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Changing Bengali attitudes towards Bangladesh

MHJ share this photo on your fan page , i would like to see comments on it

@ Joe : Thanks for the response, though I'm sure that in reality people might exist between factions instead of being wholly with one or the other. Having said that where do you think does an individual's right to choose or refuse their past, embrace another's identity or completely reinvent an identity altogether seems like a valid proposition. I think that because all of these 'labels' are after all inventions at one time or another with little relevance barring the fact that at some point in time a group of people realized that because they now spoke the same language, dressed up in the same way, ate the same things, celebrated the same festivals, even looked similar in appearance - They should substantiate or rather christian (in a way!) those similarities by naming themselves such and such a thing hence how all these 'ethno-linguistic' identities were formed.

For example on my Dad's side I'm an ethnic Kashmir on my Mom's side I'm an ethnic Punjabi..now I know for a fact that neither of those two ethnic group's recorded history goes back beyond a few thousand years (lets pick 10,000 as a big round number !) so surely they must have been something else before that ? And if that is true then what would be irrational in say, myself, deciding that here on this day (03/08/2012) I decide that my identity would be that of a 'Newfoundlander' or that of a 'Bengali' and I'd learn all of the things that are traditionally considered the cornerstone of any such identity - language, unique cultural practices etc. The point I'm trying to make is that if these are, at the end of the day, mere 'conscious decisions' on part of any individual then would it seem irrational for a Person 'A' to decide that he'd like to be associated with Ethnicity 'B' instead of the one that he was born in ?

I'd like to add a little more to this as well : Joe, where or rather when do you think is a society radically changed enough for there to be a need for a 'reinvented' or at least 'new' identity ? Which is to say if someone's reference point in life that influences everything that one does from cradle to grave is so radically changed then does one still belong to the same demographic identity or does one have the right to call him/herself something different ? I am of course referring to the spread of Islam in the Indian subcontinent and how Islam by its very nature was both theologically and practically (though regrettably that resulted in a lot of blood spilled too !) different then the original faith and the way of life of the inhabitants of our subcontinent and in being embraced by whole swathes of the population (forcefully or otherwise...the adherence was there !) in some parts of the Indian subcontinent there was, I would assume, a paradigmatic shift in the collective consciousness of the society whereby in many things the rights of yesterday became the wrongs of today and vice versa...and things of a similar connotation. Do you think then would a community or a society be justified in evolving their identity from 'A' to 'Z', should they wish it ?
Of course, this wouldn't be applicable to the areas where a much more syncretic and less...*how should I put this*, theologically and practically confrontationalist Islam took root !

I am fascinated.

May I have your permission to reproduce your note on a private mailing list? I will share the commentary with you if you let me do that.
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I'm fond of 'Pan-Islamism' myself but when I talk about that I mean a stronger OIC then its present sorry excuse for an existence and perhaps even a cross between the EU and NATO tailor made for the Muslim World. Having said that I don't see that happening in my life time because it requires a political maturity and political consciousness that none of our nations at presently display...perhaps Turkey does slightly !

On the authority of Thawbaan , the Prophet said:

“The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the hearts of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.” Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]

without greater alliance we have little chance to survive, I honestly believe Bangladesh will not be able to control her own fate ( for example fair share of water) without a greater union! Change will come if we want! Mursi a few years ago was a prisoner, now a president!!

good to be politically conscious but a word to the wise, don't go on joining student organizations that often resort to petty thuggery and vandalism. Here in Pakistan the MSF, the BSF, the Jamiat-e-Tulaba and almost every other organization out there is exactly the aforementioned two things. But of course I do apologize if the student wing of the BNP isn't like that...!

Its like that! But there are also good people in politics! we just see the darker side of it! As labong mentioned earlier we Bangalis like to talk & talk only! i just didnt want to limit myself to keyboard only! you know, most of the time we fight inside BNP against other fractions! I just got frustrated and tilted towards islamism! Just an example, In a central meeting of BNP me and my friends requested the central leaders to select good/regular students for vital posts only! the reply we got " those who give priority to politics over their study are more deserving!!" anyway Just two days ago had iftaar with Khaleda Zia and eagerly waiting for next election!!!!:rolleyes: ..

