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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Kayani confers military awards

Rawalpindi: Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani conferred military awards to the Army personnel in an investiture ceremony held at General Headquarters on Tuesday. A large number of military officials and relatives of awardees attended the ceremony. Twenty-five officers were awarded Hilal-e-Imtiaz (Military), 47 officers and soldiers were awarded Tamgha-e-Bisalat, 5 soldiers were awarded United Nations Medal. Medals of Shuhada were received by their family members. pr
Friday, April 05, 2013

Army to ‘fully back’ solution to Balochistan problems: COAS

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Quetta and held meetings with Balochistan Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi and Caretaker Chief Minister Nawab Ghous Baksh Barozai.

The security situation and smooth conduct of the upcoming general elections were discussed in the meetings held late on Wednesday. According to an ISPR press release, the COAS reiterated army’s commitment to extending all possible assistance to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for holding free, fair and peaceful elections. The provincial leadership was assured by the COAS that the army would wholeheartedly welcome all-inclusive elections.

Gen Kayani emphasised the need for participation by all political parties in the May elections. He said army is prepared to extend all necessary support in this regard. Earlier, Commander of the Southern Command Lieutenant General Muhammad Alam Khattak briefed the COAS regarding security situation and development projects being undertaken by the army in Balochistan. Amidst growing criticism of the role of the military and security agencies in Balochistan, Gen Kayani said his force will “fully back” any solution to the problems of the restive province that are within the country’s constitution. “The army will fully back any solution under the constitution of Pakistan,” Kayani was quoted as saying in a rare public statement on the situation in Balochistan, which has been rocked by militant and sectarian violence for the past few years. app
Weekend Edition August 12-14, 2011

How to Increase the National Loathing of America

Targeting Pakistan and Its Army


The New York Times, relying on the usual anonymous sources who leak and brief its reporters selectively on official policies, reported in June that Pakistan’s army chief, General Kayani, was “fighting to save his position in the face of seething anger from top generals and junior officers since the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden.”

It was an intriguing concept. How could the NYT team imagine that Pakistan’s army chief had any reason to “fight to save” himself from “top generals and junior officers”? Who were these energetic conspirators, one wonders? The notion that “top generals” were somehow influencing majors and captains to encourage them to revolt against their commander is fascinating. Or maybe it was the young officers who were pressuring the generals? Taking advice from Elvis and Michael Jackson, perhaps.

Anything is possible in the fevered imagination of tastily-briefed reporters. How could they imagine that these supposed plotters would overthrow General Kayani? (Which of course they haven’t and won’t.)

Now this doesn’t mean to say that officers and all members of the Pakistan army are not mightily annoyed at the way their Service is being treated by the United States of America. It appears that some people in Washington are intent on humiliating the army and the entire Pakistan nation, and it would be natural reaction for those most affected to feel aggrieved about this. There is indeed evidence of what the New York Times lip-smackingly describes as “seething anger.” But this doesn’t mean to say that the fury is focused on Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff or even on the government.

Some reporters have tidy, instantly accessible and delectably spicy government sources, never-to-be-named, who feed them with tidbits of disinformation which are based, cleverly and plausibly, on spicy stinky dribbles from Washington’s washing machines.

These frisky tipsters are empowered by their superiors to talk to reporters off the record. If there were no permission given to do so, there would indeed be a drought of tittle-tattle. We should bear in mind that leaks to the media are greeted with energetic condemnation and savage reprisals by the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA – when the leaks aren’t authorized as a matter of their own policy. Given official reaction to those who have had the courage to provide uncomfortable facts publicly, as distinct from passing on officially embroidered fantasies, it would be a very brave American official who dared reveal truth to the media off the record.

So the nameless leakers plant meaty disinformation. They are purveyors of the sort of stuff we like to believe. (Come on : let’s be honest with ourselves – most of us love scandalous chitter-chatter.) And the genius of such operations is that some of it – just a fraction – a grain, a scrap on occasions – is attractively, compellingly true. The main targets of these agencies’ propaganda are their own citizens. So the point-people are U.S. reporters.

Here’s one of them, saying that “The military has to be understood to be a world unto itself in Pakistan. If you walk onto a military base, if you see how people are housed, if you see the quality of living, the quality of just basic food supplies amongst the military families, you understand that there is a real Catch 22 situation.”

