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Please stop that,

@KingWest What was your intention ? It was a severe fault to make it public. We could discuss that in Tea Garden.

@Kahraman99 Why did you insult him ? It's keyboard warrior behavior.

I am not Mod, but want to make you aware that your struggle is against Turkish interests.

Türkiye has all rights to support all elements against enemies, if necessary,
as they do and did for centuries against us.

There is no chance to discuss about it.

Once again, I saw it on a facebook page and it seemed intersting to me. Im sorry if you feel offended, but this answers question to why people join ISIS since lots of people (including I) dont understand that.
Once again, I saw it on a facebook page and it seemed intersting to me. Im sorry if you feel offended, but this answers question to why people join ISIS since lots of people (including I) dont understand that.

It is not your fault. But it was not OK, to open a thread in International Section.
You gave them unfortunately food against us.

People join DEASH or IS cause they were humiliated even in their own countries ,
had no equal chances and most of all ;
they have no future perspective and want die as "martyrs" (heroes)and not to live as they did.

( THAT is an easy sociological and psychological explanation you can read or watch from independent experts )

People are easy to manipulate, even if they joined Armed Forces. Everybody has its own trauma and his
revenge plans. Think about.

So easy.

It is not your fault. But it was not OK, to open a thread in International Section.
You gave them unfortunately food against us.

People join DEASH or IS cause they were humiliated even in their own countries ,
had no equal chances and most of all ;
they have no future perspective and want die as "martyrs" (heroes)and not to live as they did.

( THAT is an easy sociological and psychological explanation you can read or watch from independent experts )

People are easy to manipulate, even if they joined Armed Forces. Everybody has its own trauma and his
revenge plans. Think about.

So easy.


After all the negativity I wanted to delete the thread but it seems like I cant do this? I edited so its gone, but i cant delete the thread.
After all the negativity I wanted to delete the thread but it seems like I cant do this? I edited so its gone, but i cant delete the thread.

Please ask MOD @cabatli_53

It's ok keep calm. Nobody is perfect

Keep you heart and mind clean, always improve your intellect and also your physical power.

Try to love your homeland where you grew up, but never forget and traitor your roots :tup:
I always said "RUSSIAN STAY BEHIND AGENTS" activated now !

@UkroTurk @Sinan @Bismarck

Now evidence :

In German TV ARD - Russian POP STAR announced this night in a Christmas Program that SANTA CLAUS is DUTCH and was never Anatolian.

She changed the History in minutes , easy with sex-appeal and soft voice !

She was born in Siberia and changed her name from Jelena Petrowna Елена Петровна

to Helena Fischer !

Congratulations ! Crusader- JELENA Petrowna


Last edited:
I always said "RUSSIAN STAY BEHIND AGENTS" activated now !

@UkroTurk @Sinan @Bismarck

Now evidence :

In German TV ARD - Russian POP STAR announced this night in a Christmas Program that SANTA CLAUS is DUTCH and was never Anatolian.

She changed the History in minutes , easy with sex-appeal and soft voice !

She was born in Siberia and changed her name from Jelena Petrowna Елена Петровна

to Helena Fischer !

Congratulations ! Crusader- JELENA Petrowna



Look at her? I will allays believe what ever she says. Btw, don't know about Santa Claus, but Nicholas is buried in Turkey. Don't know if he was born in Turkey (Anatolia) also.

JELENA Petrowna Fischer, please. Let's do it correct.
I always said "RUSSIAN STAY BEHIND AGENTS" activated now !

@UkroTurk @Sinan @Bismarck

Now evidence :

In German TV ARD - Russian POP STAR announced this night in a Christmas Program that SANTA CLAUS is DUTCH and was never Anatolian.

She changed the History in minutes , easy with sex-appeal and soft voice !

She was born in Siberia and changed her name from Jelena Petrowna Елена Петровна

to Helena Fischer !

