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Chemical Assad

Is NOT the Obama administration directly complicit in Assad regime's survival?

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Assad policy is very simple:

If you dont obey Assad your children will die (barrel bombs, starvation, torture in jail, stabbing, lack of services, gasses..)

He follows these policies for 7 years in row on daily basis. So why exactly you doubt? He knows very well that nothing will happen and in less than a week everyone will forget about it.

Not defending anyone here, since we do not know the culprit yet..but this post of yours should be read as follow:

Usrael policy is very simple:

If you dont obey Usrael your children will die (All kind of bombs, starvation, torture in jail, stabbing, lack of services, gasses..)

Usrael follows these policies for 70 years in row on daily basis. So why exactly you doubt? She knows very well that nothing will happen and in less than a week everyone will forget about it
Usrael follows these policies for 70 years in row on daily basis. So why exactly you doubt? She knows very well that nothing will happen and in less than a week everyone will forget about it
Spare me of your stupid lies. Tell me when the last time Israel bombed some city of village? Assad is doing EVERY DAY. No exception.
Spare me of your stupid lies. Tell me when the last time Israel bombed some city of village? Assad is doing EVERY DAY. No exception.
Spare us your lies again for a thousand time _ and you know it_, you have destroyed Lebanon many times, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.. So go do your hasbara work elsewhere..
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America, Israel and Saudi are responsible for death of millions Muslims since American adventure in Afghanistan & Iraq. Plus America is supporting extremist countries with idiotic thoughts like Saudi. Not to mention their full support for Israel to commit daily crimes in Quds, Qaza and west bank. US is supporting Saudi and Israel to kill brother Muslim Yemenis and Palestinians but this regime cry for their filthy terrorists in Syria.

God damn whoever attacked Afghanistan & Iraq and made civil war in Syria. God damn whoever supports a terrorist regime like Saudi to bomb Yemenis and has/is arming its fierce sinister terrorists (devil khawarij) in Syria to ruin Syria in order to secure its illegitimate child Israel.

Death of millions Muslims is done by Americans and her darling anti-Islamic minions. God will not forget death of millions Muslims and we Muslims and none Muslims too will not forget crimes of America and its darling allies too.

Blood of Millions Muslims in Middle East and beyond that break our hearts. specially seeing those innocent Syrian children gassed by devil American terrorists for American and Israeli ambitious. God damn Zionism that is destroying Islam by wars and proxy wars via their bloody soldiers wahabis and salafis. Devine and rule (let millions innocent Muslims get killed by our salafi wahabi loony soldiers to perform our Israeli ambitious!)
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I don't see any benefit for Assad to use Chem. Weapons but I see it's usefulness for the rebels using them to blame it on the regime to make them look bad. I though Assad Chem. Weapons were taken away from him back in 2013?

You sound like assad has something to lose if his crimes are exposed. He hasn't because he knows that Putin covers his dirty azz. He is immune to prosecution, so he can afford to be inhuman and reckless.

A Palestinian woman carries a portrait of a loved one who was killed during the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

At least 58 people have been reported killed in what witnesses claim was a chemical weapons attack in northern Syria, as world leaders discuss ending the conflict in Brussels.

Doctors in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, in Idlib province, said victims started to choke, vomit and faint with foam coming out of their mouths.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 11 children and several women were among dozens killed, with reports of "suffocation" following the bombings.

Hospital treating patients for 'toxic gas' exposure bombed

It put the death toll at 58 but warned the number could rise as several victims remained in a serious condition.

Dr Shajul Islam said the hospital where he worked was filling up with patients, posting footage online of victims he said showed symptoms of exposure to sarin.

"We have samples," he wrote. "Will anyone care? Who will stop it?"

Rescue workers from the White Helmets group were seen wearing gas masks to protect themselves while treating people lying amid rubble on the ground.


They reported at least 20 civilians among those affected, saying chlorine gas may have been responsible.

Activists posted video online claiming to show the moment the bombs struck, alleging they were dropped by Syrian air force helicopters as clouds of smoke rose into the air.

It came little over a week after another alleged chemical attack hit a hospital in the town of Latamneh, just 14 miles away.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), which supports the facility, said a bomb dropped by a helicopter struck the entrance on 25 March.

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war


Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War has been confirmed by the United Nations. The deadliest attacks were the Ghouta attack in the suburbs of Damascus in August 2013 and the Khan al-Assal attack in the suburbs of Aleppo in March 2013. Several other attacks have been alleged, reported and/or investigated.