I very much doubt that this man – described as “Sebastian Gorka, a military affairs analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy in Washington who advises the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, as well as the British military and the United States Special Operations Command” – has set foot inside a battalion barracks or visited a soldier’s living quarters in Pakistan. (The head of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, incidentally, is Mr Clifford May, formerly of the New York Times, the Republican National Committee, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.) The quality of life in Pakistan army bases and domestic areas is fairly reasonable, although the condition of some buildings would excite the admiration of a native-born Spartan.

But Mr Gorka is believed by the people who want to believe him. Just like those who trust the New York Times reporters who pronounced that General Kayani is “fighting to save his position in the face of seething anger from top generals and junior officers since the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden.” What rubbish.

In spite of the generosity of the U.S. after the catastrophic earthquake and floods in Pakistan, the average Pakistani citizen is deeply distrustful of America. Following the Abbottabad raid the Pew Research Center conducted a poll which found that 73 percent of Pakistanis had an unfavorable opinion of the United States : “Favorable opinion of the United States is near its lowest point in almost a decade . . . Currently, 12% express a favorable opinion of the U.S, down five percentage points from 2010.”

So you might think that American diplomatic efforts would be geared to spreading the word that the U.S. is genuinely supportive of Pakistan, which is suffering more terrorist violence than almost any other country. This effort might be centered round understanding of national culture and religion and attempts to spread the word that Washington is on Pakistan’s side.

Not a hope.


I don’t know what you think about homosexuality. And I don’t care. Nor should anyone get wound up about personal preferences. In the words of the author Evelyn Waugh, “To know and love another human being is the root of all wisdom” – so why should same-gender relations be disapproved or criminalized? But in Pakistan there is strong revulsion against gay liberty and although many would consider that to be intolerant, it is nevertheless deeply offensive to the credo of the entire country. There is a Pashto doggerel that in English goes something like

There’s a boy across the river
With a bottom like a peach,
But alas I cannot swim . . .

and there is no doubt that homosexuality exists – but such relations are regarded as having neither acceptability nor legitimacy. It could not be more clear that major insult to the country as a whole would be caused by open foreign endorsement of gay rights in Pakistan.

So on 26 June the American Embassy in Pakistan arranged a “gay, lesbians and transgender pride celebration ceremony,” with the acting ambassador announcing that “I want to be clear that the U.S. Embassy is here to support you [Pakistani gays, lesbians and transgenders] and stand by your side every step of the way” – against all cultural and religious tenets of the nation as a whole.

If Washington had wanted to convey contempt of Pakistan and deeply insult the majority of its citizens, this was one of the most effective ways of doing it. But why do it? And who benefited from this get-together? Not Pakistani gays and lesbians and transgenders, that is certain, because they are now even more in the spotlight of intolerance, and actually in fear of their lives. Pakistani transgenders, known as hijras, are generally accepted (and are fascinating people, usually with a wicked sense of humor), but recent attention to them, focused by the American Embassy, has not made their lives any easier.

The main outcome of the charade was increased national loathing of America.


Then there was the announcement by the outgoing (in every way) U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mullen, that the torture and murder of a Pakistani journalist in May was “sanctioned by the government [of Pakistan].” As the Globe and Mail newspaper commented, “there can be no doubt Admiral Mullen knew exactly the sort of diplomatic damage his bombshell would cause. The admiral didn’t stop there. He suggested the killing was part of a pattern and added that Pakistan was continuing ‘to, quite frankly, spiral in the wrong direction’.” Such a proclamation by America’s senior military officer is astonishing. It is not only a major nation-to-nation statement of dramatic magnitude, it is an international declaration that the government of Pakistan was complicit in a criminal act and actually planned and carried out a vicious murder. His declaration has not been contradicted by the State Department, which, in addition to having its embassies holding culturally offensive jamborees, appears powerless when American military representatives issue pronouncements that have profoundly adverse effects on bilateral relations.

In Washington there is a campaign being mounted against the Pakistan government and army, and it is proving to be most effective in stirring up hostility against these institutions both internationally and domestically.

Who are the directors of the Crusade? Who is stage-managing all this? And why?

Brian Cloughley’s website is Brian Cloughley
Here’s one of them, saying that “The military has to be understood to be a world unto itself in Pakistan. If you walk onto a military base, if you see how people are housed, if you see the quality of living, the quality of just basic food supplies amongst the military families, you understand that there is a real Catch 22 situation.”

