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Chasing the Dragon

"Chasing the Dragon" is a euphamism in Cantonese, that refers to a certain method of taking heroin.

(Though now the same phrase is used in the West as well).

I'm sure the Economist knew this, which is why they gave the article this name.
I think there can be no comparison between India and china in social,economical and military level.India is atleast a century behind china at present.Even indian economy is slowing down below 8% this year and inflation is in double digits.
Sorry, but that make no sense. May be am not 'sophisticated' enough. As long as there are independent thoughts given to us by nature or by some deity there WILL BE inequality, in ideas, labor, and products. In short, there will be inequality in everything.

For the layman explenation see Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Communism is a social, political and economic movement that aims for an establishment of a classless and stateless communist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, and which abolishes the end of wage labour and private property in the means of production and real estate

What you see as communism (the state most communist countries are in) is actually seen as a necessary transition stage.
Problem is countries will never pass this transition stage and if they do I do think the next stage will be sustainable.
Lmao, why don't you compare USA and China. Instead of chasing you are being lead by a leash.

There are articles and charts in The Economist comparing USA and China too, and I do post them from time to time. The content of my posts speaks for itself.

(Just because you experienced some "quality time" with the NYPD does not mean you can conclude who is being led by a leash based on one chart. :D )
Problem is countries will never pass this transition stage and if they do I do think the next stage will be sustainable.

You're right. It is completely unsustainable.

Which of course, is the reason we have never seen a perfectly equal society... because it's not logically possible.
I think there can be no comparison between India and china in social,economical and military level.India is atleast a century behind china at present.Even indian economy is slowing down below 8% this year and inflation is in double digits.
India is not within striking distance as some here believe, but they are certainly not a century behind.
What India does lack is an government with its priorities straight.
For the layman explenation see Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What you see as communism (the state most communist countries are in) is actually seen as a necessary transition stage.
Sometime during the move or 'transition' it became too obvious to call that country for what it is, not where it came from.

Problem is countries will never pass this transition stage and if they do I do think the next stage will be sustainable.
As long as there are diverse opinions, there will be contentions as to whose opinions are best for the country. The result is a demi-god figure surrounded by an enforcement mechanism whose sole purpose is to suppress all alternatives by any means. We see this too often in these communist...er...I mean 'transition' countries.
Sometime during the move or 'transition' it became too obvious to call that country for what it is, not where it came from.

As long as there are diverse opinions, there will be contentions as to whose opinions are best for the country. The result is a demi-god figure surrounded by an enforcement mechanism whose sole purpose is to suppress all alternatives by any means. We see this too often in these communist...er...I mean 'transition' countries.
You can call a pig a cow if you want to, but it still won't a cow. Just don't complain if the steak is not what you expect it to be.

At the moment socialist European countries like Sweden are closer to communism than any communist country has ever been.
You can call a pig a cow if you want to, but it still won't a cow. Just don't complain if the steak is not what you expect it to be.
Then what do you propose we call the former USSR or China or Cuba? Communist-wannabes? A pig does not have the ability to evolve into a cow. But that is exactly what communists want all of us do: Abandon our independence to either a demi-god or to herdthink. Evolve into something we are not.
India is not within striking distance as some here believe, but they are certainly not a century behind.
What India does lack is an government with its priorities straight.
And Indian govt. won't get its priorities right coz that require single minded focus on development and social engineering like China.and such social engineering cannot be possible in diverse country like India.it will take centuries for it.
Then what do you propose we call the former USSR or China or Cuba? Communist-wannabes? A pig does not have the ability to evolve into a cow. But that is exactly what communists want all of us do: Abandon our independence to either a demi-god or to herdthink. Evolve into something we are not.
If you want to call them communist-wannabes, sure go ahead. Most of the countries you mentioned called themselfs socialist countries. But then again the DDR and the DPRK call themselfs democratic, hell the dutch PVV stands for Freedom Party (they are neither a party nor do they want freedom for anyone not thinking the way they do).

I do not know what the communist want us to do, I am not a communist more a what we call social liberal (is that even worse than a communist in the US?) but I know that the countries you mentioned were/are not communist.
If you want to call them communist-wannabes, sure go ahead. Most of the countries you mentioned called themselfs socialist countries. But then again the DDR and the DPRK call themselfs democratic, hell the dutch PVV stands for Freedom Party (they are neither a party nor do they want freedom for anyone not thinking the way they do).

I do not know what the communist want us to do, I am not a communist more a what we call social liberal (is that even worse than a communist in the US?) but I know that the countries you mentioned were/are not communist.
There is a difference between a label from convenience versus examining the characteristics of something and making a judgement. It is far easier for all of us to call Cuba a 'communist' country than to call North Korea a 'democracy' without either retching or laughing aloud.
There is a difference between a label from convenience versus examining the characteristics of something and making a judgement.

This is true, and if you examen the characteristics of the so called "communist" countries, you will find they are not.
They are in reality dictatorships, olichargies or autocracies with a planned economy.
If you think they are communist, then please tell me what are the characteristics of communism and what are the characteristics of the countries you mentioned.
This is true, and if you examen the characteristics of the so called "communist" countries, you will find they are not.
They are in reality dictatorships, olichargies or autocracies with a planned economy.
If you think they are communist, then please tell me what are the characteristics of communism and what are the characteristics of the countries you mentioned.
A 'dictatorship' is a catch-all term for any country that does not allow competing political ideas. I said 'not allow'. Did not say 'does not have'. An allowance simply encourages the creation thereof. Anyway, a 'communist' country not only violently suppresses competing political parties but also enforces, not encourages, characteristics of communism, such as communal property, anti-capitalism, and conformity. A dictatorship can encourages capitalism under state controlled capitalism like China today. So yes, we can dispense with the label 'communist' for China and insert 'dictatorship'. For Cuba, can still keep the 'communist' label. Same for the former USSR.
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