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Lets not post this in that thread. :D

For which purpose? :whistle:

Gora :D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good catch bro. :enjoy:

Biraz offtopic olacak arkadaslar, kusura bakmayin:

Benim aklima hep bir sey takilir. Hizmet neden hep Iran'i kotuler? Ya da en azindan hic hoslanmaz. Bu AKP ile catisma olmadan once bile bazen Samanyolu dizilerinde (sefkat tepe'de) bile Iran'i kotuler seyler deniyordu. Sen belli ki Hizmet'e en azindan sempati duyuyorsun ve sen bu post'ta bile Iran hakkinda negatif bir sey soyledin.

Arkadisim, ne yalan soyleyim. Ben eskiden Hizmet'e sempati duyardim, en cok dunya'daki okullar ve Turkce olimpiyatlari nedeniyle sempati duyardim. Ama ben o zaman bile bir arkadasima demistim, Hizmet hareketi zaman icinde kendisini yipratir/kotulestirir/yozlastirir. Cunku (perde arkasinda) orgutlenmenin dogal sonucu'dur bu. Hatta ben bir arkadasima bunu dedigimde, bu kadar erken ve Fethullah Gulen'in himayesinde olacagini tahmin etmemistim.

Su anda Hizmet hareketinin yozlasmis oldugunu dusunuyorum. Ve su nedenlerle dusunuyorum: Eskiden Balyoz davasi vardi, ve Samanyolu haber hep saniklar hakkinda ne kadar suclu olduklarinin haberlerini yapardi. Ama simdi gorduk ki yeniden yargilama sonrasi Balyoz davasindaki saniklarin hepsi beraat etti. Bunun icin Samanyolu ve Hizmet hakkindaki dusuncelerim pek pozitif degil.

Su anda Samanyolu haber ayni taktigi AKP'ye karsi uyguluyor. Eskiden AKP hakkinda negatif haber yapmazlardi. Ama simdi yapiyorlar. Bu Samanyolu ve Zaman vesayre hakkinda ya AKP hakkinda yalan soylediklerini gosteriyor, bu haberler yalan degilse o zaman ilkesiz oldugunu gosteriyor. Onun icin ben Hizmet'in medyasina, ve boylece Hizmete nasil guvenecegim? Demekki ilkeli habercilik degil de, cikar haberciligi yapiyorlar. Gerci Turkiye'de dogru durust tarafsiz medya yok, ama o ayri bir konu.

Bundan oturu, bir kac hafta once Hizmet hareket'i Amerika parlementosundan bir mektup gecirdi. Turkiye'de medya ozgur degil mektubu. Bu mektubun Hizmet hareketinden geldigini nasil biliyorum? Icinde Samanyolu/Zaman'in bas editorlerin isimleri geciyordu, ve Samanyolu'nun bu olay'a genis yer vermesi, Hizmet hareketinin cabalarindan dolayi oldugunu belli ediyor. Bunu elestiriyorum. Turkiye'de medya sorunu olayi varsa bu Turkiye'ye husus bir seydir, ve Turkiye icinde cuzulmesi gerekir. Gidip yabancilara karsi sikayet etmek Turkiye'ye bir sey kazandirmaz (yani onlar gelip bu sorunu cozmez ve cozmedi'de). Bu sadece Turkiye'nin imajini bozar ve potansiyel yatirimcilari korkutur. Bence Hizmet harketi bunun farkinda, cunku ben bile farkindayim. Onun icin onlarin bunu sadece AKP yipratilsin diye Turkiye aleyhinde adim atmayi goze alabildiklerini dusunuyorum.

Ve arkadasim, sana karsi bir saldirida degilim. Sadece Iran konusunda bir soru/yorum yazmak istedim ama bunca seyi yazmak geldi icimden. Neyse, sen belki bana dersin; havuz medyadan okudun diye, ama farkindaysan benim kaynagim sadece Samanyolu.

