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Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons

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Son, you seem distraught by some emotional imbalance. My intention was never to make you cry

So you think we should ignore your disgusting existence while you f*ck around on this world. OK. We would o that from now.
one of the four jihadi was a girl.
I know, but it is very rare....

Nonsense. The Prophet (SAW) had the most power when he conquered Makkah...when he entered the city he did so with humility and forgave all those who had offended him, launched wars against him (especially Abu Sufyan's family) and killed his family and friends. He even forgave those who spread slander about his wife Aisha (RA). The only people he had killed were those who were inciting treason or those who committed treason. (eg. Masjid al Dhirar incident and the Jews of Banu Qurayza) Get your facts from reliable sources please.
what's your opinion about sunan Abu Dawud book 34 #4348?
Terrorism can not stop free thinking of 6 billion people they newer was they never will
since the time of female poet......

Asma bint marwan (624 A.D) assassinated

Salman Rushdie

Taslima nasreen

Charlie hebdo
Well take your medication as you are rambling i am an athetist and don't shoot or rape in the name of a man called Mohammed

Please go and check inside a hospital to see if you have Dissociative disorder because clearly your awareness and memory of history has become pathetic. Yes you are an atheist follower , which created the ideology of communism that predominately allowed Stalin to murder millions across the Soviet Union. Lets not forget about Maoism, which was responsible for starting a genocide on all religious groups across China. Not to mention in Cambodia, half the population was massacred and raped by an atheist ideology....so get off your high horses
LOL and why should i read it or did i ever asked u to have studied islam yrself in the first place before making yr opinions or atleast this news paper has taken the trouble to ever read it without their gov funded BS?

Answer is a bloody NO. So dont ask silly questions to me.

Because people are judging it over just some caricatures.
Because people are judging it over just some caricatures.

In France the Gayssot Act, designates the conjecture that it is considered an offence to question the existence of the Holocaust and is therefore prohibited. Such double standards and hypocrisy, because freedom of expression has become selective in nature which typically suit the needs and requirements of secularists supporters.
Please go and check inside a hospital to see if you have Dissociative disorder because clearly your awareness and memory of history has become pathetic. Yes you are an atheist follower , which created the ideology of communism that predominately allowed Stalin to murder millions across the Soviet Union. Lets not forget about Maoism, which was responsible for starting a genocide on all religious groups across China. Not to mention in Cambodia, half the population was massacred and raped by an atheist ideology....so get off your high horses
atheism and communism are different things.
what you said sounds like - " Hindu and muslims both worship a god/ gods- so they are following the same religion".
when you know the holes are there and know the menace stays in the holes, someone someday has to put a finger inside the hole to bring that menace out so rest of the world can see its true face and agree that, yes, its a menace and we need to deal with it.

One thing that history teaches you is that they are not the ones who are going to take it laying down, unlike Hindus...so keep it up
atheism and communism are different things.
what you said sounds like - " Hindu and muslims both worship a god/ gods- so they are following the same religion".

Please read more history, because communism and atheism have a correlation of both not believing in the idea of God. Actually both Lenin and Karl Marx's regarded them selves as atheists, rather than the adherence of the Jewish faith and this philosophy was used in the Soviet Union to prosecute all other religious faiths.
Original Muslims are not even 10 million all others including me are under umbrella of Islam, but we have all our own version of Islam,not that version that was taught.Originally this killing game started from Pakistan.

See...honestly, i also agree that freedom of speech should have limit..But that does not mean you will go out and start killing...This mindset has to change...
The right path is pretty well defined for followers of Islam (rest have their own faiths). Follow the Quran. Quran only. Nothing but the Quran.
Isnt that what those paris attackers followed?

This is hilarious !! :tup:
This thread is amazing - a number of Pakistanis go on insulting India/Hinduism in the most blatant manner, and yet it hurts them when their own faith is insulted. And they are surprised when they find others don't respect their faith in return. I guess 'do unto others' or 'charity begins at home' are meaningless phrases to them.

I don't think my faith or my country are small enough to be insulted by some petty lowlife, and I refuse to insult Islam/Pakistan just because these lowlifes happened to be born in a Muslim household in Pakistan. To my mind, the polio workers routinely killed by terrorists and murdered school children of Peshawar were also Pakistani, and I would rather not tar them with the same brush as these idiots. In any case, these jokers need no outside punishment - human or divine. A life full of hatred is punishment enough, and may you live a long life.
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