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Good names for Turkish Football PR, but all passed their peak
They come for retirement but they will still make a difference. Galatasaray was not to bad in the last UEFA Champions League.

fenerbahce turkey 7- zob ahan iran 0
respect turkish club
Look at the new transfers to Turkey: Podolski, Luis Nani, Loic Remy, Van Persie etc.
Reason is posting dead pics......in that Chinese thread, i posted an Uyghur mother's and her 2 children's hanged photo. There was nothing gory/graphic about it. But people used it to stop me.

This rule is getting ridiculous...i mean should i again be banned for pic like this ?

Is this man dead or pretending to be dead ? If he is dead should i be banned ?

. ;)
Chinese never gonna change :disagree:
@Sinan bro im waiting for Monday to get last news of my loses im really tired of my life idk wut to do im loser and i also angry about turkey's educations system most probably im not going to enter university at all i was stupid i should enter last year when i won computer engineering now nothing :(
@Sinan bro im waiting for Monday to get last news of my loses im really tired of my life idk wut to do im loser and i also angry about turkey's educations system most probably im not going to enter university at all i was stupid i should enter last year when i won computer engineering now nothing :(
Don't lose hope, my bro. :) Her işte bir hayır vardır.


A week ago, i had a very interesting conversion with my cousin who were a Roketsan engineer.

He said, they never bring the real missiles into the fairs but mock-ups and the mock-ups are entirely different from the real deal. For example, it's length, width, places of screws, even the width of the glass of the seeker head is different.

He says, there are some type of guys who comes in very early in the morning (mostly Chinese) and film the missile inch by inch covering every possible angle, zooming into assemble points etc....he says one Chinese guy literally scanned the missile with his camera for 15 minutes.

But they are paying no attention to those type of guys as the mock-up have nothing to do with the real deal.
Don't lose hope, my bro. :) Her işte bir hayır vardır.


A week ago, i had a very interesting conversion with my cousin who were a Roketsan engineer.

He said, they never bring the real missiles into the fairs but mock-ups and the mock-ups are entirely different from the real deal. For example, it's length, width, places of screws, even the width of the glass of the seeker head is different.

He says, there are some type of guys who comes in very early in the morning (mostly Chinese) and film the missile inch by inch covering every possible angle, zooming into assemble points etc....he says one Chinese guy literally scanned the missile with his camera for 15 minutes.

But they are paying no attention to those type of guys as the mock-up have nothing to do with the real deal.

Good thing to do... :enjoy:


He says, there are some type of guys who comes in very early in the morning (mostly Chinese) and film the missile inch by inch covering every possible angle, zooming into assemble points etc....he says one Chinese guy literally scanned the missile with his camera for 15 minutes.

Don't lose hope, my bro. :) Her işte bir hayır vardır.

@Sinan everything become money whole exam system is a business some kind of money graphing system
last year for every exam they ask for 50 TL this year they ask 250 TL not to mention the questions which is full of paradox now some genius get full marks in that it's just remaind me 2009 when in osym some sell yos exam's questions some other even bother their Customers they just announce that their Customer get full mark while in that year 4 of questions was wrong and there was no way for those people to get full mark any ways that year those people who cheat enter university while we just watch them with open mouth after that year every university take yos exam for them selves and i give up on turkey last year i give exam to see how good things are and i get very positive awnser now this year when i was plaing to be come a doctor things get messy a lot messy

let me tell u about a girl from my home town name aylin she spend 3 years giving yos exam this year she give 12 exam for 12 university each cost them 250 TL which means 4000 TL and she pay at least 120 TL for going to exam (40 TL for going by bus to other city 40 TL for returning to his town in turkey 40 TL for taking taxi/bus inside those cites ) which means at least 1440 TL not to mention living 2 month in turkey and the money she pays to metopol school to paper her for yos exam

METROPOL EĞİTİM KURUMLARI YÖS-SAT-Yabancılar için Türkçe Kursları Resmi Web Sitesi | Metropol YÖS-SAT-Turkish for Foreigners Preparation Courses Official Web Site.

