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Chechen warlord Doku Umarov killed by Russian Special Forces

So countless articles are not enough for you about the spread of islam in Russia

Russians problem is not enough give a toss about their own religion and they expect muslims to follow suit

When someone enters the freedom fighter field, they know life is short and against massive odds they work to achive their aims, in this case freedom for checniya

Once again the guy & guys like him past, present and future have been vital in allowing muslims in the caucases from checniya to dagestan and tataristan and beyond more freedom from the state to practice islam

For one reason alone, they fear if they impede basic islamic practice too much from the various ethnicities then those people will join guys like Doku in fighting back

One final thing has their actually been any confirmation or Russian acceptance of his death
From 1990 to 2010 the Russian Orthodox Church has built more than 25,000 temples. In Russia there is a powerful wave of revival of Orthodoxy. And increasing the number of practicing Muslims is mainly due to migrants from Central Asia - but this is a temporary phenomenon. In10-15 years after joining the Eurasian Union in the Central Asian republics industry will be restored and migrants will return to work at home. Among the citizens of Russia, Islam is not beyond the traditional Muslim regions . At the same time, the Russian Orthodox Church is gradually becoming a leading Christian power on a global scale.
So countless articles are not enough for you about the spread of islam in Russia

So countless articles are not enough for you about the spread of islam in Russia

Russians problem is not enough give a toss about their own religion and they expect muslims to follow suit

When someone enters the freedom fighter field, they know life is short and against massive odds they work to achive their aims, in this case freedom for checniya

Once again the guy & guys like him past, present and future have been vital in allowing muslims in the caucases from checniya to dagestan and tataristan and beyond more freedom from the state to practice islam

For one reason alone, they fear if they impede basic islamic practice too much from the various ethnicities then those people will join guys like Doku in fighting back

One final thing has their actually been any confirmation or Russian acceptance of his death

Once again the guy & guys like him past, present and future have been vital in allowing muslims in the caucases from checniya to dagestan and tataristan and beyond more freedom from the state to practice islam

For one reason alone, they fear if they impede basic islamic practice too much from the various ethnicities then those people will join guys like Doku in fighting back

One final thing has their actually been any confirmation or Russian acceptance of his death

What happened in chechnya is what which has led to suppression of most islamic school of thoughts by kadyrov and he is implementing his stalinist brand of islam ....

At the same time, the ringleader of Chechen apostates Kadyrov and his entourage said on local television that only one "version of Islam", Sufism, is allowed to be practiced in Chechnya. Kadyrov once again proclaimed Muslims, followers of monotheism, as enemies who are to be physically eliminated.

Kadyrov demanded to report on all those who wrongly, according to apostates, profess Islam and eliminate them. Against this background, the ringleader of the apostates is actively building Christian churches and gives public promises "to revive Christianity" in Chechnya to Russian Christian priests of various ranks.

Russian polytheists carried out rite of Christian baptism in Chechnya. Kadyrov's followers kill Muslims - Kavkazcenter.com

Once again the guy & guys like him past, present and future have been vital in allowing muslims in the caucases from checniya to dagestan and tataristan and beyond more freedom from the state to practice islam

The only reason why islam is freely practiced in Tatarstan is that the tatarstan sufis have good inter-religious relations with Russian orthodox church and the govt . There is no freedom of islamic sects in chechnya. The person who does not follow kadyrov's version of islam ,he is killed. This is not so in other republics like Kabardo-balkaria,cherkessia,tatarstan,dagestan,ingushetia.

For one reason alone, they fear if they impede basic islamic practice too much from the various ethnicities then those people will join guys like Doku in fighting back

Incorrect . Doku type guys has led to many wahabbi practitioners being made to disappear in chechnya. This is not true for dagestan or tatarstan.

When someone enters the freedom fighter field, they know life is short and against massive odds they work to achive their aims, in this case freedom for checniya

The only thing that happens to freedom fighters is that their relatives are tortured,killed and raped by russian special forces whenever these terrorists attack civilians.

