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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

I see the other way around, J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. if F35 tries to jam J20, j20 will fire missile and take it down since F20 will see further and can kill longer distance.

What do you mean by 'more powerful' exactly? :confused:
I see the other way around, J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. if F35 tries to jam J20, j20 will fire missile and take it down since F20 will see further and can kill longer distance.

F22 has its legs too short, 500KM is nothing and if you fight against China you can not refuel around 500km radius. China is not Iraq. for F35, it is not air-superior fighter, J20 is specified on air-superior and focus on pointing only 2 objects, f35 and f22. none of f35 nor f22 is specified to fight J20 since J20 is newer version.

I have never been a fan of the F-35 and I strongly believe that it is a weak aircraft. But only when price is taken into account.

These are gross overestimations and underestimations and they have no realistic basis.

At this stage one must consider what exactly is the J-20 ? Right now nothing more than the Су-47 Беркут. An aircraft being tested that is painted black !!!

Back then the Russians suggested initially that the Su-47 will lead to a production aircraft, time however showed that it was just a valuable technology demonstrator. At this stage it may turn out the J-20 is nothing more than that!
There isn't a single thread of evidence that the J-20 is superior to even an F-16.

Why should it be?

*because people claim it is VLO? -- do we know it is? at this point in time we have no idea, and black paint stealth does not make.

*Better avionics? -- says who ? Chinese fanboys? Have we seen the J-20 avionics efficacy? Do we know how it reduces pilot workload or even if it does? Do we know if the intended radar for the J-20 has any actual combat worthy capability? Do we know what modes and with what level of efficiency it provides? The western & russian companies are already talking about reducing the LPI effect of modern radar systems on RWR hardware. How do we know the J-20's LPI will be even a factor in its operation?

*What is this nonsense about range ? As if you guys know which engines the J-20 will be flying with! The fuel consumption is very much dependent on the engine profile used and the mission profile. You will be surprised to know that there are two kinds of ranges, the ferrying range and the combat range.. vastly different animals.

*And then we move into the most ridiculous territory ... "the J-20 will shoot the XX-XX down long before..." .. how??
even if the J-20 "sees" a target on the radar and acquires a lock .. it is the missiles seeker that needs to find the target too.

if the missile seeker is not up to the task you can kiss your $%& goodbuy whatever you fly. ...

There is currently no air to air mid range or otherwise EM guided missile that can hit a VLO target.

The very way mid course guidance works means there is a window of failure there.. and if planes like the Su-27 and the EF2000 can take advantage of it, a VLO target has even more of a chance.

PAKFA is so superior to ur J-20 that it is a non comparison. Russia is China's grand father's grand father's grandfatger in making fighter aircrafts... But i suppose chinese have to create such sensationalism that J-20 is there with f-22 (when in reality it wont be able to face MKI or mig 29 even) to satisfy their public..

so J-20 neither has RCS... (goes the stealth).. neither it will have the weapons nor the ecm of the other advanced fighters like MKI or MIG-29 as no one gave them any of that...
so J-20 is china's attempt to say hey other's got 5th Gen how come we also dont have. so lets say to public we have j-20 which is also 5th gen (when it cant even face MKI/mig 29) to keep them quite.. thats all about j-20.

You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Posts of another PDF thread about the Jian-20 aircraft reproduced in several Chinese websites along with translation.
I see the other way around, J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. if F35 tries to jam J20, j20 will fire missile and take it down since F20 will see further and can kill longer distance.

F22 has its legs too short, 500KM is nothing and if you fight against China you can not refuel around 500km radius. China is not Iraq. for F35, it is not air-superior fighter, J20 is specified on air-superior and focus on pointing only 2 objects, f35 and f22. none of f35 nor f22 is specified to fight J20 since J20 is newer version.
And you see it wrong. From what I have seen of your posts so far, you are no different than the other Chinese boys who have no relevant experience and ended up making either baseless claims or seriously flawed 'analysis'.

J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. -- What the hell does that mean? More powerful in what area?

