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Chief Russian Ground Forces meets COAS at GHQ


What happens?[/QUOT
Look at Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Somalia, Sudan etc
I am very skeptical abt Alliance with Russia as well. Not doubting their tech or military power but they dont always follow the best practices. Their training and knowledge base is definitely inferior to the Americans. Capability development wise and in terms of analysis, american assistance is far superior. and this alone could mean the difference between winning and losing. I hope we learn what we can from Russians but we need access to american knowledge base. Although having russians on our side is probably better than not on our side but I'm pretty sure they cant substitute America in every way
More than just an engine, we require a ToT for turbine development at home. This is all required for greater strategic interestss in-face of a combo of 'enemy states' now hell-bent to dismantle us to smitherenes.

This is strategic reallignment and correction of Pak policy after the foolishness of the late 40s and 50s. The Afghan peace process is dictating closer alliance as US presence in Afghanistan is causing worries to Russia, China and Pakistan alike. If something more concrete ala new engine from the Red Bear then so be it. @messiach has already pointed to it in one of her post.
Now u start puzzles :) enlighten us just today US treasury announce BLA terrorist organization(hope going to push PTM too in list ) i was going to write in details whats its implication but as usual some so called geniuses starts their ranting giving their useless opinions rather than facts based analyses
How about BJP? -"hope going to push PTM too in list"
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