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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

By mounting an AESA radar on a swashplate, the swashplate angle is added to the electronic scan angle. The typical swashplate angle chosen for this application is 40 degrees so the radar can scan a total angle of 200 degrees out of 360


Yes...it is 360 degrees forward looking though.
China 40 F-10B fighter Jifu Pakistan: Yankees panic

According to the U.S. Defense-Update Web site on July 31 reported that China is providing to Pakistan, a J-10B multi-purpose all-weather fighter squadron. Allegedly, this is the Department of the Army Chief of Staff in Pakistan went to NATO Wayi De Assad's visit a week finalized. If the transaction occurs, Pakistan will become the first column after the Chinese J-10B fighters mounted the country.

  Reported that China and Pakistan have been related to J-10 fighters on the transactions related to years of negotiations, which Pakistan wants to import at least two fighter squadrons. Pakistan Air Force squadrons each about 20 combat aircraft, two squadrons of 40 F-10B For Pakistan, its importance is self-evident, it is believed that the transaction referred to in B-type aircraft performance comparable to the F -16 Block 50/52 aircraft.

  In addition to the J-10B fighter to reach an agreement outside the Wayi De Assad will visit to China, the Chinese defense relations between the two countries also pledged to rise to a new level, and China will always be committed to protect Pakistan security. During his visit, Assad called on the People's Liberation Army Wayi De Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of staff, including the People's Liberation Army National Defense University, and Vice President Ren Haiquan, including other officials.

  At present, Pakistan has also started production designed by the Chinese JF-17 fighter. Pakistan is currently building its territory JF-17 fighter, and actively promote this aircraft to the overseas market.

  Latest J-10B fighter first flight in 2009. J-10 fighter with a significant difference is the installation of a radar signal can be reduced new aircraft radome. In addition to the radome, the redesign of the inlet in addition to increased gas flow, but also to improve the aircraft's stealth performance. J-10B fighter vertical tail, the cabin pylons are fitted with avionics, which may include a variety of sensors and electronic warfare facilities. This type of aircraft is also fitted with a new type of optical sensor, is likely to be forward-looking infrared search and track system. It is believed that, compared with the J-10A type, B-type aircraft can be equipped with more powerful engines and radar systems. (By China)

  Comments: Because bin Laden and the United States after hostilities break out, the U.S. dollar on the bar of iron frozen aid, relations were tense, which makes iron bar marked with the sense of insecurity, Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani's visit to China to seek political help, but apparently is not enough to support China's military assistance is the obligation as an ally, so only the previous 50 Xiaolong, and now there are these 40 F-10B, I think the most headache should not the United States, the United States but did not dare to lightly humiliated bar iron, the real headache is to Asan.
Hot Bowen recommended:
A bit off topic but.......

Yanks must be in an anguish alright, their War On Terror ate their economy now they are standing on the verge of huge economic crisis as there is hardly 70-75 bill available for expenditures, no money for soldier salary, i never thought i would see the downfall of United States of Yank in my life time. China is the future Super Power so it is better for us to stick with them. :)
China sold Pakistan's J-10B fighter, enough to equip two squadrons of Pakistan, J-10A price close to $ 30 million, J-11B approximately $ 54 million , Feibao A is about 24 million FC-1 take-away price for the 1500-2000 Wan, J-10A export price is currently 40 million, J-10B is about 54 million, the current international market, F-16E / F price 80 million, but also the harsh conditions of the U.S. government attachments, JAS-39NG 8000 million, the MiG-35 to 50 million, three generations of SU-30MKK 60 million, compared with the same grade Indian fighter purchase price, you can think and know, how the Indian mind.

