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Changing Bengali attitudes towards Bangladesh

I'm sorry, but what in the world is Rahksa bhadan or whatever?
I'm sorry, but what in the world is Rahksa bhadan or whatever?

Perhaps, Yasinbin can clarify for us. I am curious what's his family back ground. I am sure he is not Muslim. Not even Awami type Muslim.
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A friend of mine recently posted something in FB that i will copy paste here- " Don't argue with an idiot, he will bring you down to his level."

flame, dont lose heart, not all bangladeshis are like this(from my personal experience in uk). Do you visit bangladesh often?
Hi there. I'm an American-born Bengali. I've noticed that a lot of Bengali people tend not to know a lot about their country and consistently bash Bangladesh in public forums. Let me provide a few examples to explain what I mean:

/watch?v=MoMifNO4w6s This video on youtube talks about how Dhaka is the fastest growing megacity in the world. A commenter posted:

"and despite all this they continue to **** like rabbits
reckless irresponsible lowlives"

That's a pretty bleak statement to make, especially considering that Bangladesh is a unique poor country that managed to decreased its population growth BEFORE achieving economic growth.
Hans Rosling explains it much better in this Gapcast video than I ever could (from youtube): (/watch?v=jAJC2YAJw_A)

Here's another comment from the Dhaka-megacity video: growing megacity ? what the **** is wrong with these people , its corrupt and poor , god bless and help the poor and **** the bangladeshi goverment and theyre dhaka its a **** hole !

Poverty in Bangladesh has dropped by 8.5% in the last 5yrs - that's pretty good.
Bangladesh has climbed from the bottom of the Corruption Perception Index for 5yrs in a row (2001-2005) to rank 120 in the world (2011). Corruption Perception Index is rated out of 10 & Bangladesh has current rating of 2.7 < very bad but better than rating of 1.0 it had in 2001-2005.

Here's one possible reason why Bengalis bash Bangladesh so consistently: Bengali people have high (unrealistic) expectations from Bangladesh & when they don't get that perfection, they complain. This isn't very pragmatic or smart. Bangladesh isn't going to turn into Sweden overnight - the important thing is to show improvement. Also important, perception about how a country is doing plays a significant role in attracting foreign investment so it makes ZERO sense for Bengalis to bash Bangladesh in a public forum needlessly.

So Bengalis: keep it real. Don't say Bangladesh is pooping rainbows but don't make it out to be a total gutter when it's actually showing significant improvement.

Also: INVEST in BANGLADESH :) It's the fiscally intelligent thing to do!

Talking up maybe a cheer-leading factor but is not going to help much in absence of infrastructure such as power and communication.

I don't quite understand your observation that Bengalis have an unrealistic expectation, please clarify further, an example would be great.

Bangladeshis are known to eat their own stock. Stick around a little longer in the forum you will see it with your very own eyes.

Just saying !!

For no particular reason I am thinking of some verses from the song Lady Jane, album Promised Land by Queensrÿche.

Lady Jane your eyes are wide today.
and we're sure you won't forget the things
you've seen today!
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We know you guys are more into father-daughter/daughter-in-law 'somporko'.......and the 'somporko' is of such kind that you can't celebrate it publicly for obvious reasons....:D

lolwut? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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This is singularly the dumbest tread in the Bangladesh forum.... And there are many.

The majority population of the 13 sultanates of Bengal are bengalies, with common language but divided by religion.
Bangladesh with its history and population needs a differing defination for national unity which is Bangladeshi. This pulls together other non Bengali people to create a unified defination.

BAL does not get it, when they say chakmas Manipuris etc are Bengali is insulting. It denigrates their cultural identitity. A multi ethnic multi religious nation requires a common over arching identity to bind and bond all stands of the nation, don't see why people don't get it. A nation needs to respect and nurture all it's people even in the case of Bangladesh which has a overwhelmingly homogenous poplulation.

Bangladeshis as a people are very patriotic. The reason why we are critical of our government is because we expect more from them. The politicians have hindered our economic and social growth rather than aid it.

We have one political party that places another countries interest over bangladesh and another which is full of national rhetoric but no action and both are downright crooks.

Whatever improvement we have made at a national level has happened inspite of the politicians rather than because of them.

The criticisms are valid and unfortunate but bangladeshis in Bangladeshis and abroad have great love for their nation and people and want nothing more than a sovereign, confident, prosperous peaceful nation that is at ease with itself and is a responsible member of the family of nations.

This thread is preposterous in its imbecility.
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