Congratulations ! Crusader- JELENA Petrowna


Sie ist eine Deutsch Russin,there are many in Germany.
When the Soviet Union collapsed,many Russians with German ancestors,were able to go to Germany and settle there,they got German passport.
Her parents came to Germany as Volga Germans.
You really need to relax.
Btw,also many came from Kazakhistan,Kirgizistan,Ukraine that i know of.
@Aminroop Teach,
I really dont get get some of your countrymen,im sure you know what i mean.:undecided:
Strange,very strange.
Don't worry at times even I don't understand some of them.
India is a huge country where everyone is allowed to express their opinions. So we Indians are very opiniated by nature.
I do not know what conversation you had with my fellow countrymen but I can assure you it's all a part of being an Indian. We as Indians are divergent from each other but our love for country binds us together. If my countrymen hurt you then am sorry on their behalf. Some can be really brusque.
I hope you will tell me, with whom did you have the conversation and what was the topic of discussion. :)
Once again, I saw it on a facebook page and it seemed intersting to me. Im sorry if you feel offended, but this answers question to why people join ISIS since lots of people (including I) dont understand that.
Mate, can you give the link ?

You don't have to convince anybody while opening a thread. As long as it doesn't support terrorists groups, those who didn't like your threads can fvck themselves.... Just report those guys who swears on you.

Biz Türkler Oguzhandan beri yüce Allah'a ve onun saldigi peygamber hazretlerine tapiyoruz.

Öküz müsün acaba ?
@Hurshid Celebi
ABD buralari iyice isitti, karistirdi. Suudi Arabistan ile Iran arasindaki gerginlik, yeni bir AMRAAM olayi ile derinlestikten sonra ABD Uzak Dogu'da calisabilir. Akli buralarda kalmaz.
Kore'de, Vietnam'da gerginlik yok mu bu aralar?
Ruslar, Japonlardan cok Toyota propagandasi yapiyorlar. Toyota manyakligi var.
Japonlar "o kadar Toyota'yi baska ulkeye satamayiz" korkusundan, Ruslar'a, Sahalin'i hediye ettiler.
Kore'de heran hersey olabilir. Ancak Korelilerinde en buyuk otomobil musterisi Rusya. Herkes Lada alacagima, Hyundai-KIA alirim diyor. Kore arabalari yerli araba gibi sayiliyor. SsangYong Rus musterileri olmasa batar.
Ancak Kore, Japonya ve Almanya araba satisini durdursa Ruslar'a. Gercekten Putin'i gondermek isteseler, arabasiz kalan Ruslar , Purtin'i biray icinde yollarlar, cok basit. Diger ulkelerin, samimiyetlerine pek inanilmiyor.
Cin ile Vietnam arasinda kiyi problemleri var herhalde. Belki oralardan birseyler baslayabilir.

Almanlar ile Ruslarin fiziksel dis gorunusunden bile ne kadar yakin akraba olduklari belli.
Bu iki milletin karisimindan Polonya ortaya cikmis herhalde:)
Ingiliz Kraliyet ailesi ile Rus Car sulalesinin akarabaligi var.
Araplar ile Yahudiler dusman kardes.
Ayrica Yahudiler ne kadar irkcilik yapsalarda en cok baska irklarla karismis millet kendileri.
Rusya, Ingiltere, Fransa yari yahudi dolu.
Turk ve Kurt DNA'si kadar biribirine karisan DNA var midir acaba?
Degismemis ayni kalmis Irk, millet, DNA varmi ?
Aileler icinde bile kardes kardesten nefret edip, menfaat icin birbirini oldururken, milletlerin savasmasi gayet normal.
Birde fikra gibi bir olay.Tarihte Kiev Ruslari Beylikleri veya Prenslikleri hep birbirine dusuyorlarmis, hep birbirlerini yiyorlarmis, ulke adam gibi yonetilmiyormus, heryerde yolsuzluk,her yerde beceriksizlik varmis.
En sonunda cozum olarak ISVEC'ten yonetici olarak Prens getirmisler, ulkenin basina koymuslar, gelisme baslamis Biraz hikaye kismida var.
Gunumuze ne kadar benziyor.
Ayrica Bazi Ukraynali'lar soylarinin Sumerler'den geldigine inaniyor:)
@Hurshid Celebi

Arkadas, du sieht an jeder Ecke Gespenster.