^What a bunch of hateful pricks, no doubt birds of feather flock together.

flock together?? Now all of them are Jamati?? ahem! thats a defence page! i dont think MHJ is jamati! He is against rohingya entry inside Bangladesh ! Now we know what common Bangladeshis think about you people!
@ Kobiraz : I'm not much of a religious person myself so I can't comment on the Hadith, its veracity or in what context was it said ! Having said that I do believe in a certain kind of Pan-Islamism but I'm also conscious of the ground realities ! Today the Muslim world is divided between Arab-Persian, Sunni-Shi'ite, Orthodoxy-Modernists, Seculars-Islamists (in the context of Political Islam !), our intra-sect rivalries and a whole bunch of other country to country rivalries not to mention Provincialism or ethno-linguistic nationalism within our countries ! So...I don't think any kind of concrete steps to unite the Muslim Countries on one platform is going to happen in my life ! Add to that our abysmal state of governance, our lack of scholarship in the Muslim world or even a lack of developing our own narrative compounds that exponentially to the point of practically killing it. Besides, and I'm picking this up from the 'lack of narrative bit', our interpretations of political Islam range from an Iranian styled theocracy on one-hand to a Turkey styled Secular Democracy on the other with countries like Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh to name a few, falling in the middle of the spectrum somewhere...so when we talk about 'alternative paradigms' that Islam provides us...we have no consensus on what they are and worst we haven't even provided one workable example of them to the world. All of our countries are dysfunctional to say the least and I do agree that most of our issues are less ideological and more governance related but in our cases that line blurs out quite a bit with our ideology or lack thereof fudging up the governance bit and the bad..bad state of governance making a mockery out of the ideology ! What this does is that it doesn't only let the 'others' say - Bakwasss kartein hain ! They don't have nothing concrete to show and they keep on going about 'Islam this and Islam that...!', but also our own youth have started saying 'Waqai mein Backwasss kartei hain ! They don't have anything to show for 50-60 years of self-governance when they had their way, their ideology, their system...their everything - now they're just looking to extend their stay by wiping up 'Islam' once more !

So my friend, like I said - I don't see any kind of concrete improvement happening in the Muslim world whether its the formation of a Muslim bloc or us solving some of the very fundamental issues of our polity, in my time !
flock together?? Now all of them are Jamati?? ahem! thats a defence page! i dont think MHJ is jamati! He is against rohingya entry inside Bangladesh ! Now we know what common Bangladeshis think about you people!

Isn't what the common Bangladeshis think about us is the whole rationale behind people like me and Joe turning so vehemently against Bangladesh and requesting them to be identified differently than us?

Isn't it the whole reason why we feel uncomfortable when someone refers Bangladeshis as Bengali?

After joining this forum I've been made sure that common Pakistanis show far more modesty and character than common Bangladeshis. I'm sure they wouldn't have commented that all Indians are bastards on a picture where some Indians ladies tying rakhi to rangers. Even though we have a lot more bad blood between us.
^What a bunch of hateful pricks, no doubt birds of feather flock together.

Were you ecpecting something else la la bong. I would say the comments were much more lenient
relative to the $hits your countrymen spout here everyday. Don't you agree.
Well it's not unexpected from a country full of rajakars, Mr rajakar. After all you guys excelled at selling your own people so why should Indians deserve any leniency?
when she was attacked by sultan bahadur Shah, she had no other option! Sent a letter to opium addict Humayun to help her with Rakhi to protect her from committing suicide! Bahadur Shah sent a letter to Humayn that He had waged a Jihad and Humayun should keep himself away! But Humayun attacked Sultan Bahdur! His Imam that evening Recited the following Surah in Maghrib prayer to prevent him and was executed for this! Those chicken heart talibans are far better than opium addict Humayn! Sher Shah was thousand times better than him as general as ruler as Muslim LION HEART!

