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OsmanAli 98'li bebesine haklı olarak profilinde troll dedim diye iki hafta ban attı, osturuk alpha, geçen MME'ye etin kilosu eskiden şu kadar liraydı dedim diye soft warning vermişti :tsk:
İmam hatip is brewing a new generation who will be like this. They hate everything Turkish and love everything Arab. We are heading the same way.

That's what they want. But young Turks are leaving religion rapidly. Imam Hatips and AKP in general are scaring people away from Islam.

That's not to say that everyone leaving religion is going in the right path. Liberal leftism is just as bad.

Welcome back by the way.
That's what they want. But young Turks are leaving religion rapidly. Imam Hatips and AKP in general are scaring people away from Islam.

That's not to say that everyone leaving religion is going in the right path. Liberal leftism is just as bad.

Welcome back by the way.
Can some of you please explain one thing to me - not driven by hate on AKP in general or hate on Islam as the religion of your forefathers.
I see a lot of yall often referring to the glorious time of the Ottomans, the Seljuks, etc.
You don't admire, that the AKP was the one that put the Ottoman identity, the Turkish identity back in the focus of society. While the previous generations tried to wipe out everything Turkish to be recognized as 'American' or 'European' in the end.
It was only under this government that Turkey developed proper awareness as Turkic people - that is one of the problems for the West, why they are so hostile towards Turkey.
National, historical awareness!
That has nothing to do with hatip, matip, patip and stoopid shit like that -
And I am very grateful that we were given a reference to our roots again - people learn the ottoman language again, Turkic rune script, Huns, corresponding soaps are produced, investments in the military, whereas in the past stuff was bought on credit from abroad. Don't be ungrateful...
It's okay to dislike the government - and I don't know how old the most of you are...
but I remember different times - times when Turks tried to be Europeans so hard - forgetting about anything Turkish from the past ...
Can some of you please explain one thing to me - not driven by hate on AKP in general or hate on Islam as the religion of your forefathers.
I see a lot of yall often referring to the glorious time of the Ottomans, the Seljuks, etc.
You don't admire, that the AKP was the one that put the Ottoman identity, the Turkish identity back in the focus of society. While the previous generations tried to wipe out everything Turkish to be recognized as 'American' or 'European' in the end.
It was only under this government that Turkey developed proper awareness as Turkic people - that is one of the problems for the West, why they are so hostile towards Turkey.
National, historical awareness!
That has nothing to do with hatip, matip, patip and stoopid shit like that -
And I am very grateful that we were given a reference to our roots again - people learn the ottoman language again, Turkic rune script, Huns, corresponding soaps are produced, investments in the military, whereas in the past stuff was bought on credit from abroad. Don't be ungrateful...
It's okay to dislike the government - and I don't know how old the most of you are...
but I remember different times - times when Turks tried to be Europeans so hard - forgetting about anything Turkish from the past ...

You seem misguided.

I don't have the time to explain myself properly so I'll just make some points.

  • During Atatürk's time they started teaching students the old Turkic alphabet.
  • Due to the Soviet Union little was known about Turkic history up until the collapse in the early 90s. That's when historians from Turkey started communicating more with people from Central Asia. That said what was known about Turkic history has been heavily promoted in Turkey in the past. Today we know a lot about Turkic history due to the internet and because of independent Turkic states.
  • The Ottoman Turkish that you're speaking of is a joke. It is literally a combination of Arabic and Persian with very little Turkic influence in it. Modern day Turkish is actually much more similar to ancient Turkic language rather than Ottoman Turkish.
  • AKP has for years promoted Arab culture. Not Turkic culture. Many AKP members have denounced Turkishness and AKP even banned an oath which was mandatory at schools due to being too Turkish and not including other cultures....
You seem misguided.

I don't have the time to explain myself properly so I'll just make some points.

