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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Well! Even if i accept your arguement then the first thing is the aircraft detection i.e. RCS signature and paf can easily learn. Thereafter, paf can learn its maneuvarability, turn rates, weaknesses at different angles etc etc. Sub systems are largely academic and dont need active excercise environment to get used to. Contrary iaf has no such arrangements about jf17 and j10B

The Engines, The TVC, the Canards, the Radar, The avionics package are all different... Even the RCS cannot be mapped my dear.
Well! Even if i accept your arguement then the first thing is the aircraft detection i.e. RCS signature and paf can easily learn. Thereafter, paf can learn its maneuvarability, turn rates, weaknesses at different angles etc etc. Sub systems are largely academic and dont need active excercise environment to get used to.

Contrary to this iaf has no way to learn how to counter jf17 and j10B

Lol.... Buddy In India the study is already on, based on the Chinese J-20 which is the only serious threat to Indian air space...
The Engines, The TVC, the Canards, the Radar, The avionics package are all different... Even the RCS cannot be mapped my dear.

AMCA! I hope you understand that one does not need dot to dot information about adversary aircraft to succeed aganist it. As i said before, even if your arguement is accepted, paf can get a "siginicant" amount of knowledge through active war scenario excercises combined with academic knowledge gained via 'other' resources and if paf combines these two smartly that would be the end of your SU30MKI.

On the other hand iaf has no resource for real war time or academic knowledge of the two most front line fighters of paf
Lol.... Buddy In India the study is already on, based on the Chinese J-20 which is the only serious threat to Indian air space...

Talk is cheap. I can say J-10B is serious threat to India, no other country beside China and Pakistan side possess J-10B.

Your MKI is fill with full of foreign system especially Russia. I bet the Russia already allow Chinese delegate to tour the MKI manufacturing side and already brief Chinese delegate all the cons and pros of MKI. The fact, as long as the design and birth of the product is not in your country. It is hard to keep a secret especially Russia is friendly to China.
AMCA! I hope you understand that one does not need dot to dot information about adversary aircraft to succeed aganist it. As i said before, even if your arguement is accepted, paf can get a "siginicant" amount of knowledge through active war scenario excercises combined with academic knowledge gained via 'other' resources and if paf combines these two smartly that would be the end of your SU30MKI.

On the other hand iaf has no resource for real war time or academic knowledge of the two most front line fighters of paf

What do you mean by resource, a Joint air exercise?? or a ride on it? Or get a real TOT from the manufacturer?? Come on... The Maneuverability , the complexity , the RCS can be measured by conducting a study on it.. Of course the limits are set up by the pilot who pilots it which is perhaps the only thing which cannot be measured or obtained.
Lol.... Buddy In India the study is already on, based on the Chinese J-20 which is the only serious threat to Indian air space...

Really !!!! Is j20 the only threat to iaf !!!! Sir the kill ratio of j10A vs SU30 has been reported as 5 : 0 in favour of j10A. And how about f-16, j10b
Talk is cheap. I can say J-10B is serious threat to India, no other country beside China and Pakistan side possess J-10B.

Your MKI is fill with full of foreign system especially Russia. I bet the Russia already allow Chinese delegate to tour the MKI manufacturing side and already brief Chinese delegate all the cons and pros of MKI. The fact, as long as the design and birth of the product is not in your country. It is hard to keep a secret especially Russia is friendly to China.

Well, if you say a joint venture product like MKi whose secrets could be let out to a 3rd country. Then I agree, but how does J-10 B be a threat to our skies?? I have nothing to say if you still think every country shares there technology with you to pit India...
Really !!!! Is j20 the only threat to iaf !!!! Sir the kill ratio of j10A vs SU30 has been reported as 5 : 0 in favour of j10A. And how about f-16, j10b

And when did this happen my dear?? we are talking about MKI here.... Not su 30.
What do you mean by resource, a Joint air exercise?? or a ride on it? Or get a real TOT from the manufacturer?? Come on... The Maneuverability , the complexity , the RCS can be measured by conducting a study on it.. Of course the limits are set up by the pilot who pilots it which is perhaps the only thing which cannot be measured or obtained.

Resources include joint excercises, info from friendly airforces, inside info from manufacturers etc etc
Well, if you say a joint venture product like MKi whose secrets could be let out to a 3rd country. Then I agree, but how does J-10 B be a threat to our skies?? I have nothing to say if you still think every country shares there technology with you to pit India...

Then how can SU-30MKI can be a threat to Pakistan side?
Resources include joint excercises, info from friendly airforces, inside info from manufacturers etc etc

Joint exercises are one way to find how potent is the aircraft- Agreed... Do you really think you would be getting Inside infos from Manufacturers and Airforces??? And that would obviously be positive infos, will anyone under rate there product??

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