I appreciate this post full heatedly. I could not come up with such precise answer. Jazak Allah Khayr. :)

Thank you.
Rakhi bondon akta utshob. It's to strengthen the bond between a brothers and sisters and of course celebration follows suit. You sure bro you are Bangladeshi?? You do know that in Bangladesh we do celebrate a lot of festivals together, or don't you!?

Munāfiq is an Islamic Arabic term used to describe a religious hypocrite, who outwardly practices Islam, while inwardly concealing his disbelief (kufr), perhaps even unknowingly.

Now how does that relates to "Rakhi bandhan'" utshob!!!


Piece of advise, don't rely on Wikipedia as far as Islam is concerned.
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Rakhi bondon akta utshob.

You are right , its a utshob, but a foreign one and that too pagan.

It's to strengthen the bond between a brothers and sisters and of course celebration follows suit.

Its a unislamic pagan festivity, period. And a muslim don't need such unislamic superstitious beliefs to strengthen bonds with his/her sibling. Subscribing to such acts means that you are believing
in some foreign pagan superstitious traditions which falls in the category of shirk.

You sure bro you are Bangladeshi??

He is a proud bangladeshi from shylet who being a muslim considers himself muslim first before
any ethnicity or nationality just like every muslim should including you if you are a muslim i.e.

You do know that in Bangladesh we do celebrate a lot of festivals together, or don't you!?

No offence, but where do you live? I have never seen any muslim doing raksha bandan in BD and
my famility have plenty of interactions with non-muslim circles and friends. First time I am hearing
this from you. It happens in India and in some cases PAK but not in BD.

Yes some irreligious "muslims" do attend pagan festivities that doesn't allow you to say "we" as
a whole in BD do such things. Muslims should not take part in any pagan non-muslim festivity. Its the basis of Islam and a no brainer.

Munāfiq is an Islamic Arabic term used to describe a religious hypocrite, who outwardly practices Islam, while inwardly concealing his disbelief (kufr), perhaps even unknowingly.

Now how does that relates to "Rakhi bandhan'" utshob!!!

Yes it does relates to this "utshob" of yours. Hindus celebrate it because they believe some of their goddesses and gods like Krishna and laxmi subscribed to it.
Raksha Bandhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some Quotes:

Rakhi is also celebrated as Gamha Purnima in Orissa. On this date, all the domesticated Cows and Bullocks are decorated and worshipped.

This is also celebrated as Shri Baladeva birth Ceremony. Lord Krishna's elder Brother Prabhu Balarama was born on this Poornima

this day is celebrated as Narali Purnima. On this day, an offering of a coconut (naral in Marathi) is made to the sea, as a mark of respect to Lord Varuna, the God of the Sea.

In parts of Gujarat, this day is celebrated as Pavitropana. On this day, people perform the grand pooja or the worship of Lord Shiva.

in the state of West Bengal (India), this day is also called Jhulan Purnima. Prayers & puja of Lord Krishna & Radha are performed there. Sisters tie rakhi to Brothers and bestow immortality.

SO IT IS CLEARLY NOT SOME STRENGTHING STUFFS BETWEEN SIBLINGS BUT A HINDU PAGAN FESTIVITY. Don't try to give sugar coating words like strengthen the bond between a brothers and sisters. Trying to defend pagan acts will make you a munafiq if you are a muslim i.e.

Now if a muslim does something like that he is believing in the acts of their gods by default and thus committing shirk, the greatest and only absolute unforgivable sin in ISLAM that takes you out of the fold of Islam until the person repents and realizes his/her sin.

