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Ceasefire violations: Pakistan approaches UN over situation in LoC


Jul 22, 2014
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New Delhi: A day after it lodged a protest with India on alleged ceasefire violations along the border,
Pakistan on Tuesday approached UN military observer group over the LoC situation.

According to the Press Counsellor in the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, Pakistan has recorded protest at United Nations Military Observer Group In India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) office in Islamabad on the LoC situation.

Representational image. AFP

India has always maintained that UNMOGIP has "outlived its relevance" and has "no role to play whatsoever". UNMOGIP, established under a UN Security Council Resolution, was meant to supervise the ceasefire line established under the Karachi Agreement of July 1949.

Yesterday, a Pakistan Foreign Office statement said, "The Government has lodged strong protest with the Government of India through diplomatic channels and called for restraining its forces from constant violation of the ceasefire" and claimed that four of its citizens were killed and three others injured during firing by Indian troops.

As per Indian authorities, five villagers were killed and 34 injured on Indian side in heavy mortar shelling and firing from across the International Border and Line of Control in Jammu and Poonch sectors, triggering strong condemnation by India.

Source Ceasefire violations: Pakistan approaches UN over situation in LoC - Firstpost
When Pakistan dnt have guts to solve situation on its own then why they start such act on border.

I think Pakistan should handover Kashmir to UN so that they dnt have to run to them every time.
Now they would understand what Rajnath singh meant when he said yesterday that things had changed.

I think, India should keep on responding like this and with more heavy mortors to tell them that things are not going to work as it used to work earlier.
asymmetric response always use one step higher caliber fire for responding

fire at least twice the amount of rounds that they fire
New Delhi: A day after it lodged a protest with India on alleged ceasefire violations along the border,
Pakistan on Tuesday approached UN military observer group over the LoC situation.

According to the Press Counsellor in the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, Pakistan has recorded protest at United Nations Military Observer Group In India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) office in Islamabad on the LoC situation.

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Representational image. AFP

India has always maintained that UNMOGIP has "outlived its relevance" and has "no role to play whatsoever". UNMOGIP, established under a UN Security Council Resolution, was meant to supervise the ceasefire line established under the Karachi Agreement of July 1949.

Yesterday, a Pakistan Foreign Office statement said, "The Government has lodged strong protest with the Government of India through diplomatic channels and called for restraining its forces from constant violation of the ceasefire" and claimed that four of its citizens were killed and three others injured during firing by Indian troops.

As per Indian authorities, five villagers were killed and 34 injured on Indian side in heavy mortar shelling and firing from across the International Border and Line of Control in Jammu and Poonch sectors, triggering strong condemnation by India.

Source Ceasefire violations: Pakistan approaches UN over situation in LoC - Firstpost

Pakistan is on predictable lines.

With Nawaz Sharif's Plot miserably failed in UN to Internationalise the Kashmir Issue, and Modi's reply in 2 lines "it's a bilateral issue". Apart from that Modi's grand reception in UN, White House, Madison Square Garden has pushed Pakistan in Corner. Whole Kashmir Policy of Pakistan was facing redundancy & usefulness for carrying it in future.

Because Pakistan carry on with Ceasefire Violations it will not going to affect India. And this time around due to Tough Indian Govt. Stand and thanks to free hand to IA in Kashmir the strategy of "Cross Border Terrorism" was not yielding any results. As this is evident from 25 Militants killed in Valley or crossing LOC just in few days, and without having caused any activity even minor one in Kashmir.

And while breaking Ceasefire they are facing massive retaliation from BSF/Indian Army which is hurting Pakistani Army which never had retaliation on this Scale from Indian Side in Past.

Forced by India, and fear of disappearance of Kashmir Issue from International Stage Pakistan had no other option but to register a protest to UN observer which is United Nations Military Observer Group In India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) office in Islamabad. Just to Internationalise the Kashmir Issue.

In the coming days we will see more intensity in shelling on LOC, for the sack of validating Pakistan's point that Kashmir is an International Problem.
last time India called PAK on hotline 18 times before they respond to the Flag meeting, This time India said NO dialling to hot line and tBSF told counter part we are not free to use whatever weapon and what ever area we like. from today onwards... be ready . .
This means our army is responding strongly.
Here's Pakistan's strategy:

After failing repeatedly to internationalize the 'Kashmir issue', the most recent being the lame duck speech of Nawaz in the empty hall at the UNGA recently where no one cared two hoots and some were even seen sniggering, the only option left was to blatantly violate the ceasefire, escalate the situation and then lodge a protest in the UN about so called Indian 'transgressions' in the hope that the world takes note and puts pressure on India to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir. But that's not gonna work.

And they keep hinting that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and the world therefore must take note that Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint that can destroy the world if the so called 'K' dispute isn't solved as per the wishes of the Pakistanis! Right! Like India is just growing bananas and therefore is a banana republic that can be threatened with nuclear Armageddon!

High time they came out of their cocoons and smelt the fresh air outside. Kashmir is a dead issue and they need to move on.

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