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Chill Bangladesh Thread

I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Novera Ahmed, a modern sculptor from our shores. She came to prominence in East Pakistan in the 1950's and was at least five decades ahead of her time. Just like our architect Muzharul Islam moved forward the state of our architectural standards at least half a century - Novera Ahmed did the same for our modern arts and sculpture Movement in East Pakistan and Bangladesh. Novera Madam was a contemporary of the other celebrated artist Zainul Abedin. This was the heyday of our modern arts movement, when it was yet to be hijacked by Kolkata-inspired Hindutva radicals, who have now turned our arts movement into a Chetonabadi stupidity of Mongol shovajatra processions on the 1st of Baisakh.

Considered quite an enigma, Novera Ahmed was the first modern sculptor in then East Bengal. All that is known about her come from secondary sources – more fiction than facts, some say – but, this much is for certain that Novera Ahmed was a bold, brave, and confident artist, extraordinarily gifted in sculpturing.


Born in 1939 – many argue it is 1930 – Novera grew up seeing her mother make dolls and houses from clay, something that fascinated her a great deal about sculptures from quite a young age. As she grew up, Novera’s interest in studying the art of making sculptures grew alongside and eventually, she made her way to Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts in London, despite all odds. After completing her degree, she returned to Bangladesh and during 1956 – 1960, she had worked on about 100 sculptures in Dhaka.

In the early stage of her career, Novera Ahmed’s works were influenced by English Artist Henry Moore. She experimented with geometrical and anthropomorphic forms, where she designed sculptures mixing human and animal figures using stones and concrete. Eventually, she included steel, iron, and bronze in her sculptures. Later, Novera got fond of spray paintings, some made using plane crash remains, which were revered for their innovative qualities and accurate lines. It did not take long before she discovered her footing, averting from influences.

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Novera’s first solo exhibition, ‘Inner Gaze’ took place in Dhaka in 1960. Some 75 of her works, mostly made with cement, were displayed during the exhibition. The exhibition helped Novera come into prominence. She also had an exhibition held in Lahore in 1961 and another one in Paris in 1973.


Novera Ahmed’s artefacts were a result of extensive academic training and practical knowledge. The mixture of folk traditions and western art is quite evident in her works. Many of her works depicted the rural way of life. Her artefacts also included Buddhist themes.

Novera incorporated the ideas of rural life and folk motifs brilliantly in her extensive family series.
Novera designed the sculptures in the series to represent the love between women and their children. ‘Composition’ and ‘Reclining Figures’ are two of the sculptures in the series. Some 33 sculptures of Novera Ahmed can be found in the Bangladesh National Museum. One of her other notable works includes ‘Dance of the Sun’ which was inspired by the powerful movements during Bharatanatyam, a major form of Indian classical dance. Le Petite Serpent, Le Djinn, Angkor are also some of Novera’s famous sculptures made with bronze.

Novera started travelling around the world in the 1960s and 70s. Her visit to South East Asia gave her inspiration for her works on the anti-war movement. Eventually, she moved to Paris where she settled. There, Novera got familiar with works of artists like Paul Cezanne and Henry Matisse who influenced a lot of Novera’s later artworks.

In 1974, Novera had an accident in Paris that badly affected her spine. From 1974-1984, she along with her partner Gregoire de Brouhns travelled extensively across Europe and visited India. During these 10 years, she did not work but she started working again, on paintings and sculptures, after her hiatus and she continued to till she drew her last breath in 2015.


It is safe to say that in her flamboyant yet a life lived away from the public eye, Novera revolutionized sculpture-making in Bangladesh of the seventies.

