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Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Asif Saeed Khosa reply to PM Imran Khan

Before putting the blame on Government everyone should know that when LHC presented it's Unwise Rs.50 undertaking the Government rejected it and the Judge referring to the Government's Lawyer said "I'll hold you in Contempt of Court".

The whole Judicial system is bogus. How come High Courts let people out on bail even after their conviction, case in point Maryam Nawaz. What's the point of spending years in lower courts to get conviction only for the higher court to let the convicted criminal out on bail in a month after that.
And then his/her trial begins again in the High Court from start and the whole cycle begins again.

Many convicted criminals get out on bail and do the same crime again and again. You can just visit your local Police Station or Kachari and you'll probably find 10-15 criminals minimum who committed crimes even after their conviction, cause higher courts let them out on bail for no reason.
It's a bit of bullshit on both sides here really.

Govt didn't need to "allow" him to go, they should have forced the courts to release him. Govt also didn't appeal against LHC decision, they should have tried to delay him. Clearly they've struck a deal with the snake.

At the same time it's clear as day that if anyone rich needs a free pass LHC is the place to go. Could any average criminal get bail without providing sureties??
if he resign on principle stance everyone will support and remember him

That's probably what the idiots who advised him to let Nawaz go wants, but I think Imran khan should continue and let the people judge him at the end of his 5 years term.
The whole Judicial system is bogus.

IF that is true, then does it follow that the conviction of NS is also bogus?

Or do we want to pick and choose which decisions of the judiciary we like and those which we do not depending on the convenience and mood?
Judge like Khosa can only become chief justice in Pakistan after declaring elected PM of Pakistan Sicilian mafia. Its very unfortunate that Parliament have no respect in Pakistan, Judges and Generals always consider themselves above Parliament and rule of law
then why ik said multiple times that during his presence no one will given nro ,i think he would have better resign from office in response and public would fully supported him and his popularity become high after this,this is not first time ik showed weakness earlier when india revoked 370 he also failed to take strong stance against india and not supported armed struggle against indian army

1) No one gave any one an NRO
The corrupt judiciary made separate justice for the corrupt mafia.
Imran Khan can't be resigning to every trap thrown at him to resign. He is needed on the helms to set things right.
To step down is to fall for the traps.

2) What did you want him to do? Go and attack india on Kashmir when your country is in its weakest state? When the enemies know if they allow the current government to last 4 years then the whole shit they have been throwing at Pakistan through the corrupt sellouts will be undone? You want him to be a fool and go jump into a perfectly planned and laid out trap for him to send troops and economy to another suicide?

The country is in a deep mess because we have too many fools who have no idea what's going on all around us and they will have just jump into every hole and then try to find our way backup instead of avoiding them.
IF that is true, then does it follow that the conviction of NS is also bogus?

Or do we want to pick and choose which decisions of the judiciary we like and those which we do not depending on the convenience and mood?
I mean that the system shouldn't have taken this long to convict him in the first place. The evidence is pretty self explanatory agisnt him and as he coudn't explain the source of his income he was automatically guilty.
And when it took so long to get his conviction in the Avenfield case, the IHC let him and his daughter out on bail in just a few weeks. Even though the main case is yet to be heard.

SO my point is a convicted criminal should never be let out on bail unless a Superior Court over turns the Conviction and declares the person innocent and not-guilty of all charges.

Just check and you'll find out half the criminals get out of jail even though they are convicted criminals and that includes murders and rapist who commit these heinous crimes again.
IK/PTI need to stop shifting the blame all the time. NS left Pak because IK/PTI government let him. But they dont even have the decency to admit it.

That said, the Pak judiciary is most definitely not free :omghaha:
I mean that the system shouldn't have taken this long to convict him in the first place. The evidence is pretty self explanatory agisnt him and as he coudn't explain the source of his income he was automatically guilty.
And when it took so long to get his conviction in the Avenfield case, the IHC let him and his daughter out on bail in just a few weeks. Even though the main case is yet to be heard.

SO my point is a convicted criminal should never be let out on bail unless a Superior Court over turns the Conviction and declares the person innocent and not-guilty of all charges.

Just check and you'll find out half the criminals get out of jail even though they are convicted criminals and that includes murders and rapist who commit these heinous crimes again.

The same system that convicted him allowed him to go abroad.
The same system that convicted him allowed him to go abroad.
Yes, that's why it's Bogus and unsustainable.

You should really visit a court room and you'll actually find out what I'm talking about.
Yes, that's why it's Bogus and unsustainable.

You should really visit a court room and you'll actually find out what I'm talking about.

I know what you are talking about. But one cannot condemn one decision and support another just on the basis of personal preferences.
What did you want him to do? Go and attack india on Kashmir when your country is in its weakest state?
Yeh wo log hain jinki tomatoes ki prices par chekhain nikal jati Hain aur baatain nuclear wars ki kartay hain
They care for kashmiris so much that they want government to import tomatoes from India
Shame on the people of Pakistan. They are sheeps instead of people. Bullied around and they take it like the bit&h they are.
i think govt should take responsibility and neither judiciary nor army will allow govt to put burden on them
Decision to allow ex PM was NOT taken in PM house or the cabinet ... But they got no other option but to own this decision ... bitter reality
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