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Chill Bangladesh Thread

No matter what we show them, the indians will always insult us.
As for the pakistanis, they dont give a damn about us.
But anyway its good thing to show other users who are not south asians on what bangladesh is like.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
No matter what we show them, the indians will always insult us.
As for the pakistanis, they dont give a damn about us.
But anyway its good thing to show other users who are not south asians on what bangladesh is like.

There are more people on PDF than Pakistanis and Indians, the guests without user accounts are even more diverse in terms of backgrounds.

Not all Pakistanis and Indians are bigots, the decent ones can enjoy the natural beauty and learn a thing or two about Bangladesh.

Even the bigots can learn a thing or two and maybe they will tone their nonsense down a notch.

The image the word Bangladesh conjures in people's minds needs to be changed, we need to portray the beautiful and often understated and unknown side of Bangladesh.

Indeed, we represent our country on here and the way some of us behave with our own countrymen is deplorable and does not show the country in good light.

I assume both of you are in support of a potential thread like this ?

@Atlas @X-ray Papa
There are more people on PDF than Pakistanis and Indians, the guests without user accounts are even more diverse in terms of backgrounds.

Not all Pakistanis and Indians are bigots, the decent ones can enjoy the natural beauty and learn a thing or two about Bangladesh.

Even the bigots can learn a thing or two and maybe they will tone their nonsense down a notch.

The image the word Bangladesh conjures in people's minds needs to be changed, we need to portray the beautiful and often understated and unknown side of Bangladesh.

Indeed, we represent our country on here and the way some of us behave with our own countrymen is deplorable and does not show the country in good light.

I assume both of you are in support of a potential thread like this ?

@Atlas @X-ray Papa

I don't think there needs to be a specific thread like that. (Why not create a similar one for any other given region/nation?)

As for showing Bangladesh in a favorable light to lurkers.....I would say first WE as a group need to increase the level of sophistication in our discourse in the subforum.

Or at the very least stop with the petty fights which happen WAY TOO OFTEN.

Also, the video on your OP was awesome!
I don't think there needs to be a specific thread like that. (Why not create a similar one for any other given region/nation?)

As for showing Bangladesh in a favorable light to lurkers.....I would say first WE as a group need to increase the level of sophistication in our discourse in the subforum.

Or at the very least stop with the petty fights which happen WAY TOO OFTEN.

Also, the video on your OP was awesome!

I don't engage in vitriol often, but the axomi just pushes me off with his gibberish, but even so I stick to my modus operandi of no direct insults.

I intend to step up my diplomacy and verbal gymnastics game on here.

Expect a rise in pedantry too, I have no choice but to dumb them down with the power of words.

Regarding engaging in discourse with trolls and haters, I think we need to stop with the one liners and go drink so and so comments.

We need to provide clear and concise replies backed by facts, statements that cannot be refuted, make a strong argument.

You know you have won, when the other side diverts to another topic or resorts to cheap insults.

So I think, it's high time we Bangladeshi users agree to do away with direct insults and slandering religious beliefs.

Clever use of the English language, can be equally scathing to our adversaries.
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I don't engage in vitriol often, but the axomi just pushes me off with his gibberish, but even so I stick to my modus operandi of no direct insults.

I intend to step up my diplomacy and verbal gymnastics game on here.

Expect a rise in pedantry too, I have no choice but to dumb them down with the power of words.

I have my lapses in better judgement also sometimes.

Usually when I am sleep deprived or bored.

But I try to stick to the topics at hand and let alot of crap slide.

PDF is an interesting place.

But I love it.

I wish there was a way to dictate your posts.

I hate to type which is problematic in an online discussion forum lol.

Ideally, it would be great to have a cup of tea or coffee and discuss things in person with alot of people here.

But I guess this is the next best thing.
There are more people on PDF than Pakistanis and Indians, the guests without user accounts are even more diverse in terms of backgrounds.
Yes that's the reason I found the idea good as others can see how Bangladesh is . Interestingly none other than Indian and Pakistani have any bad relationship with us ( some exeptions from other counties are just the tail of Nilgiri and bluesky ; assames guy is not very influential to make a team with some isolated freaks outside south asia) , so yes they should know about Bangladesh.

Not all Pakistanis and Indians are bigots, the decent ones can enjoy the natural beauty and learn a thing or two about Bangladesh.
I know that . We have many true well wishers from Pakistan and also few are from India too like @Joe Shearer dada is a very good man to be honest .