Somebody needs to give the guy a visit to the military cantts...and especially the MOQ's and BOQ's and the quality of their bathrooms. Really 5 star!;)

As for the food, last i heard, people were still buying from CSD!

General Kayani all dressed like a spy man! :azn:
COAS inaugurates projects in Bajaur, Swat.

April 12, 2013 - Updated 1825 PKT

RAWALPINDI: COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Bajaur and Swat on Friday in connection with inauguration of projects completed under UAE Pakistan Assistance Programme (UPAP).

According to the ISPR press release, the COAS inaugurated Technical College at Khar, Bajaur. The college will provide diploma level technical education for upto 450 students in various disciplines of Engineering including electrical, mechanical, civil and mining.

Pakistan Army Engineers have completed the project at the cost of Rs 266.2 million in less than two years.

Later, COAS went to Shamozai, Swat for the inauguration of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Bridge at the site of the old Shamozai Bridge. Almost two million people of Swat will be facilitated by the construction of this bridge. The project was completed by Frontier Works Organization at the cost of Rs 897.4 million in one and a half year, the release said.

Talking on the occasion, COAS appreciated the quality of the work done and expressed thanks - on behalf of the Government of Pakistan - to the Government and people of UAE for their support in carrying out critically needed development work in the terrorism affected areas of FATA and Swat.

He expressed hope that such projects will alleviate the hardships faced by people of the area and help root out terrorism by providing education and economic opportunities to the youth.

Earlier, on arrival, COAS was received by Lieutenant General Khalid Rabbani, Commander Peshawar Corps. The Ambassador of UAE to Pakistan, His Excellency Essa Abdulla Albasha Al-Noaimi and Director UPAP, Mr Abdullah Al Ghefeli were also present at the occasion.

April 17, 2013: Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Lahore, to preside over the prize distribution of Pakistan Army PACES Competition.

PACES (Physical Agility and Combat Efficiency System), is an initiative to improve the physical training regime within the Army. The programme relies on modern scientific techniques to assist each soldier in achieving requisite fitness standards by concentrating on individual rather than group based development. After tests and trials, the system is now in its second year and is producing very good results.

Chief of Army Staff appreciated the standards displayed by participants of the competition and the efforts of both trainers and trainees in achieving those standards. He said that regardless of the advances in warfare technology, the basic traits of soldiering are as important as ever, with physical fitness being one of the most important. Later, he distributed prizes among the winners of team and individual events. Army Air Defence Command was declared the winner formation for the year 2013.

Earlier, on arrival, Chief of Army Staff was received by Lieutenant General Maqsood Ahmed, Commander Lahore Corps.


Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani giving away Physical Agility and Combat Efficiency trophy to the captain of winner team. (Photo ISPR)
Pakistan fully capable of responding effectively to any threat: COAS

April 20, 2013

KAKUL: Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Saturday said that Pakistan is fully capable of responding effectively to any threat and added that despite the current focus on internal security, the armed forces remain fully prepared to defeat an external direct threat,

"Pakistan is a peace loving country. Our quest for peace is essentially based on a genuine desire to improve our lot and that of our future generations. Let no one see it as a weakness," he made thee remarks while addressing Graduating Cadets of 127th PMA Long Course, Integrated Course 46 and Mujahid Course-1 here at Pakistan Military Academy.

The COAS said, "We have exercised restraint in the face of some very belligerent statements in recent months. Let it suffice to say that Pakistan is fully capable of responding effectively to any threat. Despite our current focus on internal security, we remain fully prepared to defeat an external direct threat."

He said let there be no doubt that with a strong Pak Army and the nation standing with it united, no harm can ever come to Pakistan.

Gen. Kayani said that in its short history, the country has overcome many a challenges that would have overwhelmed lesser nations.

He expressed the confidence that the nation can do it again.

The COAS said, "We are going through difficult times, but so has every other successful nation at some time in their history."

Pak Army is fully committed to the cause and as always standing with the nation.

He assured that the nation will succeed if it remains committed to the basis for creation of Pakistan and remain steadfast as a nation.

He reminded that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and Islam can never ever be taken out of Pakistan.

However, Islam should always remain a unifying force.