  • During Atatürk's time they started teaching students the old Turkic alphabet.
  • Due to the Soviet Union little was known about Turkic history up until the collapse in the early 90s. That's when historians from Turkey started communicating more with people from Central Asia. That said what was known about Turkic history has been heavily promoted in Turkey in the past. Today we know a lot about Turkic history due to the internet and because of independent Turkic states.
  • The Ottoman Turkish that you're speaking of is a joke. It is literally a combination of Arabic and Persian with very little Turkic influence in it. Modern day Turkish is actually much more similar to ancient Turkic language rather than Ottoman Turkish.
  • AKP has for years promoted Arab culture. Not Turkic culture. Many AKP members have denounced Turkishness and AKP even banned an oath which was mandatory at schools due to being too Turkish and not including other cultures....
That's an interesting point of view - do you have any sources for any of these claims? In the Pre-AKP era the only thing I could see in the Turkish society was:
"how to become an atheist (Turks weren't atheist but tengrists) and a blonde European"
And that changed in a way, that even the "free world" is saying that Erdogan has awakened the Ottoman -, Turkic identity and is promoting it via media and politics - for what he gets criticized all the time...
maybe there are a lot of currents within society which are pro Arabic - and I don't like Arabs much... but the Arab world was a big part of our former empires - so it's nothing anti-Turkic trying to increase the influence on these regions...
I am not misguided - stop sowing discord, please -
I'm trying to express my thoughts, that's all :)
That's an interesting point of view - do you have any sources for any of these claims? In the Pre-AKP era the only thing I could see in the Turkish society was:
"how to become an atheist (Turks weren't atheist but tengrists) and a blonde European"
And that changed in a way, that even the "free world" is saying that Erdogan has awakened the Ottoman -, Turkic identity and is promoting it via media and politics - for what he gets criticized all the time...
maybe there are a lot of currents within society which are pro Arabic - and I don't like Arabs much... but the Arab world was a big part of our former empires - so it's nothing anti-Turkic trying to increase the influence on these regions...
I am not misguided - stop sowing discord, please -
I'm trying to express my thoughts, that's all :)

Tengrism was only really rediscovered in 90s and is quickly regaining popularity as it spreads through the internet. I'm a Tengrist myself.

The truth is that we knew every little about Turkic history or identity decades ago. That's got nothing to do with Erdoğan.
Tengrism was only really rediscovered in 90s and is quickly regaining popularity as it spreads through the internet. I'm a Tengrist myself.

The truth is that we knew every little about Turkic history or identity decades ago. That's got nothing to do with Erdoğan.
I know that it has nothing to do with him as a person - All I'm talking about is that he dawned a new era - of Turkish self-esteem and consciousness :) and for that I'm grateful ...
You cannot deny, that the decades before him, the Turks tried to deny their own identity to become Europeans, even though we are far away from sharing history with them -
and we were never atheists as an ethnicity but tengrists - so it was wrong, a fault of the former leaders trying to make the Turks western atheists -
I'm not talking about Ataturk and his achievements :)
That's the reason I asked the community, cause everybody is always talking about Turks, Turkic history, about pride, etc and denying the past failures, criticizing the present government and that's, in my opinion, bigotry
  • AKP has for years promoted Arab culture. Not Turkic culture. Many AKP members have denounced Turkishness and AKP even banned an oath which was mandatory at schools due to being too Turkish and not including other cultures....
Ya abicim sapla samanı karıştırıyorsun gelip otorite gibi konuşuyosun burda. İslam'a ait herşeyi Arab'lıkla karıştırırsan bu hataya düşmen normal. AKP Türk-İslam ekolünden gelen bir parti, MHP' de öyle. Durum böyle olunca kendi ideolojisini yansıtması gayet normal, CHP gelse oda kendi ideolojik tabanına göre hareket edecek. Demokrasi ve eşitlik diyoruz değil mi? O zaman her inanca ve kültüre saygı duyulmalı.
Ama bunu yaparken Türkçülük'ü de ötekileştirmeden yapılmalı. Ya bu adam Külliye'ye eski Türk devletlerinden temsili asker koydu dalga geçmeyen kalmadı.
Ben Türk'üm en iyi en üstün benim dersen, bu ülkenin sevdalısı Çerkes kökenli kardeşine, Laz kökenli kardeşine büyük ayıp edersin. O zaman o da çıkar bende Çerkesciyim bende Lazcıyım der işler karışır. Bunun HDP/PKK'nın yapmaya çalıştığı Kürt milliyetçiliğinden bir farkı yok.
Olay aslında çok basit ya... Tüm etnik yapılar Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bayrağı altında Türkiye vatandaşı olarak birbirine saygı duyup ülke menfaati için çalışacak. Bunu yakalarsak o zaman durdurulmaz oluruz. Esin kaynağımız vatan, bayrak, millet olmalı.
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