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A lot of the diaspora fags in Australia are all like this.

We are hated by everybody. Hence why you stick the middle finger at them.
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A lot of the diaspora fags in Australia are all like this.

We are hated by everybody. Hence why you stick the middle finger at them.
now think deeply about my post in "internal affairs" - why I hate these CHP AKP fags in dis forum raging 24/7 while I'm trying to convince toys that we all have to stick together - like armenians and greeks and PKK-kurds and arabs and so on sucking each others dick - just to hate on turkey...
but nooooooo man - as soon as I'm trying to wake up some up our fellow sheeps --- me becoming an AKP Troyan -
like wtf... we have so many enemies on this globe and turks have nothing to do despite of fucking each others arses over "muhhh money - muhhh AKP - muhhh CHP - muhh ayasofya"... I start hating this forum
now think deeply about my post in "internal affairs" - why I hate these CHP AKP fags in dis forum raging 24/7 while I'm trying to convince toys that we all have to stick together - like armenians and greeks and PKK-kurds and arabs and so on sucking each others dick - just to hate on turkey...
but nooooooo man - as soon as I'm trying to wake up some up our fellow sheeps --- me becoming an AKP Troyan -
like wtf... we have so many enemies on this globe and turks have nothing to do despite of fucking each others arses over "muhhh money - muhhh AKP - muhhh CHP - muhh ayasofya"... I start hating this forum

My tip support your country regardless who is in power. Forget the parties and bullshit partisanship that comes with it.
My tip support your country regardless who is in power. Forget the parties and bullshit partisanship that comes with it.
don't you say... but our sheeps would rather eat, **** and kill each other ... destroy cities and sink into a civil war, instead of being loyal and in solidarity with the Turkish nation...
The people here feel like saying 'fake news' to all Turkish media and then posting shit like 'Washington Post' etc. ... same as PKK propaganda... WTF !!!!! That's beyond handicapped
don't you say... but our sheeps would rather eat, **** and kill each other ... destroy cities and sink into a civil war, instead of being loyal and in solidarity with the Turkish nation...
The people here feel like saying 'fake news' to all Turkish media and then posting shit like 'Washington Post' etc. ... same as PKK propaganda... WTF !!!!! That's beyond handicapped

To be honest Turkey has high rates of patriotism and nationalism. In australia barely any proper because it seen as extremist then you have self hating liberals in Australia who just love being negative about their country for just about anything a lot of them are self haters constantly shit on themselves for being white.

Its an infeority complex. Turk haters like Armenians and Kurds are doing the same thing now you have Turks who hate themselves constantly apologising and cant stand their own people.

As a Muslim I dont see Islam and nationalism contradicting each other.
don't you say... but our sheeps would rather eat, **** and kill each other ... destroy cities and sink into a civil war, instead of being loyal and in solidarity with the Turkish nation...
The people here feel like saying 'fake news' to all Turkish media and then posting shit like 'Washington Post' etc. ... same as PKK propaganda... WTF !!!!! That's beyond handicapped

I think you're missing the point.

Everyone here is supportive of cross border operations and the defence industry. Everyone loves their country.

But as we all know our leadership is extremely corrupt. Seriously, we are led by idiots. Why the hell is Berat Albayarak our Minister of Finance? Not to mention countless other issues, like AKP making peace with PKK, and outright supporting them a few years back. It's clear that AKP used them to gain votes, and once nationalists noticed operations began... seriously our leadership is f*cked.

How do you expect people to just sit around and take it in the áss? They've lost all their money and thousands of people have lost a family member because of AKP's love affair with PKK. But it doesn't matter anymore does it? Let's just leave it in the past.

All our parties have bad members in them. But AKP and HDP need to have all their members put on trial.
I think you're missing the point.

Everyone here is supportive of cross border operations and the defence industry. Everyone loves their country.

But as we all know our leadership is extremely corrupt. Seriously, we are led by idiots. Why the hell is Berat Albayarak our Minister of Finance? Not to mention countless other issues, like AKP making peace with PKK, and outright supporting them a few years back. It's clear that AKP used them to gain votes, and once nationalists noticed operations began... seriously our leadership is f*cked.

How do you expect people to just sit around and take it in the áss? They've lost all their money and thousands of people have lost a family member because of AKP's love affair with PKK. But it doesn't matter anymore does it? Let's just leave it in the past.

All our parties have bad members in them. But AKP and HDP need to have all their members put on trial.

Corruption has always been a long term problem in Turkey regardless of parties.

The problem is corruption does not get punished we dont punish people for corruption like our ancestors did in the empire or khanate days.

That fear is gone and politicians can do whatever or make people do the dirty work.

Corruption is a human problem its a disease we have to root out. The most honest man can become corrupt overnight due to power and money.
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