She not only made an entry into the male-dominated field of sculptures in the 1950s but she flourished and left an example for aspiring sculptors to follow in the decades to come.
Even though her work took a temporary backseat in Bangladesh over the years, they were rediscovered, time and again, for their sheer merit. One of Shilpacharya Jainul Abedin’s quotes perfectly fits in this situation as he once said, “It will take us a long time to understand what Novera is doing here”. The Bangladesh government awarded this revolutionary artist Ekushey Padak, one of the highest civilian awards in the country, in 1997. After her death, Novera Ahmed’s partner, Gregoire de Brouhns, set up a museum consisting of her works. The museum, Musee Novera Ahmed, is situated in a quaint French town – La Roche-Guyon – in Paris.

In all honesty, the life of Novera Ahmed is perhaps no less than a myth owing to the lack of information and the abundance of mystery surrounding her. But perhaps the real Novera Ahmed could be traced in the work that she loved and invested so much of her time in.

Unbound and Unconfined​

Tasmiah Chowdhury

Experimenting with sculptures, scrutinizing to film-reels, or pushing painting forward in bold new directions, the multifaceted visual artist Wakilur Rahman has made unconventional and eclectic contributions to the visual phenomena.

His works live and breathe his innate – and multicultural fine arts fascination and identity. His creations, in many cases, have caused to reconsider the very definitions of what art can look like, and what it can achieve.

Wakilur Rahman was born and raised in the village of Mahimaganj in Rangpur division in a large family of nine children. He is the second last of the nine children of his father, Azizur Rahman, and his mother, Rahima Khatun. Wakilur lived the majority of his childhood years in the north-western part of Bangladesh until he moved to Savar Upazila, in his ancestral homestead.

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Growing amidst a family who is inclined to literature, theatre, dance, and all genres of cultural significance, in some way leaned Wakilur to the media of art. “Our family carries a fascinating collection of cultural influences. We had a brilliant library corner. Altogether we used to dip into books, used to engage in theatre performances. My other siblings have been equally efficient and skillful in varied art disciplines, but I was better at sketches and illustrations than the rest of my siblings; although, that didn’t make my mind to be an artist at that point of time.

Later years, after I completed my secondary education, I decided to pursue art,” recalled Wakilur.
Wakilur began to identify himself in a new way after he attended the Institute of Fine Arts. Around this time, he came upon to associate with the best companions of his life. “We had plenty of time on that date. The campus was like a dynamic hub for discovery and collaboration.

I find myself very fortunate to be in an era where I met and learned from the wonderful talents; amongst them are remarkable painters, film-makers, sculptors, writers, poets of today”, the artist continued. Having graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts, Wakilur decided to move to China for his master’s degree in the Central School of Fine Arts, after receiving his scholarship.

While living in China, the artist closely observed the transforming socio-political and economic condition of the country. During this period, he developed critical perception on social, political and cultural issues. In 1986 Wakilur returned to his homeland, and a few years later, he moved to and began a new phase in Germany where he settled there for a long nine years. Staying there, the artist explored and experienced new forms of art and approach. The subsequent intellective affairs exploded Wakilur’s life and brought significant transformation to his works.

He started off as a painter and slowly became fascinated with conceptual installations, video-art, sculpture and architecture. The self-conscious artist works in different media and adapts each media as a means of an instrument to portray his concepts. His works deal with powerful concepts and ideas on culture, tradition, history, psychic emotions or a meditation on the self. The works are essentially conceptual which often concentrates minimalism aesthetic.

To emphasize this, the artist reduces the material presence of his works to an absolute minimum- a tendency to which the artist refers as the dematerialization of art. His at once intellectual and out-of-the-box creations continue to inspire huge audiences around the globe that speaks about his propensity for challenging socially ingrained norms and hierarchies. In more recent years, the artist gives special prominence to language and text, filtered through conceptual installations and paintings.

The artist’s work approach and pattern varies for different dimensional works. “When I start to mould a sculpture, I begin with sketch; I try to perceive the space. When I engage in video-art, I go after other methods. I observe and observe. I observe a piece for months. I work in an unceasing profound way. Some of my works are ten years dated. I unfold those and rework. If I observed one of my works for a long, and didn’t put a brush on that work for months, then certainly the work is complete.

