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China 1992, India 2012


PLA Type 98 Main Battle Tank

When we get tired of talking with you, you'll know.
^lol I'd like to see you drive that in the himalayas :lol:

How about these Chinese weapons? You think they'll cross the Himalayas?


Trio of WZ-10 Attack Helicopters


Trio of WZ-10 Attack Helicopters

[Note: Thank you to "No_Name" for the pictures.]


H-6K "God of War" Bomber


H-6K "God of War" bomber


H-6M Bombs Away!


Chinese Rolling Thunder!

[Note: Thank you to A.Man for the first picture and Deino for the second caption.]


China's J-STARS

In the next Sino-Indian war, China controls the high ground and this will spell doom for India.

1. China controls the ultimate high ground of space. With its operational Beidou-2 navigational system of GPS satellites (see citation below), China can deliver a GPS-guided cruise (or ballistic) missile onto any Indian military target that it sees.

In an earlier post, I provided a citation for 30 Chinese military-related satellites and the lack of a single dedicated Indian military satellite. With the advantage of dozens of Chinese spy satellites, China can see the Sino-Indian battlefield in realtime and continuously bomb any concentration of Indian troops or military assets.

2. China has 1,800 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) facing Taiwan that can be redeployed to the Sino-Indian battlefield. Obviously, China has plenty more SRBMs in storage for use against Japan and South Korea. Altogether, the Chinese arsenal numbers in the thousands of SRBMs and cruise missiles. If China desires, it can move into a war-production mode and manufacture a few more thousands of missiles from its efficient factories.

The thousands of Chinese SRBMs and cruise missiles will deal a hammer blow to Indian military units. During the opening days of the next Sino-Indian war, the Indian military will be left in tatters as its airbases and army bases are shredded by thousands of Chinese cruise and ballistic missiles, which are guided to their targets by the Beidou-2 navigational system.

3. After delivering devastation to Indian military units with Chinese missiles, China's thrice-larger air force (with more modern fighters than India's) will quickly dominate the airspace. This is where China's J-STARS enter the picture to efficiently identify Indian ground targets for elimination.

4. China has at least four J-STARS (or Tu-154M/D Careless) for ELINT (i.e. ELectronic INTelligence).

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

"Tu-154M/D Careless

A number of Tu-154M/Ds (Type I/II) have been converted into ELINT aircraft, even through they are disguised under the cover of a civilian China United Airline registration. While Type I were believed to carry a BM/KZ800 ELINT system, Type II features a canoe shaped fairing under the fuselage which has been speculated to house an experimental synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to provide high-resolution ground mapping images, a capability similar to American E-8 J-STARS. Besides the SAR radar, the aircraft still retains some original EW and ELINT equipment, as indicated by the semi-spherical fairings and other small antennas under the rear fuselage. So far there are at least 4 of these modified Tu-154M/Ds (B-4015, B-4024, B-4029 & B-4138). Tu-154M/D (Type I) first entered the service with PLAAF in 1995.
- Last Updated 5/2/11"


Chinese J-STAR B-4015 with "an enlarged under-fuselage fairing reportedly accommodating a ground-mapping synthetic aperture radar."


Chinese J-STAR B-4024


Chinese J-STAR B-4029


Spirent Adds Compass/BeiDou-2 Capability to GSS8000 Simulator | Inside GNSS

"Spirent Adds Compass/BeiDou-2 Capability to GSS8000 Simulator
October 28, 2011
The Compass system is a project by China to develop an independent global satellite navigation system. The system is being deployed in three phases. Beidou-2, the second phase, is reported to be on track to be operational by early 2012 and will support regional operation from a network of geostationary and inclined orbit satellites."
^sure, the akash sam installations are waiting :azn:

the chest beating is silly Mr.Han, dialogue is the only option. You aren't scaring anyone with the long posts, rather it's entertaining
A Classic case of "Apne Mooh Miyan Mithoo" - A self praising parrot.. The article is not written by me.. I just quoted what's been reported on the media.. Gotta problem talk to the one who wrote the article and tell him how American universities are fishing for Chinese students in China.