poor basterd get very good mark much better than me she get 98/5 out of 100 form osmangazi exam she was celebrating her victory she was sure she would enter atleast one of those 12 universites as doctor or
Dentist i check her name she didnt enter any u know why cuz some genius whos more brain than einstein get full marks both in filed of medicament and engineering even managment and even saved seat are full with full marked students this year was quite messy it is clear for me some guys enter by cheating

after 2009 odtu and hacettepe say to all they only accept students by SAT and high school average and i see some einstein enter odtu by full average :o: i swear to god no one could get full mark for 4 years in all the field but those genius azerbijanies did and they enter odtu with out any exam cuz they have a 5/5 high school average

idk wut to do life is too sh ity
. .
@Sinan everything become money whole exam system is a business some kind of money graphing system
last year for every exam they ask for 50 TL this year they ask 250 TL not to mention the questions which is full of paradox now some genius get full marks in that it's just remaind me 2009 when in osym some sell yos exam's questions some other even bother their Customers they just announce that their Customer get full mark while in that year 4 of questions was wrong and there was no way for those people to get full mark any ways that year those people who cheat enter university while we just watch them with open mouth after that year every university take yos exam for them selves and i give up on turkey last year i give exam to see how good things are and i get very positive awnser now this year when i was plaing to be come a doctor things get messy a lot messy

let me tell u about a girl from my home town name aylin she spend 3 years giving yos exam this year she give 12 exam for 12 university each cost them 250 TL which means 4000 TL and she pay at least 120 TL for going to exam (40 TL for going by bus to other city 40 TL for returning to his town in turkey 40 TL for taking taxi/bus inside those cites ) which means at least 1440 TL not to mention living 2 month in turkey and the money she pays to metopol school to paper her for yos exam

METROPOL EĞİTİM KURUMLARI YÖS-SAT-Yabancılar için Türkçe Kursları Resmi Web Sitesi | Metropol YÖS-SAT-Turkish for Foreigners Preparation Courses Official Web Site.

poor basterd get very good mark much better than me she get 98/5 out of 100 form osmangazi exam she was celebrating her victory she was sure she would enter atleast one of those 12 universites as doctor or
Dentist i check her name she didnt enter any u know why cuz some genius whos more brain than einstein get full marks both in filed of medicament and engineering even managment and even saved seat are full with full marked students this year was quite messy it is clear for me some guys enter by cheating

after 2009 odtu and hacettepe say to all they only accept students by SAT and high school average and i see some einstein enter odtu by full average :o: i swear to god no one could get full mark for 4 years in all the field but those genius azerbijanies did and they enter odtu with out any exam cuz they have a 5/5 high school average

idk wut to do life is too sh ity
Dont give up,eventually you will make it.
He says, there are some type of guys who comes in very early in the morning (mostly Chinese) and film the missile inch by inch covering every possible angle, zooming into assemble points etc....he says one Chinese guy literally scanned the missile with his camera for 15 minutes.
My boss told me about a story where he was building a industrial system and there were Chinese wisitors taking photos as if there was no tomorrow, he told me he was working and only saw Chinese almost running around and taking 5-6 pictures per second like scanning as you said.
He said i was just standing there like wtf just happened. :D

Chinese are known in Europe for industrial espionage.
My boss told me about a story where he was building a industrial system and there were Chinese wisitors taking photos as if there was no tomorrow, he told me he was working and only saw Chinese almost running around and taking 5-6 pictures per second like scanning as you said.
He said i was just standing there like wtf just happened. :D

Chinese are known in Europe for industrial espionage.

