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Çay Bahçesi

Invades with Gyro and Sovlaki
They can keep their shitty food to themselves. :lol::lol::lol:
Well its more like a Greek assumption that they think they can successfully replicate döner.
No one can bet on Ankara, including its döner. Period. :sniper:

I thought Izmir or what the Greeks call it Smyrna has the best cuisine so I am guessing best doner is Ankara
I thought Izmir or what the Greeks call it Smyrna has the best cuisine so I am guessing best doner is Ankara
Every city of Turkey has its speciality and all of them together are one quisine.
If there is something that the Turks make right then its food, this i can tell without exaggeration.

Just had Beyti kebab'i, damn how do you even invent such a godlike food?


And yep thats right, this is Kebab rolled in bread with tomato sauce on top. :)
A fact, if there was another place in the world for us Turkish people to live in, it is Balkans. Their cousine is very similar to ours.
Turks are already living on the Balkans and have been doing it for centuries... The word Balkan itself is of Turkic origin and let’s not even talk about all other things like cuisine, culture, language, architecture etc.

Actually Turks are the biggest ethnicity on the Peninsula even after decades of ethnic cleansings againt us all around Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria. European Turkey might be a very small piece of Turkey’s land mass but it is still bigger than many European countries by size and population.
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