A U.N. fact-finding mission and a UNHRC Commission of Inquiry have simultaneously investigated the attacks. The U.N. mission found likely use of the nerve agent sarin in the case of Khan Al-Asal (19 March 2013), Saraqib (29 April 2013), Ghouta (21 August 2013), Jobar (24 August 2013) and Ashrafiyat Sahnaya (25 August 2013). The UNHRC commission later confirmed the use of sarin in the Khan al-Asal, Saraqib and Ghouta attacks, but did not mention the Jobar and the Ashrafiyat Sahnaya attacks.

The UNHRC commission also found that the sarin used in the Khan al-Asal attack bore "the same unique hallmarks" as the sarin used in the Ghouta attack and indicated that the perpetrators likely had access to chemicals from the Syrian Army's stockpile.

In August 2016, a confidential United Nations report explicitly blamed the Syrian military of Bashar al-Assad for dropping chemical weapons on the towns of Talmenes in April 2014 and Sarmin in March 2015.[1]


Syrian government blamed for Aleppo chemical attack
“Immediately after the impact, patients and staff reported suffering severe respiratory symptoms and burning of mucous membranes – symptoms consistent with an attack using chemicals,” a spokesperson said.

The hospital’s orthopaedic surgeon was among two people killed in the attack, leaving just two orthopaedic surgeons for a population of around 120,000 people, and the clinic was put out of service for three days.

Russia and China veto UN sanctions on Syria for chemical weapons use
Bashar al-Assad's forces have been accused of repeatedly using the nerve agent during the six-year civil war, including in a massacre in Eastern Ghouta that almost sparked military intervention by the UK in 2013.

Damascus has denied the allegations, while Isis is also alleged to have used chemical weapons including chlorine and mustard gas.

Idlib province, in north-western Syria, is a key battleground between regime forces and rebels including Islamist factions linked to al-Qaeda.

It was the destination for rebel fighters evacuated from eastern Aleppo earlier this year, and is widely expected to be Assad's next major target.
Sad but what can one do?
America, Israel and Saudi are responsible for death of millions Muslims since American adventure in Afghanistan & Iraq. Plus America is supporting extremist countries with idiotic thoughts like Saudi. Not to mention their full support for Israel to commit daily crimes in Quds, Qaza and west bank. US is supporting Saudi and Israel to kill brother Muslim Yemenis and Palestinians but this regime cry for their filthy terrorists in Syria.

God damn whoever attacked Afghanistan & Iraq and made civil war in Syria. God damn whoever supports a terrorist regime like Saudi to bomb Yemenis and has/is arming its fierce sinister terrorists (devil khawarij) in Syria to ruin Syria in order to secure its illegitimate child Israel.

Death of millions Muslims is done by Americans and her darling anti-Islamic minions. God will not forget death of millions Muslims and we Muslims and none Muslims too will not forget crimes of America and its darling allies too.

Blood of Millions Muslims in Middle East and beyond that break our hearts. specially seeing those innocent Syrian children gassed by devil American terrorists for American and Israeli ambitious. God damn Zionism that is destroying Islam by wars and proxy wars via their bloody soldiers wahabis and salafis. Devine and rule (let millions innocent Muslims get killed by our salafi wahabi loony soldiers to perform our Israeli ambitious!)
What's truly upsetting is that absolutely nothing can be done to stop such incidents. Any sort of involvement in this mess will only worsen things.
God damn whoever attacked Afghanistan & Iraq and made civil war in Syria. God damn whoever supports a terrorist regime like Saudi to bomb Yemenis and has/is arming its fierce sinister terrorists (devil khawarij) in Syria to ruin Syria in order to secure its illegitimate child Israel.

you forget to wish that for the firaun of the ummah: chemical assad and his filthy supporters!

he is in the foodstepes of his devilish father but he is a more sinister satan than his father..

but interesting is "muslim terror attack in russia" and than chemical weapons in syria..
Spare us your lies again for a thousand time _ and you know it_, you have destroyed Lebanon many times, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.. So go do your hasbara work elsewhere..
I asked u a simple question and u failed to answer.
What's truly upsetting is that absolutely nothing can be done to stop such incidents. Any sort of involvement in this mess will only worsen things.

It is ironic how suddenly these mostly anti-Muslim members are so worried about the death of Syrian children.

This outrage, anger and frustration is nowhere to be seen when the US is killing innocent people all over the world through covert drone strikes and illegal occupation of sovereign lands.