So countless articles are not enough for you about the spread of islam in Russia

With exception to Tatarstan and dagestan ,there is not much islam in russia. many circassians in kabardia ,adegye have left islam and returned to paganism . 2 million muslims converted to christianity.
What happened in chechnya is what which has led to suppression of most islamic school of thoughts by kadyrov and he is implementing his stalinist brand of islam ....

At the same time, the ringleader of Chechen apostates Kadyrov and his entourage said on local television that only one "version of Islam", Sufism, is allowed to be practiced in Chechnya. Kadyrov once again proclaimed Muslims, followers of monotheism, as enemies who are to be physically eliminated.

Kadyrov demanded to report on all those who wrongly, according to apostates, profess Islam and eliminate them. Against this background, the ringleader of the apostates is actively building Christian churches and gives public promises "to revive Christianity" in Chechnya to Russian Christian priests of various ranks.

Russian polytheists carried out rite of Christian baptism in Chechnya. Kadyrov's followers kill Muslims - Kavkazcenter.com

The only reason why islam is freely practiced in Tatarstan is that the tatarstan sufis have good inter-religious relations with Russian orthodox church and the govt . There is no freedom of islamic sects in chechnya. The person who does not follow kadyrov's version of islam ,he is killed. This is not so in other republics like Kabardo-balkaria,cherkessia,tatarstan,dagestan,ingushetia.

Incorrect . Doku type guys has led to many wahabbi practitioners being made to disappear in chechnya. This is not true for dagestan or tatarstan.

The only thing that happens to freedom fighters is that their relatives are tortured,killed and raped by russian special forces whenever these terrorists attack civilians.

With exception to Tatarstan and dagestan ,there is not much islam in russia. many circassians in kabardia ,adegye have left islam and returned to paganism . 2 million muslims converted to christianity.

The muslims of Russia are expanding, I find it hilarious that I have given you numerous and different sources about the expansion of islam in Russia (and their were many more) but this isn't enough for you yet you take your obscure sources including ones from xtian sites and Kavkazcenter.com which is like a propaganda site against the Chechen regime as some sort of holy truth

islam in russia is getting bigger and bigger more and more russian are converting, the birth rate of muslims is higher and the migrants are marrying and putting down roots and having children

have you sern pictures of Moscow during Eid prayers

muslims are more religious and practising then the Christians and that combined with the birth rate will transform Russia

The version of islam practised in Checniya is fine it's not any different to much of the islam practised in Pakistan kind of a braveli version,

After communism islam has rebounded fast in Russia Orthodoxy is lagging

wait for another 10-20 year's and see the results
wait for another 10-20 year's and see the results

There have been claims since the 70s about Europe turning Islamic as well, especially the Nordic countries after they allowed Muslim immigration.

Muslims will need to improve their own countries, dreams of taking over non-Muslim lands will remain just that or will meet violent opposition as one has begun to see in Europe.

No country will allow itself to be taken over by Islamists.
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Islam is as indigenous to Russia as christianity is

The Russians can't have it both ways

They want the various Republics to be part of Russia but don't want the people to expand or spread into Russia

they want friendship and influence with the muslim central asian states and they want and need muslim workers to help build Russiabut they ddon't want them expressing their faith culture and marrying or laying roots in Russia

Either give freedom to the muslim republics right up to Tatarstan and cut influence with the muslim states

Or don't get bent out of shape when you realise

muslims practice their faith more than you
have more children then you
and want to express their faith and culture as Russians

once again has anyone confirmed the death of this guy
Islam is as indigenous to Russia as christianity is

The Russians can't have it both ways

They want the various Republics to be part of Russia but don't want the people to expand or spread into Russia

they want friendship and influence with the muslim central asian states and they want and need muslim workers to help build Russiabut they ddon't want them expressing their faith culture and marrying or laying roots in Russia

Either give freedom to the muslim republics right up to Tatarstan and cut influence with the muslim states

Or don't get bent out of shape when you realise

muslims practice their faith more than you
have more children then you
and want to express their faith and culture as Russians

once again has anyone confirmed the death of this guy

Islam is not native to Russia.

Are you seriously comparing peaceful Christians with Jihadi nutjobs? Moreover Russia is a Christian nation, you Muslims are real hypocrites, in your own crappy backward countries everyone must follow your backward 7th Century ideology, but you expect to be respected? Despite blowing yourselves and others?

