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Centre scraps $20 billion MMRCA deal for 126 Rafale jets for IAF, LCA Tejas to replace MiG-21

where did you get is only 36 rafale's All future order will be through GToG route
Just a usual chit chat. As it's told in rolled over words to media as well.

Nobody told me state secret.

There won't be any more order of rafale for now.

Enough money spent
Just a usual chit chat. As it's told in rolled over words to media as well.

Nobody told me state secret.

There won't be any more order of rafale for now.

Enough money spent
Go first watch DM inteview with DD news or Even Ibn7
Who's to be held accountable for the lag? What amazes me is the fact that despite all the tantrums at the part of Dassault Indian authorities are still interested in Rafale.
yeh konsi chiriya ka naam hae,,,,,yeh India me nahi milta
Why Tejas, even your MiG-21s are enough to take care of things, just your pilots need to crash them on the otherside of the border. :rolleyes:

MIG-21 is BVR capable and has low RCS. and with a good ground radar or an AWACS to compensate for its lack of a strong Radar, it would demolish your puny little planes.

Mig-21 bested F-16's in red flag exercise when USA's AWACS were feeding information to Mig.(In that exercise, same AWACS was feedin data to both Mig-21 and F-16).
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Actually what is going on here ?
So they are telling that these 20 billion would be injected in to LCA assembly line . @sancho @MilSpec .
I cant say whether this is right or wrong.
Where did you get the less number thing? He said all 'further rafales' will be in procured via govt to govt route. He didn't specified numbers though and it could be anything 90,108,126..anything.
All these from direct purchase and u think our cag fellows will simply keep mum on this?this 36 purchase may be a face saving purchase or an emergency purchase for iaf,or may be for a combo operation 36 rafi+ huge number of tejas(just like Apache chopper and lch combo)
Actually what is going on here ?
So they are telling that these 20 billion would be injected in to LCA assembly line . @sancho @MilSpec .
I cant say whether this is right or wrong.
No in buying Rafale's with gtg Route and Invest Rest in other Ambitious Projects
Can anyone please confirm what is happening in the circus? 36 Rafale coming and the rest MMRCA scrapped, or what?
This is what I was talking when people called me false flagger!

36 jets won't make much impact. I had talk with mod people and most of them are saying mrca is off. For now!

Now why these friggin 36 jet? Answer was to appease the IAF and convince th for Tejas, IAF is adamant onmrca. These jets need lot of infra to maintain.

Idea may be to involve French in engine development and develope amca. With the French being designing partner with india.

But till now these 7 billion seem a dead investment. I think more su were better if Russian played fair and not do all that arm twist and corrupting.
Since India has been purchasing a lot US equipment specially for the IAF, the Americans would have been very keen for a chunk of MMRCA deal, i wouldn't be surprised if India keeps the Americans happy by acquiring a few squadrons of say FA/18s or something.
Who's to be held accountable for the lag? What amazes me is the fact that despite all the tantrums at the part of Dassault Indian authorities are still interested in Rafale.

Not really, you have bucks in your pocket you can buy stuff. What all you lost (you should lose if you still haven't lost) is the credibility of your contrivers.
lol...only money creates credibility.... if you have tons of money..you will always be credible...no money no credibilty
No money for 126 rafales. This is what happens if you let the IAF run after the fanciest toys they want to buy.

I actually agree with the decision- the threat from China in Nos. offset by superior tech has been amply demonstrated by the MKIs Vs MKKs. Though CHina have more MKKs they were forced to protest the Russians when the MKI deliveries began. I think it is a great strategy.
Since India has been purchasing a lot US equipment specially for the IAF, the Americans would have been very keen for a chunk of MMRCA deal, i wouldn't be surprised if India keeps the Americans happy by acquiring a few squadrons of say FA/18s or something.
the Rafales are already chosen over rest

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