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China accused of genocide over forced abortions of Uighur Muslim women

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This is today's Xinjiang, can anyone find a place like this in Kashmir, Palestine, or even the whole central and south Asia? A real time video is worth a million words.

That's pretty condescending.. China will " have to"? ? China is not Afghanistan nor Iraq, what are you gonna do with China? Invading us? bombing us?

It is not condescending, China will continue to face international censure on this and other issues like Hong Kong & Tibet as long as they continue with their dictatorial policies. China will never earn prestige and acceptance in the eyes of the global community as long as they oppress their own citizens. The damage has already been done with Hong Kong to a large degree, China's image has been tarnished to a large degree in the west, you can even compare the number of Hong Kong citizens who supported China in 2002 compared to today. You reap what you sow. Just because you have money and military on an international scale, doesn't mean you will have people's respect.

The fact that you have to use a VPN just so you can post here says it all about China's freedom and liberty really. Your own citizens have a low and meager presence on any social platforms in order to spread propaganda relating to China. In essence, you have already lost the information war when you don't even have a presence on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

THEY HAVE EVERYTHING TO DI WITH EACH OTHER! they are coming from the same u.s. centers capitalistic zionist media sources! DUH!

it's in question with EVERYONE except with indians like you!

You have failed to answer any of my arguments and have resorted to calling me an Indian just to support your argument, any mods can check my post history to confirm the fact that I am Pakistani. Now that you have failed to argue any point in your favor, off to my ignore list you go.
It is not condescending, China will continue to face international censure on this and other issues like Hong Kong & Tibet as long as they continue with their dictatorial policies. China will never earn prestige and acceptance in the eyes of the global community as long as they oppress their own citizens.

"various multinational opinion surveys consistently find a “high level of regime support” in China, even after factoring in the possibility that some people hide their dissatisfaction for fear of political repercussions. In 2014, Pew Global Research found that a staggering 92% of respondents had “confidence” in their country’s leader, Xi Jinping."


Chinese government only needs the Chinese people's approval, not western powers.
"various multinational opinion surveys consistently find a “high level of regime support” in China, even after factoring in the possibility that some people hide their dissatisfaction for fear of political repercussions. In 2014, Pew Global Research found that a staggering 92% of respondents had “confidence” in their country’s leader, Xi Jinping."


Chinese government only needs the Chinese people's approval, not western powers.

Ok then, that is your point of view. It has nothing to do with what I said in my comment.
Ok then, that is your point of view. It has nothing to do with what I said in my comment.
That's the vast majority of the Chinese people's point of view, numbering over a billion.
That's the vast majority of the Chinese people's point of view, numbering over a billion.

And..? Are you using your population to support your point of view? It has nothing to do with any of my arguments. Please read what I wrote again and comment.

You cannot use your population count to justify oppression and torture I'm afraid.
And..? Are you using your population to support your point of view? It has nothing to do with any of my arguments. Please read what I wrote again and comment.

You cannot use your population count to justify oppression and torture I'm afraid.
China doesn't "have to" do anything that foreign powers tell her to do. that's my point, she has the support of over a billion people, she is afraid of nothing, don't tell us what we have to do.
You have failed to answer any of my arguments and have resorted to calling me an Indian just to support your argument, any mods can check my post history to confirm the fact that I am Pakistani. Now that you have failed to argue any point in your favor, off to my ignore list you go.
you have failed to answer why aren't you able to recognize that the ones whining about China right now are the same ones who cried bloody murder about the Iraqi wmds.
China doesn't "have to" do anything that foreign powers tell her to do. that's my point, she has the support of over a billion people, she is afraid of nothing, don't tell us what we have to do.

Ok, so you're saying that China is free to perpetuate whatever genocide on it's own soil as long as it has the support of the majority of it's own people. Gotcha!
Mate, then don't go about posting rubbish in my threads if you can't handle a reply!

"My thread" ..... I didn't know you owned shares in PDF :lol: ..... Now, instead of hiding like a chicken behind immature fancy words like "my thread", tell us on what basis are you accusing China of this, and what is the authenticity of what you have posted?
Pakistanis, nothing which goes on in Hong Kong or Taiwan is our business.

Muslims have a plate full of issues right now to begin interfering in the problems of Non-Muslims among themselves.

Uyghur situation is only applicable to us due to Islam and Uyghur culture (which is similar to our GB culture.)

I trust Imran Khan and our military/intelligence to properly represent us in this issue.
"My thread" ..... I didn't know you owned shares in PDF :lol: ..... Now, instead of hiding like a chicken behind immature fancy words like "my thread", tell us on what basis are you accusing China of this, and what is the authenticity of what you have posted?

It's a thread which I posted and doesn't need your rubbish comments deviating from the main issue.

It's not my job to prove anything. it's your job to disprove the testimonies, video and satellite evidence based on facts and evidence of your own. Learn how to make an argument before speaking.
It's a thread which I posted and doesn't need your rubbish comments deviating from the main issue. It's not my job to prove anything. it's your job to disprove the testimonies, video and satellite evidence based on facts and evidence of your own. Learn how to make an argument before speaking.

Actually smart-arse, it is your job to prove this since you are the one who decided to accuse a whole country of genocide!! :lol: ... Do you get this basic concept though that thick skull of yours or do you want a coconut thrown at it to get some sense into it??
A year ago PDF was not blocked in China but in recent months it's more and more inclined to become a China bashing platform after this Uighur issue started by the west is spreading all across PDF, I m pretty sure that international forums like this one is closely watched by the Chinese government, seeing the anti China sentiment running high in this forum, China blocked PDF in China, now we have to use VPN to access.
Right .
Actually smart-arse, it is your job to prove this since you are the one who decided to accuse a whole country of genocide!! :lol: ... Do you get this basic concept though that thick skull of yours or do you want a coconut thrown at it to get some sense into it??

You're saying nothing of substance, you have not refuted any of the video evidences or other testimonies in any way. Also using a smiley face doesn't lend your argument any weight nor make you look any better, smart arse.
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