The bigger irony is that the current US president maintains that the ISIS mess can be attributed to Obama's legacy. Not only that, president Trump has even declared that Obama is the creator of ISIS. Go figure.

All this outrage against Russia and others is just a cover up to conceal their own failures. The truth is that the Americans and her allies involved in Syria have screwed up royally after providing weapons to unknown rebel groups. Their strategy to overthrow Assad has backfired tremendously. What we are witnessing today are the remnants of this failed policy.

Yes, the US and her allies are very much responsible for what is happening today in Syria and the Middle East at large. It all started with the stupid unilateral US invasion of Iraq. The US has unleashed a monster it cannot tame. The US is caught between a rock and a hard place to fix this mess. They can't fix it anymore. It is beyond their reach now.

Also, this won't be the first time we will be seeing outraged and angry culprits. This is a matter of routine. The grapes are sour. Someone has to be the scapegoat.

Finally, we know what is going on behind the scene. Assad has nothing to gain by gassing his own people. Be it his adversaries. We know who is desperate to orchestrate such an atrocity. These are the same people who lost face in Syria. They can't get over their humiliating loss.
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NO evidence that connects usage of any weapon to Asad or Russia or any country

  • Any rouge group with $$$ funding or some help from outside can carry out any random act

Since F35 stealth jets are in Israel it is easy for them to drop a Chemical Weapon across the town and fly back undetected and also capture HD quality snapshot of region

There were some warnings from ISrael 1-2 weeks ago against Syria in particular which went unnoticed by many perhaps , and they indicated they would not even fear Russia

The two Simultaneous attacks are done with purpose of dividing opinion in Russia and creating a bridge between Syria/Russia

a) Subway attack vs Russia gets the public in Russia agitated , demand less support of Syria
b) Syria Chemical weapon attack allegations (fairly long fetched)

Seems like timed to perfection

1- Israel warns Syria it will attack and destroy targets it deemed a threat
2- Russia bombings , gets people fearing and pressuring government bodies
3- Allegation on Assad's usasge of Chemical weapon to destory his image which Russia is busy with their investigation who was involved behind their subway attack
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NO evidence that connects usage of any weapon to Asad or Russia or any country

  • Any rouge group with $$$ funding or some help from outside can carry out any random act

Since F35 stealth jets are in Israel it is easy for them to drop a Chemical Weapon across the town and fly back undetected and also capture HD quality snapshot of region

There were some warnings from ISrael 1-2 weeks ago against Syria in particular which went unnoticed by many perhaps , and they indicated they would not even fear Russia

Indeed, Israel is another foul actor in this conflict. Israel can't do fvck though. With Russia calling the shots in Syria things are very complicated. The Russians are smart enough to see through the deception.
F35 would have been a perfect delivery of Sarin gas which (technically do not exist in Syria)
a stealth plane would have been perfect asset in Israel to execute this mission over Syria
  • The Ground ops must have been done by Rouge Syrian Rebels (Kurds/ Israeli )
Meanwhile for the Subway accident in Russia , they stated someone from Central asia was involved however consideirng the timing of the event , can't count out a third party (investor) who may have motivated some groups in central asia to do some favors in return for future favors

It is too "HOLLYWOOD" Israel shows its "POWER" that it will destroy anything that is threat (Syria , Russian soldiers etc) , Then mysteriously bombing in Russia , and then so called Chemical weapon's attack in Syria blamed on Hafiz Al Assad

HOLLYWOOD Movie Script
Starring :
Joaquin Phoenix (CIA head instigator in Syria)
Al Pachino (General Mathew)
Sacha Baron Cohen (Mosad Agent)
Adrien Brody (Central Asian Bomber)
Samuel L Jackson (President Drumps)

Presient "d"rump signs off on paperwork to support Israel in getting rid of Hafiz Al Assad.
Delegation of CIA. The hero leads the charge inside Syria he works with Group of Rouge Soldiers from Kurdish Rebel Alliance , to get their support with ground Operations.
Israel , recieves F-35 which they use for this operation to drop Sarin Gas over population in Syria overnight , as the stealth plane escapes undetected. Simultaneously CIA/Mosad have engaged a rouge group in Central Asia who they coordinate to do a bombing on Russian Subway precicely 1 day prior to Sarin attack , so every day Russian fear supporting Hafiz Al Asad. The planners think this action would discourage Putin to suport Syria. The central Asian rouge Group takes on the challenge for $$$ Support and weapons from CIA/Mosad
However , after the attacks take place, Putin Gets mad and then he fucks up Israel - The End
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