He said that regardless of odds, Pakistan Army will keep on doing its best towards its common dream for a truly Islamic Republic of Pakistan envisioned by the Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal.

He said he felt honoured and privileged to review the Passing Out Parade, today.

"This day marks the culmination of your basic military training at an Institution which stands out with distinction amongst the leading military academies of the world."

He felicitated the cadets for becoming part of the great institution that is Pakistan Army.

Gen. Kayani also congratulated the graduating cadets of brotherly Islamic Countries; Palestine, Sudan and Turkmenistan.

The COAS also extend his special commendations to the Champion Company and those who have won awards of excellence.

He said that it is their first and foremost responsibility to maintain these standards.

"I have full trust that you will never hesitate to always place your Country, Pak Army and your men before your own selves."

He asked the cadets that they have become part of an institution where nothing else but their own merit will be the sole consideration for career progression.

"Be ambitious. There is nothing wrong with it, but the only way to achieve your ambitions is through hard work. There is no shortcut to it. Do have a dream and always aim high."

He urged them to take pride in excellence in whatever they do, as this is the best source of personal satisfaction.

The COAS awarded sword of honour for the overall best cadet of the 127 Long course to Battalion Senior Under Officer Syed Awais Iftikhar, President's Gold Medal for the overall second best cadet to Battalion Senior Under Officer, Hassan Javed, Chief of Army Staff Overseas Gold Medal for the best Allied Cadet to Allied Under Officer Muhsin Basheer Mohamed Saeed Elzaki, Chief of Army Staff Cane for the best Gentleman Cadet of Integrated Course-46 to Course Under Officer, Muhammad Asad Ali and Commandant's Cane for the best cadet of Mujahid Course I, Course Under Officer Muhammad Adnan.

Earlier, Major General Sadiq Ali, Commandant Pakistan Military Academy, welcomed the Chief of Army Staff when he arrived in the Parade Ground.

The diplomats, senior military officers, parents and relatives of the passing out cadets witnessed the passing out parade.

Any more info on this?


There is an army reserve of 500,000 whose members have a triennial attendance obligation to the age of 45. Refresher training is as adequate as can be expected of a three week period, but reserve service seems popular. The 180,000 strong National Guard would be useful in guarding vulnerable points. It consists of the Mujahid Force of 60,000, organized in battalions, some with light air defence capability. the Janbaz Force of 100,000, whose members are intended to serve close to their homes; and the National Cadet Corps in universities and colleges. these elements have some value in providing poorly trained but enthusiastic reinforcements for rear area units.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/21550-pakistan-army-information.html#ixzz2R1CWxkzQ

bit of upgrading going on

There is an army reserve of 500,000 whose members have a triennial attendance obligation to the age of 45. Refresher training is as adequate as can be expected of a three week period, but reserve service seems popular. The 180,000 strong National Guard would be useful in guarding vulnerable points. It consists of the Mujahid Force of 60,000, organized in battalions, some with light air defence capability. the Janbaz Force of 100,000, whose members are intended to serve close to their homes; and the National Cadet Corps in universities and colleges. these elements have some value in providing poorly trained but enthusiastic reinforcements for rear area units.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/21550-pakistan-army-information.html#ixzz2R1CWxkzQ

bit of upgrading going on

Kyani's smart, there's no doubt about that. If you see he's been systematically trying to upgrade the image of the army which had gotten somewhat of a battering in the Musharraf years - especially near the end of his tenure. He kick started it with raising the morale of his soldiers with the year of the soldier and has been vigorously perusing projects which involve the community thus repainting the "soft" image of the Pakistan army. - He's tended not to interfere with the civilians even when they have openly instigated him to intervene - which I believe was the correct decision.
Balochistan is being tended with a much softer approach in his tenure as was needed. Overall Kiyani has been a healing force, raising the morale of the army and the confidence the people have within the army. Remember without the confidense of it's people the army is nothing.

This April 24, 2013 US State Department handout image shows US Secretary of State John Kerry welcomes Pakistani Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani before a trilateral meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Brussels, Belgium.


This April 24, 2013 US State Department handout image shows US Secretary of State John Kerry (C) talking with Afghan President Hamid Karzai (L) and Pakistani Army Chief-of-Staff, General Ashfaq Kayani during a break in a meeting in Brussels. The three met to discuss regional security issues, and the 2014 withdrawal of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) combat forces from Afghanistan.
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