Arkadaşım bu konuda bende kendi fikrimi söyliyeyim.......

Kim Din kisvesi altından reklamını yapıyorsa bil ki o adamdan sittin sene hayır gelmez.

Senin Hizmet dediğin adamlar AKP ile bir iken bunların mütehahhitleri belediyeye deli paralarla rüşvet verip, kanuna aykırı binalar diktiler. Koza Holding (altın madenleri var) Hizmetin en büyük adamlarında biri. Bunların çocukları başlarında Türban kollarında Louis-Vitton marka çantalarla panora alışveriş merkezinde gezinirler. Dindar kimse mütevazi olmaz mı ? Hz Muhammedin hayatını bilmiyo musunuz ? diyincede. "Kendimiz kazanıyoruz, kendimiz harcıyoruz. Kime ne." diyorlar.

AKP'li bakanların, Erdoğan ve saz ekibinin nasıl trilyonları cebe indirdiklerini artık sağır sultan duydu..... (Hala da indirmeye devam ediyorlar. :lol: )

Benim kızdığım nokta....yüce önder Atatürk bunu 90 yıl öncesinde söylemiş ve uyarmıştı. Ama bizim milletimiz kalın kafalığı olduğu için bir kulağından girdi öbür kullağından çıktı.

  • I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.
    • Quoted in Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey, by Andrew Mango; "In a book published in 1928, Grace Ellison quotes [Atatürk], presumably in 1926-27", Grace Ellison Turkey Today (London: Hutchinson, 1928)
  • Religion is an important institution. A nation without religion cannot survive. Yet it is also very important to note that religion is a link between Allah and the individual believer. The brokerage of the pious cannot be permitted. Those who use religion for their own benefit are detestable. We are against such a situation and will not allow it. Those who use religion in such a manner have fooled our people; it is against just such people that we have fought and will continue to fight. Know that whatever conforms to reason, logic, and the advantages and needs of our people conforms equally to Islam. If our religion did not conform to reason and logic, it would not be the perfect religion, the final religion.
Arkadaşlar uzun bir zaman düşünüyordum ve net karar verdim. Artık bu forumda daha da durmayacağım. Afedersiniz milletin sidik yarıştırdığı, saygısız, faşistinden şeriatçısına kadar her tipin uç çocuklarının toplandığı bir yer haline geldi burası. Yönetim de bir halta yaramıyor, askeri tecrübe ve birikimlerin de bir değeri yok. Saçma sapan kaynaklardan topic açılıyor. Yeni üyeler TT oluyo kafalarına göre like dislike atıyor. İki adam çıkıyor orda Atatürk'e, cumhuriyetimize giydiriyor bir şey olmuyo. Spesifik bir neden yok :)

Bir iki güne hesabı kapattırırım. @Hakan sana da iyi şanslar dilerim. Kendinize iyi bakın. Ankara'dan selamlar.
Awww, you can't leave yet I haven't trolled you. :( Plus all the international space stations are closed for Neptunians, until Neptunes next Perihelion. Soo ... it will cost 10 Xe's and I won't tell anybody...:big_boss:

._ _. ._ _._ .. ... _ ._ _. ._ .._. .._. ._ .. ._. ... ?
I coincidentally find this site. Ukraine sells ICBM technology to Turkey !

I have to say @yavar , you are really a pathetic person. Talking shit about Turkey in an Iranian forum. But in PDF you can't come to Turkish section and confront us about your ideas on Turkish products.

Some of you have inferiority complex but yavar...you directly know that you are inferior in front of the Turkish users.