I am not going to reply anymore to you morally dishonest Chinese. What can be the moral values of the people who hate the very same land which gave them shelter? What can be said about the moral values of people who were saved from atrocities by the very same country that they hate today?

We Chinese have been coming to American universities since the early 1900's. My own father came in the 1950's from hong kong to earn a EE from Wisconsin. He would go on to get a PhD in theoretical physics from Berkeley because he could not afford Stanford and post-doc for a Nobel laureate at Cornell. My father must have been a really, really good cheater according to you illiterate Indians.

It is you Indians that are morally bankrupt, envy thy neighbor and shovel bs like there is no tomorrow.
^sure, the akash sam installations are waiting :azn:

the chest beating is silly Mr.Han, dialogue is the only option. You aren't scaring anyone with the long posts, rather it's entertaining

You think Akash can stop Chinese DF-11A SRBMs and CJ-10 LACMs from destroying your Akash sites?

The CJ-10 has an operational range of 2,500km

Reference: See primary footnotes at CJ-10 (missile)



DF-11A Conventional Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM)


CJ-10 Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM)


DF-31A Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)


Mid-course Ground Based Interceptor (GBI) [a highly-modified system based on HQ-9 seen here]
You think Akash can stop Chinese DF-11A SRBMs and CJ-10 LACMs from destroying your Akash sites?

The CJ-10 has an operational range of 2,500km

Reference: See primary footnotes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJ-10_(missile)
any such attack will be dealt with our BMD systems and lead to counter strikes as well. nobody here is claiming to match china weapon-to-weapon, but we have enough credible deterence in place to make a major military op (needed to overtake Arunachal) a prohibitively costly affair.

why don't you focus on scaring the puny taiwan first, then come to us internet tough guy :azn:
any such attack will be dealt with our BMD systems and lead to counter strikes as well. nobody here is claiming to match china weapon-to-weapon, but we have enough credible deterence in place to make a major military op (needed to overtake Arunachal) a prohibitively costly affair.

why don't you focus on scaring the puny taiwan first, then come to us internet tough guy :azn:

China seeks a peaceful resolution to reincorporating Taiwan.

The Chinese policy of peaceful resolution does not apply to South Tibet. The 1962 Sino-Indian War was the first round in China's policy on South Tibet. The next Chinese move to reclaim South Tibet will be the final round.
We Chinese have been coming to American universities since the early 1900's. My own father came in the 1950's from hong kong to earn a EE from Wisconsin. He would go on to get a PhD in theoretical physics from Berkeley because he could not afford Stanford and post-doc for a Nobel laureate at Cornell. My father must have been a really, really good cheater according to you illiterate Indians.

It is you Indians that are morally bankrupt, envy thy neighbor and shovel bs like there is no tomorrow.

The article is not about your dad.. It's about the current crop of Chinese and if you got problem with content of the article then as I said instead of burning yourself and shouting out load on the forum, go deal with the one who came out with that not me. Obviously some body is out there who do not believe in your stories just like your ripped off products..

Also, the way you rip off the western products and cheat openly talks a lot about your moral bankruptcy.
China seeks a peaceful resolution to reincorporating Taiwan.

The Chinese policy of peaceful resolution does not apply to South Tibet. The 1962 Sino-Indian War was the first round in China's policy on South Tibet. The next Chinese move to reclaim South Tibet will be the final round.

uncle wen didn't tell you about the two skirmishes after 1962, when your pla boys got a boat-load of whup-a$s?? :azn:

you have plenty of shiny weapons, perhaps you should now borrow a pair from pakistanis

get this firmly in your head, peaceful resolution is the only option you have
^we all have the crazies on all sides, let's not jump to conclusions based on comments of such teens
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