problem from the root.
Problem is that Oil Lobby is too much powerful in the world which hinders growth or renewable resources.

But China has shown great growth in Solar energy. This also provided a great case study and marketing plot for Indian Solar energy dealers.

We have such a long coastline but we are not using Tidal energy to the max.

Carcinogenic substance are getting into Fishes. If I am not wrong there was a huge case of this in China ?

Kindly confirm and tell us more about what steps are been taken by Chinese govt.
China should take necessary steps, and take actions against those industries....

China to cut CO2 emissions by 730 mln tons via clean development projects - Xinhua | English.news.cn

BEIJING, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- China is able to avoid and reduce carbon emissions by nearly 730 million tons annually due to the running of over 4,500 clean development projects such as using hydropower and methane, a government report said Wednesday.

China had approved 4,540 clean development mechanism (CDM) projects between 2004 and August 2012, and estimated annual certified emissions reduction (CER) could reach 730 million tons of CO2 equivalent, said the report, China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change 2012.

The projects mainly focused on new and renewable energy, energy conservation and energy efficiency and methane recycling, according to the document.

Among the projects, 2,364 have been registered with the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board. They account for 50.41 percent of the world's total registered programs, according to the report.

The estimated CER of registered projects reached 420 million tons of CO2 equivalent annually, accounting for 54.54 percent of the global total, the document said.

"China tops the list in both numbers of registered projects and annual CER," it pointed out.

To date, 880 of the registered Chinese projects have been approved, and the total issuance volume has reached 590 million tons of CO2 equivalent. This is a major contribution to the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, the report said.

The report was released as nations gear up to start a new round of climate change talks at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will be held from Nov. 26 to Dec. 7 in Doha, Qatar.

Take action against what industries? - all those industries are state run industries - the only option is to shut them.

In future, in China. A mayor promotion will tie to emission and industries out ratio.. If the province achieve outstanding industries growth but ignore carbon emission/ pollution level. His merit will all be ignored.

But a mayor whose province achieve moderate inustries growth but high level of carbon/pollution level reduction will be highly regarded.

It is the new goal set by CCP and Chariman Xi Jinping.
well a first step in dealing with any problem is acknowledging the problem exists, so this, while small, is definitely a step in the right direction. that said more and more people are speaking out now against the pollution issue but more needs to be done
Does anyone know where the "cancer villages" are located? (eg. Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, etc.)
India and China are blamed for climate change, both are developing nations and these developed nations are not cutting down their own emission.

India and China are together over this issue as both have problem with this bias by West.

China is making huge progress in renewable energy especially Solar power.

Guys, can you tell us what are the sources China is also focusing on ?
Kindly confirm and tell us more about what steps are been taken by Chinese govt.

we have the biggest solar and wind power equipment manufacturing industry and govt provide substantial subsidies to support electric cars.
more than 10 nuclear power plants are under construction
thousands of small but much polluting factories closed during the past several years.
but it is far from enough,the speed of industrial growth is far beyond the environmental endurance.
we have the biggest solar and wind power equipment manufacturing industry and govt provide substantial subsidies to support electric cars.
more than 10 nuclear power plants are under construction
thousands of small but much polluting factories closed during the past several years.
but it is far from enough,the speed of industrial growth is far beyond the environmental endurance.

Don't you guys have your own EPA version?
Lung cancer is mainly caused by smoking cigarettes. The tobacco industry is one of the most powerful industries in Chinese politics. Very difficult to get officials to get tough on smoking due to the influence of the tobacco industry.
Lung cancer is mainly caused by smoking cigarettes. The tobacco industry is one of the most powerful industries in Chinese politics. Very difficult to get officials to get tough on smoking due to the influence of the tobacco industry.

it is a big problem. tobacco industry contribute 753 billion rmb to our tax revenue in 2011,it is similar to GDP of vietnam or iraq.
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