China is not Iraq? The US military today is not the one that fought in Iraq. It is much better. If anything, Iraq under Saddam Hussein had more combat experience than the PLA. So what does 'China is not Iraq' mean? It mean if China cannot handle Iraq back then, what make you think the PLA can handle the US of today? As for the rest of your post, I do not mean to pick on your language but it is clear to me that you really have no idea of what you are talking about and can only mindlessly regurgitate what others said before.
]F-35 does not know what type of radar J20 is going to use, J20 knows what F35 is using and will export.[/B] how do you and how can you jam something you dont know?

let me translate the comparison in my own words. F-22 is air superior fighter, it has great stealthy features and also powerful engine. since it was introduced too early, it rivals were 3G fighters and electronic only 10 years outdated. the F35 is new one but its pocket is full of knifes, none of its knife is shape.

J20 was develop/introduced 20 later, it has clear rivals --- F22 and F35(possible T50, but T50 is only 3.9G, not true stealthy). J20 has more advance/newer electronic. and J20 focus on air-superior, its top priority is to reduce its front RCS. make it extremely stealthy from front. its has large nose, new radar, new electronics, large weapon bay can carry larger longer range missiles.

J20 is the only one to be "first find, first kill" killing machine.

I don't understand the first line meaning........
you are saying T- 50 has only 3.9G ,is that according to chinese physics r what...... like generally rest of world calls F-22 as 5gen jet but only chinese calls 4th gen..... lolz.... 3.9g???? please don't make silly arguments when you don't have knowledge...... else you will become idiot infront of all except those cheerleaders who always thank you for idiotic replies.....

just you people making J-20 superior because of how it looks..... look at your statment..... it have large nose, new radar ,new electronics etc...... how suppose that large nose will help an jet during the combat???

please do you know the weapons package and avionics ,radar details etc about J-20... please share with us.... don't copy paste......... how did you claimed J-20 is the only one to be" first find,first kill" killing machine...........

bottom line: i love this thread....... just my fellow members arguing according the looks only.......
I see the other way around, J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. if F35 tries to jam J20, j20 will fire missile and take it down since F20 will see further and can kill longer distance.

F22 has its legs too short, 500KM is nothing and if you fight against China you can not refuel around 500km radius. China is not Iraq. for F35, it is not air-superior fighter, J20 is specified on air-superior and focus on pointing only 2 objects, f35 and f22. none of f35 nor f22 is specified to fight J20 since J20 is newer version.
What in the world are you talking about more powerful WTF, so by your logic then AWACS can take the j-20 out because it is more powerful.
And you see it wrong. From what I have seen of your posts so far, you are no different than the other Chinese boys who have no relevant experience and ended up making either baseless claims or seriously flawed 'analysis'.

J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. -- What the hell does that mean? More powerful in what area?

China is not Iraq? The US military today is not the one that fought in Iraq. It is much better. If anything, Iraq under Saddam Hussein had more combat experience than the PLA. So what does 'China is not Iraq' mean? It mean if China cannot handle Iraq back then, what make you think the PLA can handle the US of today? As for the rest of your post, I do not mean to pick on your language but it is clear to me that you really have no idea of what you are talking about and can only mindlessly regurgitate what others said before.

What make you think china is Iraq? I think US is Iraq, without NATO the United stated is garbage. Think about it, any war US declared they never do it by themselves. They have high technology but have no balls to fight on it owns. Even a Viet cong can kick *** of the US and it allies NATO.
What in the world are you talking about more powerful WTF, so by your logic then AWACS can take the j-20 out because it is more powerful.

most of the thoughts from you are momentum logic.
you assume anything you dont see means China does not have.
anything you can not prove, that means China is inferior the west.

J20 and F22 are heavy fighter, they have ability to installed more advance electronic with larger volume and consume more electricity. J20 compares with F22 is even larger. F35 is a single engine fighter and try to have mutifunctions. Air superior is not its priority or not its advantage. kind of family doctor not specialist. anyone knows airforce can understand it without problem until you dont want to.

