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Chabahar port not fully handed over to India: Iran


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom

handed over the Chabahar port to India and its doors are open for Pakistan, an Iranian official here said.

Abbas Badrifar, press attaché at the Iranian embassy in Islamabad, told The Nation that Iran preferred Pakistan as a Muslim-majority nation in the region to the countries where the Muslims were in minority.

“It is wrong to say that we have handed over the Chabahar port to India . There have been some agreements for trade and business. Our doors are open for Pakistan, in fact we prefer Pakistan as a Muslim-majority country,” he said.

Badrifar added: “While Iran wants good ties with all the countries, our policy prefers the countries where Muslims are in majority. Pakistan is a key country.”

He said India had invested only $85 million instead of billions of dollars being reported. This month Iran and India signed agreements, including Tehran leasing to New Delhi operational control of part of the Iranian east coast port of Chabahar for 18 months.

The $85 million project, just 90 kilometres from Gwadar port , creates a transit route between India , Iran and Afghanistan.

The leasing agreement, giving operational control to India of Shahid Beheshti port - phase one of the Chabahar port - was signed in the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during the Iranian leader’s visit to India . The agreement was signed after Rouhani held wide-ranging talks with Modi aiming to ramp up regional connectivity and intensifying bilateral trade and investment.

Chabahar provides a strategic option to India to connect with Afghanistan and Central Asia. India has committed to construct the railway line from Chabahar to Zahedan, which is close to Zaranj on the Afghanistan-Iran border. The close by Gwadar port in Pakistan’s Balochistan province is being developed by China.

Badrifar said Chabahar and Gwadar were not rivals but sister ports of two friendly Muslim-majority countries.

“President Rouhani’s visit to India does not mean we are against Pakistan. President Rouhani visited Pakistan twice in the recent past and can visit [Pakistan] in the near future too. As a sovereign country, we have independent ties with other countries but we can never be against Pakistan,” he explained.

Badrifar said Iran’s soil could never be used against Pakistan.

He said Pakistan had a great importance in Iran’s foreign policy. “In fact, we had agreed to Pakistan’s mediatory role between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It was Saudi Arabia who declined Pakistan’s offer,” Badrifar reminded, referring to the Iran-Saudi Arabia tension.

He said Pakistan army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa’s visit to Iran in November last year had been successful and both the sides had vowed to enhance cooperation. Badrifar said the Iranian leadership had acknowledged Pakistan’s sacrifices and achievements in the war against terror and its contributions towards regional peace.

Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Mohammed Faisal said Pakistan had a consistent position that Afghanistan as a landlocked country had a right of transit access through any neighbouring country according to its needs.

“On Chabahar Port , let me reiterate what the Iranians said earlier that Chabahar and the Gwadar ports are complementary in nature,” he said, adding: “Our trade with Afghanistan, Iran and China continues as before. I have already mentioned that Chabahar and Gwadar port are complementary to each other.”

Defense analyst and former Brigadier Harris Nawaz said Pakistan and Iran needed to build a strong bilateral relationship. “There can be misunderstandings. We should try to remove them [the misunderstandings] and start a new chapter of friendly relations. Pakistan and Iran should expedite work on bilateral projects including Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project,” he said.

Nawaz said Pakistan should convince Iran to become part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Iran, he said, should also be careful in getting Indian help for development of Chahbahar port as the presence of India in Iran could be perceived as a strategic threat in Islamabad.

That is something Modi will gain not India. I think this is a stunt from Modi to show in election nothing more.

Exactly. Elections are in less than a year. 18 months is more than enough buffer time.

Having said that Modi knows that BJP would lose the elections. They have already started sending all the money abroad. Two scamster Modis have already fled the country along with tonnes of money and third one will fly right after the elections. It is very clear to people now why RBI governor Raghuram Rajan was replaced with Modi's Gujju buddy Urjit Patel. Gujju bhais have totally wrecked the economy and looting the country like there is no tomorrow.
I think most indians are confuse on this as what India will do in 18 months in chhbahar.
Exactly. Elections are in less than a year. 18 months is more than enough buffer time.

Having said that Modi knows that BJP would lose the elections. They have already started sending all the money abroad. Two scamster Modis have already fled the country along with tonnes of money and third one will fly right after the elections. It is very clear to people now why RBI governor Raghuram Rajan was replaced with Modi's Gujju buddy Urjit Patel. Gujju bhais have totally wrecked the economy and looting the country like there is no tomorrow.

