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Çay Bahçesi

I saw a youtube video by kokpit or something like that, who said the same thing. Supposedly the new emir of Oman has turkish blood, or of turkish descend and thus he's asked for Turkey to establish a military base perhaps even naval base.

I think the video mentioned that because the emir is of turkish descend the arabs are planning to get rid of him.

Apparently Oman isn't as wealthy as the other arab sultanats, but the OP says they show more humanity, similar to Qatar. I don't know tbh.

But I do understand the value of having military base in Oman :)

However pay attention to the assasinations and killings of civilians mentioned in the video.
Man we are not talking about a wealthy country, but a strategic point (strait of Hormuz). In Nigeria , we should kick France out of the country and start investing there in place of France
Man we are not talking about a wealthy country, but a strategic point (strait of Hormuz). In Nigeria , we should kick France out of the country and start investing there in place of France
We need to be able to make a difference. Train their military or such things, but to do that we won’t need much of a presence, but a detachment.

Nigeria might be more difficult. But imo we need to do these things in steps. And not too many at a time.
how old is this request of Oman?
I keep reading these rumors even before we signed an agreement with Qatar :D:D:D

We need to be able to make a difference. Train their military or such things, but to do that we won’t need much of a presence, but a detachment.

Nigeria might be more difficult. But imo we need to do these things in steps. And not too many at a time.

I totally agree with you.
Oman is arguably my favorite Middle-Eastern country. They practically established themselves as the Switserland of the area by engaging in pragmatic dialogue and policies that dont inherently push for an agenda, but more for domestical and regional stability. Honestly it almost feels dirty having a military base there.
Oman is arguably my favorite Middle-Eastern country. They practically established themselves as the Switserland of the area by engaging in pragmatic dialogue and policies that dont inherently push for an agenda, but more for domestical and regional stability. Honestly it almost feels dirty having a military base there.
If the info about the new emir being of turkish descend is true and the arabs not liking it. Then it’ll be their turn to get ruined in which case turkish base there becomes a necessity.
If the info about the new emir being of turkish descend is true and the arabs not liking it. Then it’ll be their turn to get ruined in which case turkish base there becomes a necessity.
in this term - turkey should hurry up a bit...
Oman is arguably my favorite Middle-Eastern country. They practically established themselves as the Switserland of the area by engaging in pragmatic dialogue and policies that dont inherently push for an agenda, but more for domestical and regional stability. Honestly it almost feels dirty having a military base there.

Neither did they follow the secratarian root. Omanis are ibadhis they never participated in the Sunni vs shia bullshit and kept it to themselves.

Thats respect to be honest.

The Omanis had an empire that spanned into East Africa and Parts of the Gulf. They also vied for control against European Empires even kicked the Portugese out in parts of East Africa.

Thats respect right there. Uae and saudis wont even able to polish there shoes.
Oman sultan grandmother is a circassian and he is mostly Ethiopian and Arab the rest genetically if I'm correct.
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