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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions


if we were to get j-10A than why we waited so much for J-10A?
just think about the discussion we have done about j-10B?
it will break my heart if we are to get j-10A instead of j-10B.

The short answer is
A)Threat perception. What was a rosy garden once is fast turning into a blood fest, and it may get bloodier before it gets better.
B) PAFs reliance on US. We were hoping to get more Bl52s and MLU Bl15s to bring our fleet upto the needs of the time, and that source is appearing to dry up. So we need to upgrade fast.
C)time scale: Our need is dire and the FC20 may be a year away or the PLAAF may have demands it wants to fill first.We therefore will fall back on J10A with advanced avionics to meet our need and allow our main plane time to mature.
D) The chinese may have demanded that we buy a couple of Squadrons of J10As before they will supply FC20s and we have no objection to it at all.
China is offering Pakistan a squadron of J-10B, the advanced multi-role, all-weather fighter aircraft. The official offer was presented to the Pakistan Army’s Chief of General Staff, Lt Gen Waheed Arshad, during a week long visit to Beijing. If such delivery takes place, Pakistan will be the first country, after China, to operate the J-10B, considered as one of China’s most advanced, operational combat aircraft. Pakistan and China have been negotiating the potential sale of Chengdu J-10 fighters for several years, with Pakistan seeking to acquire at least two squadrons of the aircraft. However, the newest B version, considered as comparable to the F-16 Block 50/52, surfaced for the first time last week.

Meanwhile the two countries are already underway in the local production of the Chinese designed JF-17, commonly known as ‘Thunder’. The aircraft is currently being produced in Pakistan and actively promoted for export in the world market.

The newest version of the aircraft designated J-10B made its first flight in 2009. The noticeable changes from the original J-10 are a new radome geometry reducing the radar signature of the aircraft, also contributing to this fighter’s stealth performance is the redesigned inlet, which also delivers higher massflow. Avionics compartments were also installed on the vertical tail and inboard pylons, probably containing various sensors and electronic countermeasures. A new electro-optical sensor turret, most likely an Infra-Red Search / Track (IRST) set has also been introduced. It is also assumed the new version is designed to be fitted with the more powerful engine and larger radar than those used on the J-10A version.

Here's the link :

China Officially Offers J-10 Fighters to Pakistan | Defense Update
I personally think that the PAF will get a batch of J-10B with AESA and WS-10B engine before 2014. You've seen videos of the plane takeoff. It is gonna be impressive.
Thanks Alzaeem,
Further confirmation that Pakistan is not getting an upgraded J-10A. The news by the insider seems to be wrong.
Sir, here we are talking about a squadron, not a couple of, think this is above and beyond the ordered 36
But huzigeng,who is considered as an informed people in a famous military website ,said that AVIC CHENGDU AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY(GROUP)CORPORATION LTD has awarded a contract to provide more than a Squadron of J-10A (maybe the number is 36) to PAF .
But huzigeng,who is considered as an informed people in a famous military website ,said that AVIC CHENGDU AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY(GROUP)CORPORATION LTD has awarded a contract to provide more than a Squadron of J-10A (maybe the number is 36) to PAF .
The initial info on J-10B from insiders was that it was an export version for Pakistan, lets see what happens....
But huzigeng,who is considered as an informed people in a famous military website ,said that AVIC CHENGDU AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY(GROUP)CORPORATION LTD has awarded a contract to provide more than a Squadron of J-10A (maybe the number is 36) to PAF .

Cloud1018, Many are aware that I was part of the business development team for F-16s at General Dynamics Corporation but G.D> had no control of the decisions made by US Government. It was always a changing situation as to what would eventually be on the table until the last minute. General Dynamics was not permitted to decide what the client would get but the US Government whose decisions were dependent on congressional and defence department analysis.
In case of J-10B, AVIC is not making the decisions but the Chinese Government is based on its foreign policy compulsions.
Cloud1018, Many are aware that I was part of the business development team for F-16s at General Dynamics Corporation but G.D> had no control of the decisions made by US Government. It was always a changing situation as to what would eventually be on the table until the last minute. General Dynamics was not permitted to decide what the client would get but the US Government whose decisions were dependent on congressional and defence department analysis.
In case of J-10B, AVIC is not making the decisions but the Chinese Government is based on its foreign policy compulsions.
Certainly the Chinese government decides what to sell to Pakistan, and it's ultimately not up to CAC to decide. However, it was known that Pakistan had signed the contracts for up to two squadrons of J-10A, and CAC has set aside production quota for that as reported by huzhigeng. In this case, it would be similar to someone from General Dynamics commenting the company was producing F-16 for a particular customer.

In addition, CAC is responsible for the progress of J-10B, and Chinese government cannot force them to accelerate the development without cutting safety corners. It is already known that J-10B will not join Chinese air force until end of the Chinese year (early 2011 in Western calandar). Judging by the enourmous need of the PLAAF, it is unlikely that it would be ready to deliver to foreign customers anytime soon.

Therefore, the logical conclusion is that Pakistan is indeed getting J-10A if it hopes for delivery in the next two years. Anything beyond that, the B version is possible.
That is what happens when you over depend upon somebody. We Pakistanis tend to forget that and need to understand that a Country such as China also has certain requirements and no country in the world will give preference to someone else over those requirements, why do we expect anything different from China. Now coming to the conclusion that Pakistan is indeed getting the A version, question arises.....why? If PAF wasn't satisfied back then when it was offered, what changed now.......avionics? I doubt it that it was only the avionics that made PAF go for block 52 instead of J-10. If we go by the news few years back J-10 A was as capable as an F-16 block 40? Do we really need a block 40 caliber thing in present times when the threats are ever evolving. If 2nd May is the bench mark that made us think as many members suggested, what do we think or does the PAF think that they can pull off from the J-10A against F-18, f-22?What chance does the J-10 have against rafale or typhoon? Or is it that as usual the nation to made to believe in fall sense of security.
That is what happens when you over depend upon somebody. We Pakistanis tend to forget that and need to understand that a Country such as China also has certain requirements and no country in the world will give preference to someone else over those requirements, why do we expect anything different from China. Now coming to the conclusion that Pakistan is indeed getting the A version, question arises.....why? If PAF wasn't satisfied back then when it was offered, what changed now.......avionics? I doubt it that it was only the avionics that made PAF go for block 52 instead of J-10. If we go by the news few years back J-10 A was as capable as an F-16 block 40? Do we really need a block 40 caliber thing in present times when the threats are ever evolving. If 2nd May is the bench mark that made us think as many members suggested, what do we think or does the PAF think that they can pull off from the J-10A against F-18, f-22?What chance does the J-10 have against rafale or typhoon? Or is it that as usual the nation to made to believe in fall sense of security.

Nice input. I was also surprised by Huzhigeng's CDF post about the PAF acquisition of J10A. When your opponent is going after Rafale/Typhoon, J10A should not be your answer. I really hope PAF would just hold on for 2 or 3 years until J10B becomes available to PAF. Just don't rush :). J10-B, in my point of view, can perfectly match PAF's need: ESA radar/ RCS reduction design / major overhaul of avonics, etc.

For China it is another story, J-10A can easily deal with Taiwan's F-16A/B and more importantly, the chance of Taiwan strait war is now almost zero.
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