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Don't worry at times even I don't understand some of them.
India is a huge country where everyone is allowed to express their opinions. So we Indians are very opiniated by nature.
I do not know what conversation you had with my fellow countrymen but I can assure you it's all a part of being an Indian. We as Indians are divergent from each other but our love for country binds us together. If my countrymen hurt you then am sorry on their behalf. Some can be really brusque.
I hope you will tell me, with whom did you have the conversation and what was the topic of discussion. :)
No,Teach you misunderstood me,the only one who did hurt me in the past was my Teach when i was at school :pissed::pissed::pissed: still have nightmares. :sarcastic:
I was talking about the anti Turkiye attitude together with the Chinese trolls,i mean how can they side with them?
That is confusing,me no understand.:undecided:

@UkroTurk @Hurshid Celebi

Guys, do you know who this guy is ?

He is the boss of a Russian motorgang(Night Wolves),aligned to Putin.

Alexander Zaldostanov with Putin.
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I wrote his name leader of Biker Gang Mafia " Night wolves" .They are banned in EU and Usa he is friend of Putin and Kadyrov. I wrote before about their relations and crime
I was looking into a news photo gallery, all out of politicians with suits, this guy striked me... like WTH is this biker/mafia looking guy, doing in the meeting.
Burasini mason locasimi sandin?

In real life you are zero. :)

Kardesim. Neden kardeslerimize saldirip hakaret ediyorsun? Cok ayip. Yakistiramiyorum ve üzülüyorum.

@Sinan @KingWest

Ha. Simdi Cuk diye oturdu. Tüm konusmalar okunabiliyor ve konu farkli seviye ve boyuta tasindi. Yazilanlarin bir kismina imzami atarim. Hatta Bismarck ile dostlugumun bozulma pahasina. Ben de Almanya ve Ab deki gercekleri, irkciligi , ayrimciligi , asagilamalari ve bilincli olarak firsat esitliginden mahrum birakilmayi Master tezimde sosyopolitik acidan incelemistim. Hatta Cumhurbaskani Sn. Merkele: Asimilasyon ile entegrasyon olmaz diye uyarinca Türk Alman iliskileri buz cagina girmisti.
Look at her? I will allays believe what ever she says. Btw, don't know about Santa Claus, but Nicholas is buried in Turkey. Don't know if he was born in Turkey (Anatolia) also.

JELENA Petrowna Fischer, please. Let's do it correct.

Do you know that In Germany all immigrants from Russia had to take German names, to get identity card and it was forbidden to keep Russian names ?

All immigrants with new names e.g. Neufeld, Neumann and others had Russian names before. (very creative)
That was all part of my Master thesis, long ago.

Please read the German name and immigration law.
That was part of assimilation and wiping out policy,please keep factual and don't quote Wikipedia.
I try to be always factual and with evidence.
Yes, Nikolaus was a bishop burried in DEMRE / Antalya.

@Bismarck @UkroTurk
@Hurshid Celebi
Artik haber duymakta,gormekte icimden gelmiyor. Hersey negatif, nefret dolu ve politik. Teknik birseyler okumak, yeni Turk ucaklarinin fotograflarina bakmak daha eglenceli olurdu. Zaten Ulkenin keyfi yoktu, Turkler'in keyfini iyice kacirdilar.Hepsinin cani cehenneme.
Bu ortamda kimseye karsi önyargim ve husumetim yok, olamaz. Kirilan kalpler bile olsa.
Türk insanlari birbirine kenetlenmeli, ama asla seviyemiz "prol ve asocial" olmamali.
Hepimiz tolerant ve aklilli olmalayiz. Türk'ün Türk'den baska dostu yoktur.
Devletlerin ancak menfaati, bireylerin ise samimi dostlugu olabilir.
Allaha emanet olun.

@LegionnairE @cabatli_53 @UkroTurk @T-123456 @Sinan @KingWest @Bismarck and @all

@Hurshid Celebi
Artik haber duymakta,gormekte icimden gelmiyor. Hersey negatif, nefret dolu ve politik. Teknik birseyler okumak, yeni Turk ucaklarinin fotograflarina bakmak daha eglenceli olurdu. Zaten Ulkenin keyfi yoktu, Turkler'in keyfini iyice kacirdilar.Hepsinin cani cehenneme.

Dostum, ben bati medyasini 7/24 h takip ediyorum. Korkunc Türk düsmanligi ve Putin yalakaligi var.
Omurga gösteren bir ülkeyi hazmedemiyorlar.

Maasya yeni bir kart atacagiz, merak etme


I forgot you keep fighting while escaping. You didn't respond my other questions.

-Insulting many members.
-Opening multiple account @CekilinBenDoktorum
-Provoking the respected member
-Trolling on serious defence related subjects that You don't have any idea

Bye bye ! Ban issued...

We do not allow the problem makers like you in such respected forums !

I did not insult a single respected member here.

@KingWest is a pkk supporter from belgium. He opened thread about Daesh to make smear campaign against Turkey.

@Sinan is a GEZI park provokateur who did try to make coup'd'etat against our elected democratic government. He said that himself.

Bak akilli olun burda hükümeti devirmeye yönelik yazdiklarinizi MIT ile paylaşirsam uzun seneler hapisi boylarsiniz.

Benden söylemesi.
I did not insult a single respected member here.

@KingWest is a pkk supporter from belgium. He opened thread about Daesh to make smear campaign against Turkey.

@Sinan is a GEZI park provokateur who did try to make coup'd'etat against our elected democratic government. He said that himself.

Bak akilli olun burda hükümeti devirmeye yönelik yazdiklarinizi MIT ile paylaşirsam uzun seneler hapisi boylarsiniz.

Benden söylemesi.

Dude, stop that. That's nonsense. Neden bunlari yapiyorsun ??
If you want I will provide you contact data, you can complain about me.




"Contact formular" - nasil yardimci olabilirim - or just phone at PM 's office call center - Basbakanlik Irtibat
No,Teach you misunderstood me,the only one who did hurt me in the past was my Teach when i was at school :pissed::pissed::pissed: still have nightmares. :sarcastic:
Did she cane you? Or were you made to face the wall everyday??? :lol: :lol:
I was talking about the anti Turkiye attitude together with the Chinese trolls,i mean how can they side with them?
That is confusing,me no understand.:undecided:

He is the boss of a Russian motorgang(Night Wolves),aligned to Putin.

Alexander Zaldostanov with Putin.
Your problem is the new found bonhomie between China and Russia.
Indians under any circumstance would support Russia and Israel over anyone else (excluding a few like me, I do not support Israel's Palestine related policies).
Indians support Russia, and so do the Chinese. Have no doubt that Indians and Chinese would troll Turks in anti-Russia threads.
Frankly speaking as an Indian I do not hate Chinese, but we do scrutinise their pro-Pakistan policies. Fair? Isn't it? :)
With Turkey, so far India has maintained neutral relationship. Afaik Turkey is one of the most secular (Islamic) country.
Did she cane you? Or were you made to face the wall everyday??? :lol: :lol:
Women and their blond moments:tsk:
I meant my teacher from India,living in the UAE.:sarcastic:
Damn i didnt see the red part:azn:
And yes she did.:cray:
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