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Chasing the Dragon

Some of the good things about Communism I liked , free health care everyone got their needs, however Pure communism will never be attained.
Is that it? So if I offer you free health care in exchange for running your life as I see fit, you would agree?
Some of the good things about Communism I liked , free health care everyone got their needs, however Pure communism will never be attained.

Yea, Marx called it "highest happiness of the greatest number" if am not mistaken.
The competition between India and China is not militaristic or even ideological in nature - so comparing it to USA / USSR is perhaps not right. For example the Americans hated communism with a vengeance and banned commies in USA - India routinely elects communist parties into power. Perhaps a Chinese can clarify but from what I understand, China mistrusts the West's economic model of capitalism but does not begrudge it democracy.
To be honest I don't even think there much competition between India and China. They just happen to be big neighbouring countries growing at roughly the same time, but the area where one is strong the other is not really competing and vice versa.
They may be competing in the future, but right now there seems to be more than enough room for both.
Is that it? So if I offer you free health care in exchange for running your life as I see fit, you would agree?

Canada offers free health care. UK does. Australia does. Most of Western Europe does. They are all democracies. America's healthcare woes have nothing to do with communism vs democracy - they have to do with capitalism vs socialism.
Yea, Marx called it "highest happiness of the greatest number" if am not mistaken.
More like slavery. Marx wanted: From each according to his abilities. To each according to his needs.

It means that no one has any rights to his labor. To date, the only functional communist societies proven to succeed are the family unit and the monastery.

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

Canada offers free health care. UK does. Australia does. Most of Western Europe does. They are all democracies. America's healthcare woes have nothing to do with communism vs democracy - they have to do with capitalism vs socialism.
Nothing is free. The government run health care system works off your taxes, in other words, you paid for it before the money even touches your hand.
Some of the good things about Communism I liked , free health care everyone got their needs, however Pure communism will never be attained.
Pure communism (politically nor economicly) will not work. But pure capitalism (in the political way like the US uses it) is also not sustainable. The western european forms of socialism are more sustainable.
Chasing a dragon sounds fun.

Pure communism (politically nor economicly) will not work. But pure capitalism (in the political way like the US uses it) is also not sustainable. The western european forms of socialism are more sustainable.


But then, how come much of the EU economies in trouble now?
More like slavery. Marx wanted: From each according to his abilities. To each according to his needs.

It means that no one has any rights to his labor. To date, the only functional communist societies proven to succeed are the family unit and the monastery.

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

Nothing is free. The government run health care system works off your taxes, in other words, you paid for it before the money even touches your hand.

Yea, but that is the case everywhere except some tax free Arab states and some tax havens.
Pure communism (politically nor economicly) will not work. But pure capitalism (in the political way like the US uses it) is also not sustainable. The western european forms of socialism are more sustainable.
Sure it does. It depends on the scaling and so far the only successful communist societies are the family unit and the monastery.

In the family, we have a largely benevolent dictatorship who has absolute authority over the resources and who have absolute interests in the well being of everyone for the continuation of the society. There are also members who are truly incapable of making reasonably wise decisions for themselves and therefore needs constant guidance for a large part of their lives.

In the monastery, we have a benevolent dictatorship and followers who adheres to a higher set of ideals: religion. Entry into this society is purely voluntary, so is leaving it.

All the communists of the world has to do is create a country that successfully replicate the best of both of the above.
Chasing a dragon sounds fun.


But then, how come much of the EU economies in trouble now?
The monetairy issues the have now is political.
The northern (germanic) European societies differ too much from the southern European societies.
The germanic countries are basicly bean counters and the southern countries more or less have a laissez faire attitude.
In economic times like these, the northern countries are just not very willing to pay for the mess the southern countries have made.
Sure it does. It depends on the scaling and so far the only successful communist societies are the family unit and the monastery.

In the family, we have a largely benevolent dictatorship who has absolute authority over the resources and who have absolute interests in the well being of everyone for the continuation of the society. There are also members who are truly incapable of making reasonably wise decisions for themselves and therefore needs constant guidance for a large part of their lives.

In the monastery, we have a benevolent dictatorship and followers who adheres to a higher set of ideals: religion. Entry into this society is purely voluntary, so is leaving it.

All the communists of the world has to do is create a country that successfully replicate the best of both of the above.
A family unit and a monastry is NOT cummunism, but dictatorship. Communism is about pure equality in EVERYTHING.
A family unit and a monastry is NOT cummunism, but dictatorship. Communism is about pure equality in EVERYTHING.
Sorry, but that make no sense. May be am not 'sophisticated' enough. As long as there are independent thoughts given to us by nature or by some deity there WILL BE inequality, in ideas, labor, and products. In short, there will be inequality in everything.
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