In this, India can only hope Pakistan Despair. In addition, the Chinese fighters to Pakistan, if Pakistan's financial difficulties, China will provide preferential loans, so, India would like to buy fighters the United States or Russia will not get this treatment, from which can be compared to see the relationship between China and Pakistan, but also can not drive a wedge between the United States, Chinese relations with Pakistan but also to upgrade, this is an upgrade from the all-weather partnership, but also to upgrade to which level, the Indian think about it slowly.
China sold Pakistan's J-10B fighter, enough to equip two squadrons of Pakistan, J-10A price close to $ 30 million, J-11B approximately $ 54 million , Feibao A is about 24 million FC-1 take-away price for the 1500-2000 Wan, J-10A export price is currently 40 million, J-10B is about 54 million, the current international market, F-16E / F price 80 million, but also the harsh conditions of the U.S. government attachments, JAS-39NG 8000 million, the MiG-35 to 50 million, three generations of SU-30MKK 60 million, compared with the same grade Indian fighter purchase price, you can think and know, how the Indian mind.

In this, India can only hope Pakistan Despair. In addition, the Chinese fighters to Pakistan, if Pakistan's financial difficulties, China will provide preferential loans, so, India would like to buy fighters the United States or Russia will not get this treatment, from which can be compared to see the relationship between China and Pakistan, but also can not drive a wedge between the United States, Chinese relations with Pakistan but also to upgrade, this is an upgrade from the all-weather partnership, but also to upgrade to which level, the Indian think about it slowly.

China Officially Offers Pakistan J-10 Variant

3 Aug 2011 10:22

ISLAMABAD - China for the first time officially offered Pakistan a variant of its most advanced frontline fighter, the Chengdu J-10 Vigorous Dragon/F-10 Vanguard.

Citing defense sources, the offer was reported in the Urdu press here over the weekend. The offer was made during the recent visit to China by Lt. Gen. Waheed Arshad, the Pakistani Army chief of General Staff.

Official Pakistani interest in the fighter dates back to February 2006, when then-Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf toured the J-10 production facilities on a trip to China. Pakistani government approval for the purchase of 36 FC-20s, a Pakistani-specific variant, was given in April 2006. Service entry was slated for the middle of the decade.

Precise details of the deal are not yet known. However, Usman Shabbir of the Pakistan Military Consortium think tank, said "the initial deal will be for at least two squadrons [at least 32 aircraft] and will be financed by China via a soft, long-term loan."

Analyst Kaiser Tufail said the J-10's operational autonomy would be far greater than that provided by the U.S.-built F-16C.

"It has to be remembered that India refused to consider the F-16C/D and F-18E/F, as they wanted a freer hand in operability aspects as well as technology transfer, which the U.S. was unwilling to provide," Tufail said.

With the J-10, Pakistan would "be able to operate it in an environment not constrained by security restrictions," and could base the aircraft wherever desired, Tufail said. He also said the lack of technology-transfer restrictions from the original equipment manufacturer is a factor.

"The J-10 will provide F-16-class capabilities for Pakistan but without the cost and political encumbrances of U.S.-sourced aircraft," Carlo Kopp of the Air Power Australia think tank said.

"What a J-10 would provide is quantity over any U.S.- or EU-sourced product," Kopp said, though he is still uncertain whether China will supply "pre-loved J-10A…or new-build J-10A or J-10B airframes."

Shabbir said the broader Sino-Pakistani combat aircraft relationship has eroded Western influence over Pakistan, though he remains concerned about the implications Pakistan's fragile economy has for its defense capabilities.

"The availability of J-10 and JF-17 from the Chinese means that Pakistan is now not that reliant on the U.S. and Europe for its aircraft requirements, and this of course will erode U.S influence over Pakistan in the long term," he said.

The Pakistani Air Force is the largest operator of U.S supplied weapons in South Asia and therefore most vulnerable to sanctions.

China Officially Offers Pakistan J-10 Variant | DISAM Online Journal & News Source
A bit off topic but.......

Yanks must be in an anguish alright, their War On Terror ate their economy now they are standing on the verge of huge economic crisis as there is hardly 70-75 bill available for expenditures, no money for soldier salary, i never thought i would see the downfall of United States of Yank in my life time. China is the future Super Power so it is better for us to stick with them. :)

Precisely, those still clinging onto the thinking american stuff is the best, they will be the most technology country is just old thinking. American has not invest hard in R&D and their expenditures on management in military research is laughable. Look at their F-35, how the bill has shake them up..