হোম শেষ পাতা হিলি সীমান্তে রাখিবন্ধন উত্সবহিলি সীমান্তে রাখিবন্ধন উত্সব
লেখক: ফুলবাড়ি ও হাকিমপুর সংবাদদাতা |
শুক্রবার, ৩ অগাষ্টu-এ ২০১২, ১৯ শ্রাবণ ১৪১৯

দুই বাংলার মানুষের মিলনমেলা

সীমান্তে সংহতি ও সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি অটুট রাখতে গতকাল বৃহস্পতিবার দিনাজপুরের হাকিমপুরের হিলি সীমান্তে দুই বাংলার মানুষ মেতে উঠেছিল রাখিবন্ধন উত্সবে। আর এ কারণে কিছু সময়ের জন্য হলেও দুই বাংলার মানুষের মিলনমেলায় পরিণত হয়েছিল হিলি সীমান্ত। ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গের পূর্ব মেদিনীপুরের কোলাঘাট ‘ভাষা ও সংস্কৃতি’ নামের সংগঠন সকাল ১০টায় হিলি সীমান্তের চেকপোস্টের শূন্য রেখায় এই রাখিবন্ধন উত্সবের আয়োজন করে। শুরুতে দুইদেশের জাতীয় সঙ্গীত পরিবেশন করা হয়। পরে হাকিমপুর শিল্পকলা একাডেমি ও ভারতের হিলি শিল্পকলা একাডেমির শিল্পীরা বিজিবি ও বিএসএফ সদস্যসহ আমন্ত্রিত অতিথিদের হাতে রাখি বেঁধে দেন।

এ সময় উপস্থিতৃ ছিলেন বিজিবি’র হিলি সিপি ক্যাম্প কমান্ডার শহিদুল ইসলাম, সাবেক পৌর মেয়র কামাল হোসেন রাজ, দিনাজপুর প্রেসক্লাবের সভাপতি চিত্ত ঘোষ, হাকিমপুর প্রেসক্লাবের সাবেক সাধারণ সম্পাদক জাহিদুল ইসলাম জাহিদ এবং ভারতের ৯৬বিএসএফ ব্যাটালিয়নের স্টাফ অফিসার নরেশ, সংগ্রাম বিশওয়ালসহ উভয় দেশের সহস্রাধিক নারী-পুরুষ, তরুণ-তরুণী ও শিশু-কিশোর।

That's an Indian org. acting as Rawami agents and showing us the mula of apar bangla opar bangla that some confused awami mentality idiots will fall for. I hope you are not one of them.Can you please enlighten me about how does Some officers being forced by a dalal gov to take part in a pagan festivity equals to "দুই বাংলার মানুষ মেতে উঠেছিল রাখিবন্ধন উত্সবে।".The only thing is proves that BAL is a traitorous anti-state and anti-islamic terror organization that is doing indian dalali to enslave people of BD. What are you trying to show Al zakir with this kind of pathetic propaganda
A real story based on history how Emperor Humayun of Delhi went to save his Rakhi Bandhan sister Rani Durgabati from the onslaught of a Sultan Bahadur Shah that changed the course of Hindustan's history. Humayun was supposed to rush to Bengal to crush the usurper Sher Khan, but he could not resist the call from his Rakhi sister and went to the west/south (was it Malwar?), instead.

He saved the Rani but Sher Khan consolidated his hold in Bengal during this lapse of time. This finally caused Humayun to leave India, but he never regretted his earler decision to help Rani Durgabati. Muslims are supposed to be lion-hearted like Humayun, and they were always like this during their good days. They were not like present day chicken-hearted small Talibanists who defy a ceremony, an occassion or a goodwill gesture from other religionists that closes the sectarian differences.

A religion is certainly not something like a ladder that automatically takes somebody to the Paradise because he commits himself to certain rituals that really may not purify his heart. I personally find it overwhelming that the Hindu ladies crossed the border and fastened the sacred thread to their otherwise Muslim enemy brothers of BGB. We must respect their goodwill.

Hindus have been celebrating this festivity way before that incident ( which also has a lot of controversy). The are a lot of Hindu propaganda in it like women inside the palace including Rani Karnavati comitted suicide to save
their honor.:lol: Nothing but made up myths. But humayun being the traitor he is ,sided with non-muslims against a lion hearted Muslim worrier like Bahadur shah. Hindus can boast about that incident but not muslims but here you are spouting rubbish to defend a pagan festivity orchestrated by Awami indian dalals at the border. :undecided:
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