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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions


2012 and ????


What's in the hangar?2013?Or?:hitwall::D

(Drawing based on photo)
What are those line mean? Is there any difference between 2011 and 2012?
As high school student I am,I have great interest in military for ages.I
know this forum about 2years ago,but I hadn't Login until yesterday.
I am a chine
se live in
Long live the friendship of China and pakistan!让我们一起奋斗!加油!!!:china::pakistan::yahoo:
The first time I saw J20,I feel it is a great success!★↑
science then,I gradually fall in love with military.☞It is J20 that make me grow!From the
2001】 to 〖2011〗,〖2012〗...
I really find the great progress of my homeland.
ow,three are three country have flown
their 5 generation aircraft——US.,Russia,and China.(the Japan's F3 is just a joke >_<
The J20 had broken the western countries' military sanctions against China since 1989.
歼20,空军代号为“威龙”,因为该机将担负我军未来对空,对海的主权维护,北约代号为“Fire Fang”(炎齿)/Fire Tooth(火牙)。该机由中国成都飞机设计研究所设计、中国成都飞机工业公司制造的用于接替歼10、歼11等第三代空中优势/多用途歼击机的未来重型歼击机型号,使用国产10万功率AESA(有源相控阵)雷达,操纵系统并非使用J-10的电传操纵,而是国际上最先进的光传操纵系统。按中国和北约标准,该机为“第四代歼击机/战斗机”(注:俄罗斯和西方国家对战机代数划分标准不统一,以F-22为例,西方国家称之为四代机,俄罗斯则称之为五代机),其目的是适合中国空军2020年以后的作战环境需要。
I hope that the developing countries catch up to the developed countries soon.
And I wish that China and Pakistan can joint develop and equip
5 generation aircraft soon——at least before the Indian get T50...╮(╯ε╰)╭
Good luck ...


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will PAF consider J20 or J31 for its inventory ?? Any news of joint work/ToT something ???
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