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China accused of genocide over forced abortions of Uighur Muslim women

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Enough of this conspiratorial nonsense. Can you refute the multiple eyewitness accounts yourself? Or will you simply call it propaganda and look the other way to please your biased minds? This mentality is pathetic.

You don't need to quote me if you want to go about with your nonsensical rants. Now hop along and see ya.
You don't need to quote me if you want to go about with your nonsensical rants. Now hop along and see ya.

Mate, then don't go about posting rubbish in my threads if you can't handle a reply!
Enough of this conspiratorial nonsense. Can you refute the multiple eyewitness accounts yourself? Or will you simply call it propaganda and look the other way to please your biased minds? This mentality is pathetic.

The same Pakistanis cheer and jump with joy whenever these same websites post articles in support of Kashmir. It's time we stop being such a bunch of hypocrites.
The claims of Kashmir are backed up with real time pictures & videos. None from Xinjiang or other places in China.

The Devine commandant for those reporting "multiple eye witnesses" is to determine their level of honesty through their past history & cross examination. We see that on the past history, they lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction & have been known to kill their own people by orchestrating false flag attacks. Just people are never to be believed or called upon as witnesses again. Go look it up in The Holy Quran.
The claims of Kashmir are backed up with real time pictures & videos. None from Xinjiang or other places in China.

The Devine commandant for those reporting "multiple eye witnesses" is to determine their level of honesty through their past history & cross examination. We see that on the past history, they lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction & have been known to kill their own people by orchestrating false flag attacks. Just people are never to be believed or called upon as witnesses again. Go look it up in The Holy Quran.

Ok, now will you go to each of the muslims claiming massacres as eye witness testimonies of these torturous acts and verify their testimonies personally? These newspapers are simply relaying eye witness testimonies from whistle blowers who served in these camps and people who were personally tortured there. Are you going to go question them personally in order to verify their faith? Then go and do it, and don't just claim it's lies based on your own self assumptions. There is also plenty of sattelite evidence of how they are building these internment camps, destroying mosques and forcing them to abandon their faith.

The claims of Kashmir are backed up with real time pictures & videos. None from Xinjiang or other places in China.

The Devine commandant for those reporting "multiple eye witnesses" is to determine their level of honesty through their past history & cross examination. We see that on the past history, they lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction & have been known to kill their own people by orchestrating false flag attacks. Just people are never to be believed or called upon as witnesses again. Go look it up in The Holy Quran.
The western media can only claim that they got those imformation from "eye witnesses" and fudge 1 million -1 billion numbers by "estimation". when you go to Kashmir, Palestine you see daily riots and clashed between armies and civilians and those regions look literally war zones. You see no development of anything there.

You come to Xinjinag, beside those "eye witnesses", you see peace anf stablity, people enjoy their lives on the streets and at home, you see world top class infrastructure, highways, high speed railways, airports , bridges, railway stations, subways, hospitals, schools, theaters,parks...

You eyes usually won't fool you, but your ears will.

People are here, lots of them
The western media can only claim that they got those imformation from "eye witnesses" and fudge 1 million -1 billion numbers by "estimation". when you go to Kashmir, Palestine you see daily riots and clashed between armies and civilians and those regions look literally war zones. You see no development of anything there.

You come to Xinjinag, beside those "eye witnesses", you see peace anf stablity, people enjoy their lives on the streets and at home, you see world top class infrastructure, highways, high speed railways, airports , bridges, railway stations, subways, hospitals, schools, theaters,parks...

You eyes usually won't fool you, but your ears will.

People are here, lots of them

And what does that prove exactly? That doesn't refute anything in the video I posted? Does it interview any people and show them speaking without fear of their lives? Or that of their relatives?
Ok, now will you go to each of the muslims claiming massacres as eye witness testimonies of these torturous acts and verify their testimonies personally? These newspapers are simply relaying eye witness testimonies from whistle blowers who served in these camps and people who were personally tortured there. Are you going to go question them personally in order to verify their faith? Then go and do it, and don't just claim it's lies based on your own self assumptions. There is also plenty of sattelite evidence of how they are building these internment camps, destroying mosques and forcing them to abandon their faith.