Because it is very hard to understand an 18 month lease that India took, because Chabahar is useless to Iran as they already have Bandar Abbas and it is a very big and large port plus Chabahar's distance to main Irani cities is far higher. Indian export to Afghanistan is not that much that India requires a whole port and currently Pakistan is not sanctioning Indian exports to Afghanistan so India never needed a port at Chabahar for India Bandar abbas was good option. Thirdly India cannot militarize the port so it is useless to India and paying a 18 month lease for what is India doing that? I think is only for Modi.
Because it is very hard to understand an 18 month lease that India took, because Chabahar is useless to Iran as they already have Bandar Abbas and it is a very big and large port plus Chabahar's distance to main Irani cities is far higher. Indian export to Afghanistan is not that much that India requires a whole port and currently Pakistan is not sanctioning Indian exports to Afghanistan so India never needed a port at Chabahar for India Bandar abbas was good option. Thirdly India cannot militarize the port so it is useless to India and paying a 18 month lease for what is India doing that? I think is only for Modi.

It is very Obvious india need this port to import terror into pakistan.
Sorry to say but that's a blog post.

So whats fishy ?

The blogger has added lines in between by his own. Please provide a genuine news article or a public statement. If you want real article.. just google it. I can post Indian NEWS reports (not blog posts) on this event and the statement, and no where does it says anything about Pakistan. I don't mind being proven wrong as long as its a genuine news article even if a Pakistani source.

See the real article here...By Dawn.

NEW DELHI: India and Iran on Saturday signed agreements, including Tehran leasing to New Delhi operational control of part of the Iranian east coast port of Chabahar for 18 months.

The $85 million project, just 90km from Gwadar port, creates a transit route between India, Iran and Afghanistan, bypassing Pakistan.

India is trying to develop Chabahar as a way to gain access to the markets of Central Asia countries as well as Afghanistan.

But progress is slow because of concern that President Donald Trump’s administration in Washington may eventually scrap the Iran nuclear deal.

A leasing agreement giving operational control to India of Shahid Beheshti port — phase one of the Chabahar port — was signed in the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Later, addressing a joint press conference with the Iranian president, Mr Modi said both countries wanted to expand bilateral ties and cooperation in economic development.

“We will support the construction of the Chabahar-Zahedan rail link so that Chabahar gateway’s potential could be fully utilised,” he said. “We want to expand connectivity, cooperation in the energy sector and the centuries-old bilateral relationship.”

Other agreements included a double taxation avoidance treaty, extradition, and cooperation in the farm sector.

Mr Rouhani, who arrived in the southern city of Hyderabad on Thursday, will later address industrialists.

Peace in Afghanistan

The Indian prime minister and the Iranian president agreed to step up efforts to bring stability to war-ravaged Afghanistan.

Mr Modi reiterated India’s commitment to help Afghanistan become “a peaceful, secure, permanent, prosperous and pluralistic country” after holding talks with Mr Rouhani in New Delhi on the last day of his three-day visit.

“Looking at our common interests, we are committed to stopping the expansion of such forces that promote international organised crime in terrorism, extremism, illegal drug trafficking, cyber crime and various forms,” Mr Modi said.

“We want to see our region and the world free from terrorism,” he added.

There was no mention of financial assistance or providing weapons to help Afghanistan fight militants by either leader. They did not name Pakistan.

India has been a key supporter of Kabul’s government and has poured more than $2 billion into the country since the Taliban were toppled in 2001.

India has been a key purchaser of Iranian oil and gas, and maintained trade ties even as international sanctions were imposed on Tehran over its nuclear programme between 2012 and 2016. However, local Indian media have reported frustrations over delays in awarding a contract to develop a major gas field known as Farzad B in the Gulf.

India’s foreign ministry said on Saturday that “discussions continue” on Farzad B.

Because it is very hard to understand an 18 month lease that India took, because Chabahar is useless to Iran as they already have Bandar Abbas and it is a very big and large port plus Chabahar's distance to main Irani cities is far higher. Indian export to Afghanistan is not that much that India requires a whole port and currently Pakistan is not sanctioning Indian exports to Afghanistan so India never needed a port at Chabahar for India Bandar abbas was good option. Thirdly India cannot militarize the port so it is useless to India and paying a 18 month lease for what is India doing that? I think is only for Modi.
So modi gov is fooling his bhagat voters ??
So modi gov is fooling his bhagat voters ??
Yep Modi Govt is trying to fool it's voter by such moves. Just like we saw what happened with FATF Pakistan.There is no Pakistani name on FATF but Modi Media was going crazy over it. Then they started it will be done in June and lol. Foolish Indians.
Because it is very hard to understand an 18 month lease that India took, because Chabahar is useless to Iran as they already have Bandar Abbas and it is a very big and large port plus Chabahar's distance to main Irani cities is far higher. Indian export to Afghanistan is not that much that India requires a whole port and currently Pakistan is not sanctioning Indian exports to Afghanistan so India never needed a port at Chabahar for India Bandar abbas was good option. Thirdly India cannot militarize the port so it is useless to India and paying a 18 month lease for what is India doing that? I think is only for Modi.

You have rightly pointed out, Iran does not need Chabahar as all trade goes through Bandar Abbas. Even India's current trade to Russia goes through Bandar Abbas and not through Chabahar. Chabahar is just a publicity stunt to fool the people.
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