I can verify that, in june ther was a fair in Amsterdam, Remantec fair. The Chinese visitors underneath the vechicle making pictures, talking about parts :-).
. .
“Sevgili Paşam!
Cumhuriyet’in ilk Başbakanı olarak seni düşünüyorum.
Dur, hiç itiraz etme.
Niye seni seçtiğimi şimdi anlayacaksın.
Bizi yine büyük bir savaş bekliyor. Durumumuzun bir bölümünü Cephe Komutanı ve Lozan Baş Delegesi olarak elbette biliyorsun.
Büyük devletlerin bu sefil duruma bakarak, kısa zamanda pes edeceğimizi sandıklarını Lozan dönüşü sen bize anlattın.
Ben sana şimdi bildiğinden daha da acıklı olan genel durumu özetleyeceğim.
Bize geri, borçlu ve hastalıklı bir vatan miras kaldı.
Yoksul bir köylü devletiyiz.
Dört mevsim kullanılabilir karayollarımız yok denecek kadar az. 4.000 kilometre kadar demiryolu var. Bir metresi bile bizim değil. Üstelik yetersiz. Ülkenin Kuzeyini Güneyine, Batısını Doğusuna bağlamamız, vatanın bütünlüğünü sağlamamız şart.
Denizciliğimiz acınacak durumda.
Köylümüzü topraklandırmalı, ihtiyacı olana bir çift öküz ile bir saban vererek çiftçi yapmalıyız.
Doğudaki aşiret, bey, ağa, şeyh düzeni Cumhuriyetle de insanlıkla da bağdaşmaz.
Bu durumu düzeltmeli, halkı kurtarmalıyız. Her yerde tefeciler halkı eziyor.
Güya tarım ülkesiyiz ama ekmeklik unumuzun çoğunu dışarıdan getirtiyoruz.
Sığır vebası hayvancılığımızı öldürüyor.
Doktor sayımız 337, sağlık memuru 434, ebe sayısı 136.
Pek az şehirde eczane var. Salgın hastalıklar insanlarımızı kırıyor.
Üç milyon insanımız trahomlu. (Gözleri kör eden bulaşıcı bir hastalık. EÇ.)
Sıtma, tifüs, verem, frengi, tifo salgın halinde. (Cumhuriyet bunları yok etti. EÇ.)
Bit ciddi sorun.
Nüfusumuzun yarısı hasta. Bebek ölüm oranı yüzde 60’ı geçiyor. Nüfusun yüzde 80’i kırsal bölgede yaşıyor. Bunun önemli bölü mü göçebe.
Telefon, motor, makine yok.
Sanayi ürünlerini dışarıdan alıyoruz. Kiremiti bile ithal ediyoruz.
Elektrik yalnız İstanbul ve İzmir’in bazı semtlerinde var.
Düşmanın yaktığı köy sayısı 830. Yanan bina sayısı 114.408. Ülkeyi neredeyse yeniden kurmamız gerekiyor.
Yunanistan’dan gelen göçmen sayısı 400 bini geçecek.
İktisadi hayatımız da eğitim durumumuz da içler acısı. İktisatçımız çok az.
Zorunlu okuma yaşındaki çocukların ancak dörtte birini okutabiliyoruz. Halkın eğitimi hiç çözülmemiş.
Oysa Cumhuriyetin insan malzemesini hazırlamalı, namus cephesini güçlendirmeliyiz.
Kültür eserleri kaçırılmış, kaçırılmaya devam ediliyor. Raporlar da daha ayrıntılı, daha acı bilgiler var.
Bunları bakanlara ve parti yönetim kuruluna da ver. Genel durumu tam bilsinler.
Bütçemiz, gelirimiz yetersiz. İktisadi çıkmazdan kurtulmak için geliştirdiğim bir düşüncem var. Bu düşünceyi günü gelince konuşuruz.
Hedefimiz milli iktisat. Bağımsızlığın sürekli olması için iktisadi bağımsızlık temel ilkemiz olmalı.
Osmanlı bu gerçeği geç fark etti. Fark ettiği zaman çok geç kalmıştı.
Cumhuriyete uygun bir anayasaya gerek var. Bu zor durumdan nasıl çıkılabileceğini gösteren ne bir örnek var önümüzde, ne de bir deney.
Ama yılmamak, ucuz ve geçici çarelerle yetinmemek, halkı kur tarmak için sorunları çözmek, kalkınmak, ilerlemek, milli egemenliğe dayalı uygar ve özgür bir toplum oluşturmak, yüzyılımızın düzeyine yetişmek, kısacası çağdaşlaşmak ve bu büyük ideali tam olarak başarmak zorundayız.
Bu ana kadar bu ideali koruyarak geldik. Bundan sonra daha hızlı yürümek zorundayız. Bunun için gerekli yöntemi, yolu birlikte arayıp bulacağız.
Yoksul ve esir ülkelere örnek olacağız.
Kaderin bizim kuşağımıza yüklediği kutsal bir görev bu.
Bu büyük görevin ağırlığını ve onurunu seninle paylaşmak istedim.
Allah yardımcımız olsun!”
. .
Konu Açamıyorum NEDEN?
Why cannot I start a thread?

First of all welcome bro. :)

- You need a certain number of posts to start a thread of your own...(If i'm not wrong you need 20 posts)
- We use this thread for off topic posts.
- You can also use Turkish in this thread, other than this thread use of Turkish language is not allowed.
- Since you are a new member, it would be nice if you introduce yourself to Turkish section in this thread.
. .

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