China is the future. With Chinese progress so fast, in just 5 years time. China will make military equipement even superior than USA. In fact, some equipment have already done so. Smart people look at the future, holding onto od thinking and old things is seeking your own grave.

J-10B is comfirmed to be superior Block 52 even Block 60 which the arabs has.. Basically F-16 is an old airframe that can't keep up with the demand of 21th century of super agility and high performance. Trust me, F-16 is no way going to match a J-10 in a dogfight if both pilots are equally competent.
I think with the induction of j10B and JF17 paf will gain a very unique advantage over iaf.

Traditionally all airforces learn to counter their adversary airforces strenghts by practicing against their adversary airforces toys in excercises. Now paf can learn about SU30MKI and other iaf planes by doing excercises with chinese airforce and other airforce. However, iaf has no arrangement about jf17 and j10B
I think with the induction of j10B and JF17 paf will gain a very unique advantage over iaf.

Traditionally all airforces learn to counter their adversary airforces strenghts by practicing against their adversary airforces toys in excercises. Now paf can learn about SU30MKI and other iaf planes by doing excercises with chinese airforce and other airforce. However, iaf has no iaf has arrangement about jf17 and j10B

Su 30 MKI... Design is the the only area of match with su 30 MKK , There is no way you can learn about the sub systems used in MKI. MKI is a joint venture between HAL and Russia..
I think with the induction of j10B and JF17 paf will gain a very unique advantage over iaf.

Traditionally all airforces learn to counter their adversary airforces strenghts by practicing against their adversary airforces toys in excercises. Now paf can learn about SU30MKI and other iaf planes by doing excercises with chinese airforce and other airforce. However, iaf has no iaf has arrangement about jf17 and j10B

Su 30 MKI... Design is the the only area of match with su 30 MKK , There is no way you can learn about the sub systems used in MKI. MKI is a joint venture between HAL and Russia..
Su 30 MKI... Design is the the only area of match with su 30 MKK , There is no way you can learn about the sub systems used in MKI. MKI is a joint venture between HAL and Russia..
but at least they are same specie...............
Su 30 MKI... Design is the the only area of match with su 30 MKK , There is no way you can learn about the sub systems used in MKI. MKI is a joint venture between HAL and Russia..

Well! Even if i accept your arguement then the first thing is the aircraft detection i.e. RCS signature and paf can easily learn. Thereafter, paf can learn its maneuvarability, turn rates, weaknesses at different angles etc etc. Sub systems are largely academic and dont need active excercise environment to get used to.

Contrary to this iaf has no way to learn how to counter jf17 and j10B
Well! Even if i accept your arguement then the first thing is the aircraft detection i.e. RCS signature and paf can easily learn. Thereafter, paf can learn its maneuvarability, turn rates, weaknesses at different angles etc etc. Sub systems are largely academic and dont need active excercise environment to get used to. Contrary iaf has no such arrangements about jf17 and j10B

Yup. They know nothing about J-10B. While MKI system is based on Russian, French and Israel which all are friendly countries of China.

BARS of MKI is no secret. China can easily obtain its spec from Russia. I think India still remember how Russia betray India in order to please China by allowing re export of RD-93 engines to Pakistan few years ago...

Russia has low regard for Indians. They raise the price of INS Vikramaditya and MKI like no business, knowing India can't do a single thing about it. They even turn away an Indian fleet recently without even notifying Indian side of the cancellation with the Indian fleet making all the way to Russia sea.
I agree, At least PAF has learnt about Su30MKI and how to tackle these birds in real war scenario.Moreover, Pakistan too has opportunity to learn about future IAF (Typhoon) by doing exercise with KSA and in case of Rafle then doing Exercise with UAE(If UAE plans to get them).
But India still has no way to learn practically about our future Birds.

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