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Chief of the Army Staff | General Qamar Javed Bajwa's Desk.

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I won't specify the tanks, however, in case of requiring a quick increase, the time is definitely less than 6 months... Very less than that.
Thank you. Very interesting comment. I won't ask you anymore on the subject. However are our efforts to acquire engine tech related to this deal or a separate venture. My only suggestion was on account of dire sitiation in Ukraine which might result in a good deal on TOT for us.
Secondly are we lookimg at a small specialized steel plant as it seems all future progress is pointing towards it.
COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa was called on by, H.E. Danila V. Ganich,
Russian Ambassador to Pakistan at GHQ May 27.


COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa called on by, Angela Aggeler, US Charge d’ Affairs to Pakistan at GHQ, May 28.

Leading from the front,


Russians are also in the game.
Russians are also in the game.

Meeting both the same day, must be afghan end game.
COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Command & Staff College (C&SC), Quetta & addressed officers & faculty of the College


COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa introduced the staff.


Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday said the Pakistan Army produced unmatched results when pitched against its adversaries and successfully deterred the nefarious designs of the country’s enemies.

The prime minister was addressing the participants of staff course here at the Command and Staff College,
June 02, 2021

gen qamar and chief of pakistan qatar takaful insurance company during the meeting photo ispr

Gen Qamar and chief of Pakistan-Qatar Takaful Insurance Company during the meeting. PHOTO: ISPR

A member of the Qatari ruling family appreciated Pakistan's contributions for conflict prevention in the region and expressed a desire for enhanced Islamabad-Doha bilateral collaboration, a statement issued by the military’s media wing said on Wednesday.
COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa, visited field training area near Kotli.


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