Hey friend, do you believe me ?

It was Christmas Concert from her with London Philharmonie yesterday in ARD Eins.
She said : "Don't believe the story that Santa Claus comes from Anatolia. it is a Duttch Tradition which was exported from the Dutch to Amerika (USA)."! She got loud applause.

You can watch it in archive of ARD again ! Don't attack me with easy non-arguments !

What's that for a message ?

What's that's for a message that in SPAR supermarket chain , sale of Halal (Koscher) was forbidden.

What's that for a message that LINKE party insists to claim that Erdogan buys IS-Oil;
despite the fact that Kurdish Energy Minister Sevo Cevdet said : " We export via Tankers and Pipeline from the route Silopi ( Habur boarder post) crude oil and fuel products to Turkey; Russian Sat-Photos show our tankers !

What's that for a message that 1 day before Turkey visit Ms. Von der Leyen prefers not answering, when a reporter asked her : " What is that for an ally that buys IS-OIL ?

Answer me if you are a trust able and honest man

Sie ist eine Deutsch Russin,there are many in Germany.
When the Soviet Union collapsed,many Russians with German ancestors,were able to go to Germany and settle there,they got German passport.
Her parents came to Germany as Volga Germans.
You really need to relax.
Btw,also many came from Kazakhistan,Kirgizistan,Ukraine that i know of.


Yes German say, everybody who had a German sheppard dog got German identity !

Read my answer to Bismarck and then you should think about and relax, don't tell me anything about Germany;
the country I know every square meter !

Bismarck said once : "Long ago "! I know what he means, he knows also.

@Hurshid Celebi
ABD buralari iyice isitti, karistirdi. Suudi Arabistan ile Iran arasindaki gerginlik, yeni bir AMRAAM olayi ile derinlestikten sonra ABD Uzak Dogu'da calisabilir. Akli buralarda kalmaz.
Kore'de, Vietnam'da gerginlik yok mu bu aralar?
Ruslar, Japonlardan cok Toyota propagandasi yapiyorlar. Toyota manyakligi var.
Japonlar "o kadar Toyota'yi baska ulkeye satamayiz" korkusundan, Ruslar'a, Sahalin'i hediye ettiler.
Kore'de heran hersey olabilir. Ancak Korelilerinde en buyuk otomobil musterisi Rusya. Herkes Lada alacagima, Hyundai-KIA alirim diyor. Kore arabalari yerli araba gibi sayiliyor. SsangYong Rus musterileri olmasa batar.
Ancak Kore, Japonya ve Almanya araba satisini durdursa Ruslar'a. Gercekten Putin'i gondermek isteseler, arabasiz kalan Ruslar , Purtin'i biray icinde yollarlar, cok basit. Diger ulkelerin, samimiyetlerine pek inanilmiyor.
Cin ile Vietnam arasinda kiyi problemleri var herhalde. Belki oralardan birseyler baslayabilir.

Almanlar ile Ruslarin fiziksel dis gorunusunden bile ne kadar yakin akraba olduklari belli.
Bu iki milletin karisimindan Polonya ortaya cikmis herhalde:)
Ingiliz Kraliyet ailesi ile Rus Car sulalesinin akarabaligi var.
Araplar ile Yahudiler dusman kardes.
Ayrica Yahudiler ne kadar irkcilik yapsalarda en cok baska irklarla karismis millet kendileri.
Rusya, Ingiltere, Fransa yari yahudi dolu.
Turk ve Kurt DNA'si kadar biribirine karisan DNA var midir acaba?
Degismemis ayni kalmis Irk, millet, DNA varmi ?
Aileler icinde bile kardes kardesten nefret edip, menfaat icin birbirini oldururken, milletlerin savasmasi gayet normal.
Birde fikra gibi bir olay.Tarihte Kiev Ruslari Beylikleri veya Prenslikleri hep birbirine dusuyorlarmis, hep birbirlerini yiyorlarmis, ulke adam gibi yonetilmiyormus, heryerde yolsuzluk,her yerde beceriksizlik varmis.
En sonunda cozum olarak ISVEC'ten yonetici olarak Prens getirmisler, ulkenin basina koymuslar, gelisme baslamis Biraz hikaye kismida var.
Gunumuze ne kadar benziyor.
Ayrica Bazi Ukraynali'lar soylarinin Sumerler'den geldigine inaniyor:)