It might be putting one dot or just adding a line; my work is not concluded until I am satisfied. But, when and to which note the work will be done is uncertain to say. Once the work is out of my hand, I have no control over the way a viewer will perceive the work. Different people will understand the same thing differently”, expressed Wakilur.
Wakilur considers himself as an art worker rather than just an artist. He is widely praised for his provocative language based public works that deal with powerful subjects of history and heritage of the country. At present, Wakilur lives in Dhaka where he teaches at the University of Asia Pacific. As a piece of advice to the young passionate art workers, Wakilur denotes ‘to think’, to think more widely and critically.
Visiting Bangladesh (Dhaka), for the first time in 14+ years to get engaged to a girl I love.

Flying via Biman from Manchester to Sylhet, and then Sylhet to Dhaka.

Not looking to spend 10+ hours on a direct flight with Deshi people and their screaming dimwitted children.

But I'm sure all that suffering will be well compensated for after reaching a half-trillion-dollar GDP BAL paradise.

I'm sure the 5 folds increase in GDP since the last time I went is evident (sarcasm)

Congratulations! All the best in your new married life!

I went after 6+ years. You will definitely see a lot of change in BD. Might have a hard time recognizing places.
Ayyub Bacchu (AB) was a legend of Bangla Rock in its heyday …. I think this song came out in the late eighties maybe?

চলে গেছেন রুপালি গীটার রেখে....

I see Indian members in other forum like to lie....... @Bilal9 Even in here they also show similar trait as we have encountered some of them in their C295 acquisition thread

Here is his post, he seems happy to see Indonesian Muslim lost many of the follower, dont know why he doesnt show any source of his posted diagram........





See the reality

As many as 86.93% of Indonesia's population is Muslim as of December 31, 2021​

The Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs noted that the total population of Indonesia was 273.87 million people on December 31, 2021. This figure increased by 1.64 million people compared to the position on June 30, 2021 of 272.23 million people.

There are 238.09 million people or 86.93% of Indonesia's population who are recorded as Muslims at the end of 2021. Thus the majority of the population in the country is Muslim.

As many as 20.45 million (7.47%) Indonesians convert to Christianity, 8.43 million (3.08%) are Catholic, and 4.67 million (1.71%) are Hindus.

There are also 2.03 million people or 0.74 million people in the country who are Buddhist, there are 73.63 thousand people (0.03%) who convert to Confucianism, and there are 126.51 thousand (0.05%) who adhere to the faith.

Meanwhile, according to gender, there are 138.3 million people (50.5%) of Indonesia's population who are male and 135.57 million (49.5%) are women.

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Catching Sea Hilisha in Deep Sea, Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh EEZ

They caught a 2500 KG whale shark and finally let it go. Whale Sharks are rather common in the Bay of Bengal coast surrounding Bangladesh, WB and Odisha coastal areas. They are very large animals the size of small whaled and like whales are non-threatening filter feeders.

Trawler operators are trained in conservation efforts in conjunction with USAID

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Korean talking about Indian Defense Forum

View attachment 900476

Good to see that the whole world is aware of these idiot Sanghi hyper nationalists.

The "New India" Modi has envisioned means these semi educated IT back office workers have largely become convinced that Indian has now become America, while their office sits right next to a massive slum (which they are blind to). No need to improve slums or improve any of the basic problems, just pretending will solve everything,...

They need to get out of India to realize how effed up their own country is....now watch these idiots flock here to attempt to "shut people up". Cowards don't try to do in any of the Pakistani sections though. They know they'll get banned in absolutely no time flat....

All these bhakt Indians will pretend India is perfect, while I am the first one to admit, what a dump Bangladesh is, long way to go to be anything near manageable....
Good to see that the whole world is aware of these idiot Sanghi hyper nationalists.

The "New India" Modi has envisioned means these semi educated IT back office workers have largely become convinced that Indian has now become America, while their office sits right next to a massive slum (which they are blind to). No need to improve slums or improve any of the basic problems, just pretending will solve everything,...

