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Çay Bahçesi

Anyways, please take good care of your health and try to understand that staying at home at times might be frustrating for somebody so please help out by making this time interesting for everyone. I am open to constructive ideas and suggestions. :)
assault units.jpg

The Ottoman Yilidirim Army of Ww1 used not just the German Stalhelm helmet they also wore gas masks.

Yes its blurry but look at the top.
Wtf going on :) how can the diversity and lack of national pride in some cases surprise you ;)

You find many different turks even sellouts and those are the ones you have to be on guard against. Like I said we want patriots.
Apparently. What I had said was barely an insult. I simultaneously "insulted" LGBT and Islamists....

You cant insult lbgt as they are protected. Lbgt can say whatever they want they can also support terrorist groups and people wont say anything.

Even in australia we all have to be pc about the gays or we will lose our jobs.

Remember Brunei?? Brunei was gonna punish sodomy with Sharia law and the Homos were all willing to see Brunei invaded and destroyed. Remember Uganda putting the anti gay bill, uganda got sanctioned and its economy went to shit.

If Turkey gets the anti homo bill ready mark my words Turkey will be sanctioned. You will see so called homo humanists calling for Turkey to be invaded and destroyed.
You cant insult lbgt as they are protected. Lbgt can say whatever they want they can also support terrorist groups and people wont say anything.

Even in australia we all have to be pc about the gays or we will lose our jobs.

Remember Brunei?? Brunei was gonna punish sodomy with Sharia law and the Homos were all willing to see Brunei invaded and destroyed. Remember Uganda putting the anti gay bill, uganda got sanctioned and its economy went to shit.

If Turkey gets the anti homo bill ready mark my words Turkey will be sanctioned. You will see so called homo humanists calling for Turkey to be invaded and destroyed.

They truly are the scum of the earth. Through my years at school and work I've met many of them. There's one thing they all have in common... they're all narcissistic assh*les who think they are the most important thing in the world. How the f*ck do they expect people to respect them if they act like that?
They truly are the scum of the earth. Through my years at school and work I've met many of them. There's one thing they all have in common... they're all narcissistic assh*les who think they are the most important thing in the world. How the f*ck do they expect people to respect them if they act like that?

We have bigger problems in the world only thing that comes to peoples minds are faggot rights.

Honestly im getting sick of it. If people want to want to screw each other buttholes they can do it on their own homes. Why do they have to throw parades?? Why do they have to get married??

Marriage is between a man and a woman. This is common sense.

I hope one day civilsation collapse happens and we can all return back to being steppe nomads.

Imagine that.
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We have bigger problems in the world only thing that comes to peoples minds are faggot rights.

Honestly im getting sick of it. If people want to want to screw each other buttholes they can do it on their own homes. Why do have to throw parades?? Why do they have to get married??

Marriage is between a man and a woman. This is common sense.

I hope one day civilsation collapse happens and we can all return back to being steppe nomads.

Imagine that.

Everyone here in Melbourne is programmed to worship LGBT.

This society is just weak. Most men just bow down to women and LGBT scum, and are downright scared of them. I can't pinpoint what caused all of this but it isn't a healthy way for a society to function.

The best feeling ever is going out and not giving a single f*ck about the opinions of liberals. I guarantee that most people are subconsciously scared of eachother due to years of being programmed by the liberal media.

No matter how f*cked up this world is I always bring myself back into happiness when I remember the words "Öd Tengri yasar kişi oğlu kop ölgeli törimiş". Which translates to "Tengri will last for eternity, humans were created to die". It reminds me of how unimportant those who don't follow the laws of nature are. You are a creation of Tengri yet you choose to murder your family's future by being gay. What a stupid way to finish off your bloodline. Natural selection at its finest.

There is a reason why the Ancient Turks did not attempt to convert other races to Tengrism. This belief system was based around the laws of nature. It was pure. It guaranteed good family structure and the survival of your people. Imagine if the enemy's of the Turks also had such solid and practical beliefs. Chances are we wouldn't be here today. The customs and morals.. the "töre" which the Gokturks and their ancestors followed , is still with us to this day.

As a Tengrist it is not my job to convert everyone. This world will always be full of idiots for as long as humans are here. A lot of westerners are killing off their family's future by deciding to be gay... oh well. That is there loss. But I really do feel bad for their ancestors.

If I was the leader of Turkey then I'd introduce harsh penalties for anyone promoting liberal ideology or engaging in homosexual acts. It has no place in our culture.

By the way. I do think women should have equal rights to men. However the third wave feminism which is spreading like a disease should not be tolerated. Both men and women should have their place in society. One should not imitate the other.
Just equal rights to all. Even gays and so on. Just remember to send them to the front lines terrorist hunting and so on. Or we could even have our own 300!

IMO just let them be as long as they keep it to themselves I don’t care. If they’re sellouts punish them.

Diyanet and RTE going public with their and islams opinion about LGBT is just giving us unnecessary headaches. We all know there is no room for homos in any of the religion from middle east.
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