Russians WILL wipe their asses with the terrorist scums infesting their territories.

Islam is not native to Russia.

Are you seriously comparing peaceful Christians with Jihadi nutjobs? Moreover Russia is a Christian nation, you Muslims are real hypocrites, in your own crappy backward countries everyone must follow your backward 7th Century ideology, but you expect to be respected? Despite blowing yourselves and others?

Russians WILL wipe their asses with the terrorist scums infesting their territories.

When Islamist terrorist (don't take it as offence) kills civilians elsewhere (Talibani killing Afghan's or other), they people call them Jihadist & rejoice it. However, when same people blows innocent people in Land of Pure :pakistan: than they cry a river. Hypocrisy! Just Ignore him. ;)

Most of Pakistani have concept of Good Terrorist & Bad Terrorist. That is why every other day, there are suicide bombings etc is happening there. They should realize, the DEAD TERRORIST IS THE GOOD TERRORIST.
Even Arab countries want South Asians as workers to build and run their countries.

But that is about it.
The muslims of Russia are expanding, I find it hilarious that I have given you numerous and different sources about the expansion of islam in Russia (and their were many more) but this isn't enough for you yet you take your obscure sources including ones from xtian sites and Kavkazcenter.com which is like a propaganda site against the Chechen regime as some sort of holy truth

islam in russia is getting bigger and bigger more and more russian are converting, the birth rate of muslims is higher and the migrants are marrying and putting down roots and having children

have you sern pictures of Moscow during Eid prayers

muslims are more religious and practising then the Christians and that combined with the birth rate will transform Russia

The version of islam practised in Checniya is fine it's not any different to much of the islam practised in Pakistan kind of a braveli version,

After communism islam has rebounded fast in Russia Orthodoxy is lagging

wait for another 10-20 year's and see the results

I repeat . Over 25,000 Orthodox churches built over 20 years. And every day, building new ones. Unfold monasteries closed after the Revolution . Russian Orthodox expanding around the world, even in the United States is now a wave of conversion to Orthodoxy . In Russian Orthodoxy.
Muslims in Russia have every opportunity to profess Islam . But let them do it in their regions. We are not trying to convert them to Christianity - they do not try to convert us to Islam. It's fair , is not it?
Migrants from Central Asia will soon return to their homeland. If they want to dominate in Russia - then leave by force. Nobody here prevents them pray to Allah , but no one will never allow them to become the dominant force in Russia . At home -they can do all they want to do. But not here.
Islam is not native to Russia.
Russia is not a tiny city, it is the biggest country in the world and islam can be considered the native religion of very large parts of it.
Are you seriously comparing peaceful Christians with Jihadi nutjobs?
Russians are peaceful christians?!!! they have commited circassian genocide, they have screwed the world by their backward communism, mass expelled people to Siberia and Central Asia, and mass murdered people.
Moreover Russia is a Christian nation, you Muslims are real hypocrites, in your own crappy backward countries everyone must follow your backward 7th Century ideology, but you expect to be respected? Despite blowing yourselves and others?
grow up dude, If you have problem with arabs or mullahs, it does not mean that you should support every one who has problem with muslims and kills and oppress them. This generalizing is ridiculous, immature, and inhumane. That's what I clearly see in some hindus posts, like that ridiculous guy, vk_man, as well. They, and you literally worship any anti-muslim a$$hole which is disgusting.
Russia is not a tiny city, it is the biggest country in the world and islam can be considered the native religion of very large parts of it.

Russians are peaceful christians?!!! they have commited circassian genocide, they have screwed the world by their backward communism, mass expelled people to Siberia and Central Asia, and mass murdered people.

grow up dude, If you have problem with arabs or mullahs, it does not mean that you should support every one who has problem with muslims and kills and oppress them. This generalizing is ridiculous, immature, and inhumane. That's what I clearly see in some hindus posts, like that ridiculous guy, vk_man, as well. They, and you literally worship any anti-muslim a$$hole which is disgusting.

Let's agree to disagree.

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