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Cellphones of missing Malaysian Airlines passengers still ringing !!!!!

Cell phone reception through land based cell towers or through satellites. Tell me which one can be used by a passenger flying on a 777. Then tell me what are the requirements for cell phone reception. Once you answer these two important questions then we can proceed to find out how true this article is and what Jesus's face looks like on a tortilla.
cell phones reception is not directly through satellite... otherwise it will be called satellite phone.. :girl_wacko:
cell phones reception is not directly through satellite... otherwise it will be called satellite phone.. :girl_wacko:

I was covering all bases if someone smart came through and said that it could be a satellite phone.
malaysian plane and its pasengers have all become ghosts

and it is now a ghost flight

who knew a passanger who had boarded the flight to take a journey would become a ghost,

even the news of their death would have satisfied us all, but i now fear they are lost in another dimension or what? :(
malaysian plane and its pasengers have all become ghosts

and it is now a ghost flight

who knew a passanger who had boarded the flight to take a journey would become a ghost,

even the news of their death would have satisfied us all, but i now fear they are lost in another dimension or what? :(
would love to see captain jack sparrow as captain of this 777..
too soon?
That's one big battery!
I have to charge twice a day, and that too in the city...
@forcetrip when are you gifting me new satellite phones :(

why is the flying ship lost, it has made me restless, i wont rest until it is found, god knows they have become another event horizon

I thought you were more into Skyping. Joking.
malaysian plane and its pasengers have all become ghosts

and it is now a ghost flight

who knew a passanger who had boarded the flight to take a journey would become a ghost,

even the news of their death would have satisfied us all, but i now fear they are lost in another dimension or what? :(

If you were looking for a ghost flight,you may be interested in Flight Helios 522,in which the entire passengers and crew except one flight attendant were unconscious due to lack of oxygen.The aircraft was flying with all the people,including the pilots unconscious but alive.The lone flight attendant was in a state of semi consciousness (that guy was trained to be a pilot,and on the way getting his Commercial pilot license;he ghost was a sky diver ;his GF-a air hostess was in the same flight;he switched duties to be with her) and managed to stay awake with the oxygen cylinders on board.F-16s intercepted the aircraft after the aircraft flied as a "ghost plane" for over 70 minutes.The F-16 pilot had visual contact with the lone Flight attendant,who waved at hime and then crashed the aircraft.

malaysian plane and its pasengers have all become ghosts

and it is now a ghost flight

who knew a passanger who had boarded the flight to take a journey would become a ghost,

even the news of their death would have satisfied us all, but i now fear they are lost in another dimension or what? :(

If you were looking for a ghost flight,you may be interested in Flight Helios 522,in which the entire passengers and crew except one flight attendant were unconscious due to lack of oxygen.The aircraft was flying with all the people,including the pilots unconscious but alive.The lone flight attendant was in a state of semi consciousness (that guy was trained to be a pilot,and on the way getting his Commercial pilot license;he ghost was a sky diver ;his GF-a air hostess was in the same flight;he switched duties to be with her) and managed to stay awake with the oxygen cylinders on board.F-16s intercepted the aircraft after the aircraft flied as a "ghost plane" for over 70 minutes.The F-16 pilot had visual contact with the lone Flight attendant,who waved at hime and then crashed the aircraft.
If you were looking for a ghost flight,you may be interested in Flight Helios 522,in which the entire passengers and crew except one flight attendant were unconscious due to lack of oxygen.The aircraft was flying with all the people,including the pilots unconscious but alive.The lone flight attendant was in a state of semi consciousness (that guy was trained to be a pilot,and on the way getting his Commercial pilot license;he ghost was a sky diver ;his GF-a air hostess was in the same flight;he switched duties to be with her) and managed to stay awake with the oxygen cylinders on board.F-16s intercepted the aircraft after the aircraft flied as a "ghost plane" for over 70 minutes.The F-16 pilot had visual contact with the lone Flight attendant,who waved at hime and then crashed the aircraft.

my god, what a horrific death i wont be flying any more :sick:, better to die on land where you have chance to save yourself
So your saying to me that:

-Cellphone has signal in deep water?
-Phone is still working in water?
-This passenger didnt turned off his phone in a plane?
-The officials are not able to locate it?

So your saying to me that:

-Cellphone has signal in deep water?
-Phone is still working in water?
-This passenger didnt turned off his phone in a plane?
-The officials are not able to locate it?

well , I also don't turn my phone of on a plane half the times as it's just Bs.

So your saying to me that:

-Cellphone has signal in deep water?
-Phone is still working in water?
-This passenger didnt turned off his phone in a plane?
-The officials are not able to locate it?

well , I also don't turn my phone of on a plane half the times as it's just Bs.
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