But unfortunately most of them do not visit the section often , as this section is a basically troll infested section and also I don't think forum host care about this section . Some good people tried to control this section but I don't think this section can be controlled .
Indeed, we represent our country on here and the way some of us behave with our own countrymen is deplorable and does not show the country in good light.
Are you still sad for the nasty behavior of this Bangladeshi troll ? Don't even think about him .Once I was a well wisher of that man ,later when found his irrational posts and pure malignity towards Bangladesh,now you see my position about him .

I personally want to give you a suggestion if you allow me and that is ,just smash the head of the snake and try not to tag any mod against them because if you do so ,the trolls will later start calling you as cry baby ,such venomous gang they are . Either fight ( indeed without name calling as the gang is very good at silent reporting )or just ignore them ( do not read their any of their posts , as I forgot when I read the last post of Nilgiri), treat them like that simply they don't exist.

Or you can challenge their every single line that I do for bluesky whenever I feel it necessary.

IMHO it's only these two way you can counter them .

BTW it's my personal opinion only .

I assume both of you are in support of a potential thread like this ?

@Atlas @X-ray Papa

Yes I support such thread , but never expect that venomous snakes ( troll gang ) is going to stop or even going to show slightest respect. Although yes others will know about Bangladesh.

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Classic Bangladesh, water, water and yet more water.
reminds me of that train ride to swamp bottom scene from "spirited away"

ya, a sticky thread would be nice but i'm not getting out of my cozy blanket just for that.

Classic Bangladesh, water, water and yet more water.

Does any BD user have the ear of a nice mod ? I think we need to make a Bangladesh thread dedicated to its beautiful landscapes and sights, a way to show the positive non concrete jungle side of Bangladesh.

We can get mods to sticky the thread so people can first have a look at Bangladesh before passing comments based on propaganda and preconceived notions about our country.

What do you say brothers @Al-Ansar @Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens @Black_cats @Michael Corleone @Atlas @Avicenna @gom poa @X-ray Papa ?

Sorry for the tag btw.

No this is a legit tag.

There used to be a thread called "Beautiful Bangladesh". See if you can revive it and make it sticky by asking our mod. @krash your gracious action is needed please.
I met a few folks here who thinks being Muslim and Bengali are mutually exclusive. One of my university friend was shocked that you could be a Bengali and a Muslim at the same time. I met people in Kolkata who think the same way, and hate Muslims rather openly, but again i have met people who are very nice and welcoming.

Let me state bluntly that whoever in Kolkata feels that being Muslim and being Bangali are mutually exclusive is an ***. A total thundering ***. You have met some very peculiar people, quite probably somebody with my background, that is, a refugee from East Bengal.

I am not apologising for them, because it is not for me to apologise for every bigot you encounter; life is too short for that. Only let me say that in a culture where for a ceremonial feast, a Hindu host would clearly demarcate specific seating for specific groups, including Muslims, the idea of excluding Muslims is utterly ridiculous. A Muslim might object to the way these customs were implemented, and seek perfect equality, but Brahmins (and two other castes) got priority at these, even above the family members, whether or not the hosting family belonged to these three themselves.

So for someone to say or to hint that they thought Muslims were not Bangali is ridiculous.

You may have either met the continuingly wounded refugee, like the family of my friend Somok Roy, whose brothers Tathagata and Saugata are politicians; I enclose a link to Tathagata's latest outrage so that you can see for yourself what abnormal people can say or do, far beyond whatever you have said here.

The point I am making is that Saugata is a very prominent member of the Trinamool Congress; if anyone describes the TMC as anti-Muslim, he will have his listeners rolling on the floor with laughter.

The other possibility is that you met someone who is upset by the presence of extremely nasty gangster elements all from the UP and Bihar regions. They are strong in Watgunge and Topsia, and are laws unto themselves. There was that notorious incident where they trapped a DC away from his police guard and gouged out his eyes. EVERY respectable citizen hates these goons, and unfortunately they happen to be Muslim, so they forget Bangali Muslims and concentrate their fire on these very prominent and very unsavoury characters.

Please try to understand the context and be sure that if Kolkata were anti-Muslim, forget about anti-Bangladeshi, then the location between Lenin Sarani (the old Dharmatola Street), Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Avenue (the old Wellesley Street), Mirza Ghalib Street (formerly Free School Street) and Ripon Street would not be an area where Bangladesh currency is accepted for exchange, phone connections offering cheap rates to Bangladesh are available and the hotels and lodging houses are totally oriented towards Bangladeshi travellers.

PS: Do the new names of the old streets tell you anything?

But unfortunately most of them do not visit the section often , as this section is a basically troll infested section and also I don't think forum host care about this section . Some good people tried to control this section but I don't think this section can be controlled .
Are you still sad for the nasty behavior of this Bangladeshi troll ? Don't even think about him .Once I was a well wisher of that man ,later when found his irrational posts and pure malignity towards Bangladesh,now you see my position about him .