I don't understand the first line meaning........
you are saying T- 50 has only 3.9G ,is that according to chinese physics r what...... like generally rest of world calls F-22 as 5gen jet but only chinese calls 4th gen..... lolz.... 3.9g???? please don't make silly arguments when you don't have knowledge...... else you will become idiot infront of all except those cheerleaders who always thank you for idiotic replies.....

just you people making J-20 superior because of how it looks..... look at your statment..... it have large nose, new radar ,new electronics etc...... how suppose that large nose will help an jet during the combat???

please do you know the weapons package and avionics ,radar details etc about J-20... please share with us.... don't copy paste......... how did you claimed J-20 is the only one to be" first find,first kill" killing machine...........

bottom line: i love this thread....... just my fellow members arguing according the looks only.......

yes, Russian T50 is 3.9G(US standard, or 4.9G Russian standard), no matter what, T50 is not a true stealthy fighter in the same level F22 and J20 are in. T50 has too large front radar signature determine it will be shot down first. you don’t have much option to next stage of the game.

large nose can installed a larger radar, bigger body has bigger weapon bays and more advance electronics, J20 shoot down T50 is a no brainer no matter you like it or not. yes,
J-20 is the only one to be" first find,first kill" killing machine........... especially in front of T50.
yes, Russian T50 is 3.9G(US standard, or 4.9G Russian standard), no matter what, T50 is not a true stealthy fighter in the same level F22 and J20 are in. T50 has too large front radar signature determine it will be shot down first. you don’t have much option to next stage of the game.

large nose can installed a larger radar, bigger body has bigger weapon bays and more advance electronics, J20 shoot down T50 is a no brainer no matter you like it or not. yes,
J-20 is the only one to be" first find,first kill" killing machine........... especially in front of T50.




Compare front views of PAK FA, F-22 and J-20. PAK FA has the smallest and most slim profile. F-22 profile is bit a larger. And now look at this scary monstrosity that is called J-20 :lol: Is there anything common between this and low RCS concept? :lol: Look at canards which are incompatible with stealth. Did anyone hear about 5g aircrafts with canards? :lol: J-20 is not even stealth aircraft, 4.5g at best. F-22 and PAK FA are in different league.
I don't understand the first line meaning........
you are saying T- 50 has only 3.9G ,is that according to chinese physics r what...... like generally rest of world calls F-22 as 5gen jet but only chinese calls 4th gen..... lolz.... 3.9g???? please don't make silly arguments when you don't have knowledge...... else you will become idiot infront of all except those cheerleaders who always thank you for idiotic replies.....

The Chinese call 5th generation fighters 4th, 4th generation 3rd, and so on.

J20 and F22 are heavy fighter, they have ability to installed more advance electronic with larger volume and consume more electricity. J20 compares with F22 is even larger. F35 is a single engine fighter and try to have mutifunctions. Air superior is not its priority or not its advantage. kind of family doctor not specialist. anyone knows airforce can understand it without problem until you dont want to.

Bigger doesn't automatically mean it is better. What is mutifunctions?
most of the thoughts from you are momentum logic.
you assume anything you dont see means China does not have.
anything you can not prove, that means China is inferior the west.

J20 and F22 are heavy fighter, they have ability to installed more advance electronic with larger volume and consume more electricity. J20 compares with F22 is even larger. F35 is a single engine fighter and try to have mutifunctions. Air superior is not its priority or not its advantage. kind of family doctor not specialist. anyone knows airforce can understand it without problem until you dont want to.

yes, Russian T50 is 3.9G(US standard, or 4.9G Russian standard), no matter what, T50 is not a true stealthy fighter in the same level F22 and J20 are in. T50 has too large front radar signature determine it will be shot down first. you don’t have much option to next stage of the game.

large nose can installed a larger radar, bigger body has bigger weapon bays and more advance electronics, J20 shoot down T50 is a no brainer no matter you like it or not. yes,
J-20 is the only one to be" first find,first kill" killing machine........... especially in front of T50.

Russians and Americans etc... are trying to reduce the size of radar and to increase it's range..... but you are saying bigger size radar will only have great range..... you are clueless...... i know about 4th gen,4++ gen,4.5+ gen jet.... but from where did this 4.9gen jet came????? lolz ...... china is able to copy some russian jet's..... that doesn't mean china is mastered in every thing....... china secretly acquiring technologies ..... that's well known fact.... look at your statements bigger body has bigger weapons bays and more advance electronics.... why don't you try to make Boeing 747 .... you will get hell lot space for weapons ,radar, etc....
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