Now move on.
Lets not derail the thread even more even thought its fvcked already. :D

Can you use the listen mode in the grounded difficulty?
Anyway there was a place where I got killed about 12-13 times. When Ellie was teamed up with James and these hoards of infected came (with he bloater coming down from the roof at the end) lol
No you cant use Listen mode which makes the game 200% more difficult.
Me and a friend played together, we stuck for a whole 3 hours at the gate before the bridge in Philadelphia, he was too stingy to use a medi pack because loot becomes extremely rare in Grounded mode, we finished the whole game with 2 knives lol.
We celebrated hard when we found a dirty old rag after 2 hours of searching every edge.:D
Lets not derail the thread even more even thought its fvcked already. :D

No you cant use Listen mode which makes the game 200% more difficult.
Me and a friend played together, we stuck for a whole 3 hours at the gate before the bridge in Philadelphia, he was too stingy to use a medi pack because loot becomes extremely rare in Grounded mode, we finished the whole game with 2 knives lol.
We celebrated hard when we found a dirty old rag after 2 hours of searching every edge.:D

I had to be way more strategic and conservative with my ammo on the hard difficulty. Which is really the way it should be, given its a game about survival. I will definitely go with the hard difficulty first, in Last of Us 2. Makes the game way more intense.
I think I will give it a go on the grounded difficulty on the remastered version of Last of Us on PS4, when I get the console. Yeah yeah, I will rebuy the game on PS4. :D
I had to be way more strategic and conservative with my ammo on the hard difficulty. Which is really the way it should be, given its a game about survival. I will definitely go with the hard difficulty first, in Last of Us 2. Makes the game way more intense.
I think I will give it a go on the grounded difficulty on PS4 version of Last of Us, when I get the console. Yeah yeah, I will rebuy the game on PS4. :D
We only used bullets in boss fights and on places where there was no other alternative, otherwise you would only carry empty weapons around, everything is damn rare.
We almost fought with eachother because i used a shrapnel bomb on clickers, in some parts we were desperated as if we just got a mortgage and lost our job the next day.

But finishing it in grounded mode was one of the most satisfying moments ever, seeing the platinum trophy after the credits made me happy like a little kid. :D Damn i love this game. :smitten:

And yes the harder the mode the more intensive becomes the game. :agree:
We only used bullets in boss fights and on places where there was no other alternative, otherwise you would only carry empty weapons around, everything is damn rare.
We almost fought with eachother because i used a shrapnel bomb on clickers, in some parts we were desperated as if we just got a mortgage and lost our job the next day.

But finishing it in grounded mode was one of the most satisfying moments ever, seeing the platinum trophy after the credits made me happy like a little kid. :D Damn i love this game. :smitten:

And yes the harder the mode the more intensive becomes the game. :agree:

The game is very dark. I showed it to my big brother and he bought a PS4 just to play Remastered. Now I got him hooked for life. haha
I think I will get raped in grounded, especially with no listen mode. How the feck is that supposed to work? :D
Although in real life you dont exactly have superpower vision where you can see where the enemy is, but rather you have to actually use your ears. So yeah, I have no doubt the game will be 10 times more immersive and intense in grounded.
Even on hard difficulty, my hand palms were soaking in sweat. LOL

**** Im too scared to approach it on grounded. :D
The game is very dark. I showed it to my big brother and he bought a PS4 just to play Remastered. Now I got him hooked for life. haha
I think I will get raped in grounded, especially with no listen mode. How the feck is that supposed to work? :D
Although in real life you dont exactly have superpower vision where you can see where the enemy is, but rather you have to actually use your ears. So yeah, I have no doubt the game will be 10 times more immersive and intense in grounded.
Even on hard difficulty, my hand palms were soaking in sweat. LOL

**** Im too scared to approach it on grounded. :D
A good trick to see enemies without listening in grounded mode is to look around the corners since the game is in 3rd person, you can only play stealthy anyway in that mode, a direct confrontation will be your death, though it becomes easier once you learn how to play propperly stealthy.
But it will be hard thats for sure, be prepared to die multiple times on some places.
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Pls tell me im not the only one seeing a Sky Diver with Parachute in Turkish flag sometimes. :what:

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