I personally want to give you a suggestion if you allow me and that is ,just stomp the head of the snake and try not to tag any mod against them because if you do so ,the trolls will later start calling you as cry baby ,such venomous gang they are . Either fight ( indeed without name calling as the gang is very good at silent reporting )or just ignore them ( do not read their any of their posts , as I forgot when I read the last post of Nilgiri), treat them like that simply they don't exist.

I disagree.

I consider myself a Bangal, although I am an Indian citizen and a loyal patriot. I have made five reports against awful language used on this thread, and all five have been acted upon, and the culprit warned.

Eitarey koye hather sukh.

You may feel that this is a harsh step; I will not hesitate to take it on behalf of my brothers. Don't worry, even if you have something nasty to say about me, I recognise flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. Remember that I fought with Nilgiri, not once but many times, when he bullied Bangladeshi members; those posts are still on record.

We are very good friends now, but the name Bangali and the country Bangladesh only comes up in a highly complimentary and positive context, and that suits me fine.

To all Bangladesh posters:

I can from personal experience assure you the Moderators take reports - serious, justified reports - VERY SERIOUSLY.

Read my signature. That is not an idle story.

Classic Bangladesh, water, water and yet more water.

Does any BD user have the ear of a nice mod ? I think we need to make a Bangladesh thread dedicated to its beautiful landscapes and sights, a way to show the positive non concrete jungle side of Bangladesh.

We can get mods to sticky the thread so people can first have a look at Bangladesh before passing comments based on propaganda and preconceived notions about our country.

What do you say brothers @Al-Ansar @Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens @Black_cats @Michael Corleone @Atlas @Avicenna @gom poa @X-ray Papa ?

Sorry for the tag btw.

This used to be a very busy thread. Perhaps was a sticky too:
I have made five reports against awful language used on this thread, and all five have been acted upon, and the culprit warned.
It's no big deal if you report any culprit post . I was not talking about it . I wanted to say that some of your compatriots love to abuse others and later report silently when they were abused back . I just wanted to say that ,you are not one of them who love to play dirty politics .Feel free to correct me if I am wrong .
Thank you very much for your reply .
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I met a few folks here who thinks being Muslim and Bengali are mutually exclusive. One of my university friend was shocked that you could be a Bengali and a Muslim at the same time. I met people in Kolkata who think the same way, and hate Muslims rather openly, but again i have met people who are very nice and welcoming.
Ethnic identity is an ever evolving concept. Different people will have different answers to what it means to be a Bengali and it will change with time.
Saswati Nath may be right in the sense that there is a decent number of Bengalis in West Bengal who think along the lines, that Islamic and Bengali cultures are mutually exclusive, and maybe a lot of Pakistanis think that too, but no point fighting them over their opinion, you can have your own definition of what it means to be a Bengali.
Well, the notion of such mutual exclusivity is prevalent among many from both Epar-Opar Bangla. But we can't ignore or refrain from examining the "background" or "personal story" of the preacher of such belief. In Bangladesh to put it straight, this notion was drilled into peoples mind by a certain quarter of mullahs. While in WB the backers of this notion is mainly refugees from desh-bhag, often bitter of their experience or just people who finds hating Muslims to be "trendy" (though none of these groups can claim the originality of the idea, they are just subscribers) In recent days BJP bigots are using this idea (& the people) to gain foothold in WB.

What I am trying to say is, yes, culture & identity is an ever evolving concept. But it's not an smooth process, it almost never was. So we should counter them with our own ideas & actually have that conversation. Because this idea has the potential to detract Bangladesh ftom it's course.

Personally I debate every single person who comes to me with this idea. Why? I know on a personal basis, I can & did gave them enough food for thought or even a pause....next time they weren't so sure of it...
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There is no big deal if you report any culprit post . I was not talking about it . I wanted to say that some of your compatriots love to abuse others and later report silently when they were abused back . I just wanted to say that ,you are not one of them who love to play dirty politics .

Never, ever.

Count on me if you want help. Any kind, any time.
I can from personal experience assure you the Moderators take reports - serious, justified reports - VERY SERIOUSLY.
Surely they take report very seriously no disagreement here . Just other people have less time to report every abusive post as they can not form a gang . A gang can necessarily report more posts as they were at least 5/6 in numbers.

On the other hand who can not form a unity ,they can not report every post alone .

Never, ever.

Count on me if you want help. Any kind, any time.
Yes that's what I was talking about that you are a good man (unlike most of your PDF compatriots) whom I respect . Thanks and regards .
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