They need to get out of India to realize how effed up their own country is....now watch these idiots flock here to attempt to "shut people up". Cowards don't try to do in any of the Pakistani sections though. They know they'll get banned in absolutely no time flat....

All these bhakt Indians will pretend India is perfect, while I am the first one to admit, what a dump Bangladesh is, long way to go to be anything near manageable....

You can see how many foreign members in their defense forum and compare it with Pakistan Defense Forum or even the new Defense Hub (Turkish) to see that many have understood about their foolish bias behavior and thinking.

Man, even we can see the tendency like this with their leaders, you can see their economic projection stated by their economist and official Central Bank, Finance Minister and so on....See the gap correction between their boasting since 2021 and reality and latest projection.......

Compare it with Indonesian one, you see the economic projection of 4.5-5.2 percent posted by our Finance Minister for 2022 (she stated it in August 2021) show similarity with what actually happen in our 2022, our CB Governor even has habit to project economic in pessimis way, also many of our economists.

Our CB governor projected the economy for 2022 at 4.4 percent in the beginning of 2022, before Q4 2021 data come out, and now Indonesia economy growth is likely between 5-5.4 percent after Q1, Q2, Q3 number released and also after Money circulation and credit volume figure in October 2022 is released (October is part of Q4 and in October number, raising inflation from fuel price increase in September 1 have already become the factors)
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You can see how many foreign members in their defense forum and compare it with Pakistan Defense Forum or even the new Defense Hub (Turkish) to see that many have understood about their foolish bias behavior and thinking.

Man, even we can see the tendency like this with their leaders, you can see their economic projection stated by their economist and official Central Bank, Finance Minister and so on....See the gap correction between their boasting since 2021 and reality and latest projection.......

Compare it with Indonesian one, you see the economic projection of 4.5-5.2 percent posted by our Finance Minister for 2022 (she stated it in August 2021) show similarity with what actually happen in our 2022, our CB Governor even has habit to project economic in pessimis way, also many of our economists.

Our CB governor projected the economy for 2022 at 4.4 percent in the beginning of 2022, before Q4 2021 data come out, and now Indonesia economy growth is likely between 5-5.4 percent after Q1, Q2, Q3 number released and also after Money circulation and credit volume figure in October 2022 is released (October is part of Q4 and in October number, raising inflation from fuel price increase in September 1 have already become the factors)

I have much more confidence in Indonesian financial regulators than Indian ones at this time.

Officials in Indonesia at least care about their own credibility. While Indian cabinet appointees under Modi is a looney tunes situation.

Bunch of incompetent idiots - Indian finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman is very under educated for being a minister of a country with 1.4 Billion people. She does whatever Modi tells her to do.

In India almost all senior posts in govt. have to tow the official hyper-nationalist line and fabricate fake numbers to get votes for Modi. And gullible Indians buy everything that is published in their media, which all tow the Modi line.

In fact they have succeeded in convincing Indians working for IMF and World Bank to similarly assign glowing projected numbers for Indian economics.

When Bangladesh GDP per capita nominal became higher than India, Indian hyper nationalists were hyper-ventilating and could not believe it. :lol:

These bhakt people are used to such make-believe propaganda stories that - being poorer than Bangladesh came as a rude shock they could not get over....
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@Nergal bhai, this is for you, maybe you have seen this....

Dekhechi @Bilal9 Bhai agei. Tobu post korar jonno dhonnobad. Abed Khan er moto ibliish shoytan der asha Kori bichar hobe poroborti somoye!

Zodi sotti amra kleptocracy mukto Ekta society na gorte Pari, tahole dhore nebo ze sadhin hoye asolei amra aro boro poradhinotar shrinkhol porechhi.

Ekhon dekhen ki hoy. Poroborti constitution kivabe lekha hoy ( zodi adou lekha hoy ar ki) !
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