You still don't get it? How do you know these weren't elaborately orchestrated shooting sets? Don't forget that the u.s. along with its western media cronies presented a blatant lie as compelling evidence in front of the entire world. NOTHING from there media outlets can be taken seriously. Secondly, there should be NO doubt that western intelligence agencies led by the cia are constantly trying to push in their assets into China...and China will deal with them with an iron first regardless of who they are.


there's a reason why former cia director james woolsey said that the salafi wahabi type over zealous muslims are the best ally the u.s. ever had!
You still don't get it? How do you know these weren't elaborately orchestrated shooting sets? Don't forget that the u.s. along with its western media cronies presented a blatant lie as compelling evidence in front of the entire world. NOTHING from there media outlets can be taken seriously. Secondly, there should be NO doubt that western intelligence agencies led by the cia are constantly trying to push in their assets into China...and China will deal with them with an iron first regardless of who they are.


there's a reason why former cia director james woolsey said that the salafi wahabi type over zealous muslims are the best ally the u.s. ever had!

How do you know they were staged besides your conspiratorial mindset telling you it was staged? Give me some evidence that it was staged or piss off with this nonsense. Refute the evidence and testimonies, don't justify their torture because of a 'supposed' ally in name.
How do you know they were staged besides your conspiratorial mindset telling you it was staged? Give me some evidence that it was staged or piss off with this nonsense. Refute the evidence and testimonies, don't justify their torture because of a 'supposed' ally in name.
Did you somehow miss all the stages so called "evidence" of the Iraqi wmds? you are still gonna take anything they show you seriously?

Anybody else smell a false flagging rat here?
And what does that prove exactly? That doesn't refute anything in the video I posted? Does it interview any people and show them speaking without fear of their lives? Or that of their relatives?
China is a sovereign country, we don't need foreigners to tell us what we should do. we don't do that to other sovereign countries and we don't allow them to do that to us.
And what does that prove exactly? That doesn't refute anything in the video I posted? Does it interview any people and show them speaking without fear of their lives? Or that of their relatives?
the authenticity of the videos & the sources behind the videos is in question...a BIG question. The same kinda sources that were crying body murder snot the Iraqi wmds. only a retarded rat would take them seriously after the Iraqi stunt...
Did you somehow miss all the stages so called "evidence" of the Iraqi wmds? you are still gonna take anything they show you seriously?

Anybody else smell a false flagging rat here?

These two incidents have nothing to do with each other, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the persecution of Uighurs. You are making a false comparison, you cannot use it as an example to refute every single piece of information reported in the future. Please grow up.

China is a sovereign country, we don't need foreigners to tell us what we should do. we don't do that to other sovereign countries and we don't allow them to do that to us.

No, I'm afraid the current world doesn't work like that. China will have to be answerable for what they are doing to their minorities.

the authenticity of the videos & the sources behind the videos is in question...a BIG question. The same kinda sources that were crying body murder snot the Iraqi wmds. only a retarded rat would take them seriously after the Iraqi stunt...
It is not in question. You have no objection to it other than your conspiratorial mind, You cannot refute a single point and resort to muddying the issue by conflating it with a past event that has no bearing on the current issue. Make a coherent argument before opening your mouth.
These two incidents have nothing to do with each other, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the persecution of Uighurs. You are making a false comparison, you cannot use it as an example to refute every single piece of information reported in the future. Please grow up.

No, I'm afraid the current world doesn't work like that. China will have to be answerable for what they are doing to their minorities.
THEY HAVE EVERYTHING TO DI WITH EACH OTHER! they are coming from the same u.s. centers capitalistic zionist media sources! DUH!

These two incidents have nothing to do with each other, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the persecution of Uighurs. You are making a false comparison, you cannot use it as an example to refute every single piece of information reported in the future. Please grow up.

No, I'm afraid the current world doesn't work like that. China will have to be answerable for what they are doing to their minorities.

It is not in question. You have no objection to it other than your conspiratorial mind, You cannot refute a single point and resort to muddying the issue by conflating it with a past event that has no bearing on the current issue. Make a coherent argument before opening your mouth.
it's in question with EVERYONE except with indians like you!
This is today's Xinjiang, can anyone find a place like this in Kashmir, Palestine, or even the whole central and south Asia? A real time video is worth a million words.

No, I'm afraid the current world doesn't work like that. China will have to be answerable for what they are doing to their minorities.
That's pretty condescending.. China will " have to"? ? China is not Afghanistan nor Iraq, what are you gonna do with China? Invading us? bombing us?
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