Kafatascilik yapmam ama kendimi savunmasini tarih belegeleri ile bilirim. Almanya kim yahu ?
Bismarck Prusya catisi altinda Napolyon'a savas acarak Baden Düklügünü isgal etti, Habsburg'un siddetle karsi cikmasina ragmen Bavyera kraliyetini DELI kral Leopold sarayini "Schwanenstein" bitirebilsin diye 6 Milyon Altin Düka gönderdi ve savassiz Büyük Alman Imparatorluguna bagladi. Digerlerinin zaten P(RUSYA) Imparatorluguna karsi gelme gücü yoktu.
Sonra ne oldu. Dank 1. Dünya Savasini baslattilar.
Avusturyalilar hele Viyanalilar bugün bile "Almanlar icin bizim Gypsylerimiz derler". Bavyera li kuzey Almalara ise pis P(RUSYALI) der.
Mavi Kanlilar (asiller) tüm Avrupa'da birbiri ile akrabadir.

ABD Cine gözdagi veriyor. Ama Cin daha en az 10 sene savasmaz. Genislemeci politikasini hazirliyor. Suni adaciklar insa ediyor ve oralari askeri ileri üsler yapiyor.
Zamani gelince Taiwan dan baslayip genisleme politikalarini atak olarak baslatacaklar.


Bu serefsizler, az önce TV de Alman Tornadolari TÜRKLERE kesin ISTIHBARAT vermeyecek diye böbürleniyordu. Verirlerse fakir fukara KÜRT müttefiklerini kateledermis TÜRKLER.
Ingiliz Insan Haklari Izleme Orgutu'nin raporuna gore,Rusya Suryideki Shayrat hava ussunu genisletmeye baslamis. Ikinci bir pist ve 45 ucaklik kapasiteyi 100'e cikaracakmis.
T4 havaalinindan kalkan askeri helikopterler Palmir Bolgesine saldirmaya baslayacaklarmis.
Frans-press hbaerine gore
Humus bolgesinde askeri helikopterler icin ikinci bir havaalani yapacaklarmis. Aralik ayinda faaliyete gececekmis.Rusyadan is makinalari getirilmis.
Son 24 saat icinde Humus bolgesinde 40 a yakin hava saldirisi gerceklestirilmis, ve yenileri bekleniliyormus.
Turkiye'ye cevap olarak Suriyedeki varligini derinlestirmeye gittiklerini soyleyebilirz.
@Sinan why you don't replay to me when I bring historical fact??maybe because you heard it for the first time I know you grey puppies deny the history and make your own fantasies
the term that you use to call iranian land it doesn't exist in history and also its iranian name that's show how stupid the followers of your ideology are

As long as it doesn't support terrorists groups

Buraya yurtdisindan katilan genclerle gurur duymak lazim.
Hepsi piril piril insanlar. Bizim onlara abilik yapmamiz lazim.
Kingwest'in iyi niyetinden hic süphem yok; ama cok talihsiz bir yazi idi.
Okuyan sanki Türkiye ISID terörüne destek veriyor ve bu ispatlandi görüsüne varabilirdi.
Kahraman99 ise her zamanki gibi maalesef agzini cok bozdu.
Dün gece kimse yoktu, abilik yaptim. KingWest konuyu kavradi. Diger eleman ise aklini basina topladi.
Ama is isten gecmisti.
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