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Çay Bahçesi

I'm very uncertain about this topic. Last week I watched a German documentary named "The children of Karachi". Since that day I'm praying to God that this movie was pure propaganda. I nearly cried watching these poor children and their terrible condition.

Allah, I beg you, help these babies and their families... I don't want to believe that people throw their babies away at the local dumping ground. Is this real?

@Kaptaan @DESERT FIGHTER @Moonlight @Khanate

I don't understand Dutch ... What is this documentary about ?
neptune işte bu attığım mesaja tepki gösteren tek kişi diğerleri okudu umursamadı bile. çünkü onlar alışmış.

konuya dönersek, ben burada gördüğümden yola çıkarak yargılarım insanları, neticede sanalda tanıyoruz ve zaman ayırıyoruz buraya. bismack adlı almanın bizim şehitlerimizle, ülkemizle bu kadar dalga geçip aşağılarken, nickini belirttiğim üyelerin bu kadar samimiyetini, hatta turkish bölümüne konular açmasına izin vermenizi eleştirdim. hursid'in teorilerine bile tahammul edemezken, bismack sevgisini merak ediyorum. benim gördüğüm bu eleştirdiğim bu, her gün türk bayrağıyla yattığını bilemem, bilsem de bu gördüğümü değiştirmez. vatan sevgini bununla yargılamam saçma olmuş katılıyorum dikkat çekmek için denedim onu. o mesajımı düzenledim, bu adamla sohbeti kesin artık lutfen!

Cebatlı moderator seçilmişsin, insiyatif de imtiyaz da bekleyen yok, bismack ı at artık, en azından turk başlıklarından.

Bana bismark'ın nerede kural ihlali yaptığını, nerede değerlerimizi aşağıladığını, ülkemizi küçük gördüğünü, şehitlerimizle dalga geçtiğini kanıtlayan bir iletisini göstetebilir misin? Bu üye çok eskiden beri Türk savunma sanayine ilgi duyan ve Türklerle bu konuları konuşmayı seven bir üye. Gizlilik içeren mevzuların zaten paylaşımına müsade etmeyiz fakat gel gör ki topluma tamamıyla açık bir forumdan bahsediyoruz ve adam burada neden fazla takılıyor diye bir kesim ya casus diyor yada başka ithamlarla kafayı takıyor. Bir kural ihlali varsa hemen rapor et ben zaten gereğini yapıyorum fakat sorf adam savunma sanayine ilgili diye buradan atılması kadar saçma bir düşünce olmaz. Bilmediğim bir mevzu varsa bilgilenmek te isterim ayrıca...
Brother stop being stupid like those other sheep. No they haven't changed. I believe in 7 de neyse 70indede öyle, hele hele Erdoğan için bu 100% doğru, adam bildiğin yerleştirilmiş hain.

Her yaptığın şeyin bir karşılığı vardır, öyle Türkiye büyüyor bilmem ney çocuklar güler. Türkiye çöküyor ne büyümesi?

Bro I am afraid you got me wrong. I didn't say our country is ok or Erdogan is doing good. I still say that he is the reason of our current situation. I am certain on it not changed my mind but it's crystal clear we have different akp and Erdogan since 15 July. As I said before, in 3-5 years period akp changes it's policies dramatically. Currently it seeks national policies due to nationalists politicians (ministers)who are in power right now. And it's only for me or what I dunno but I feel that MHP leads current policies of akp. Every critical decisions came out after akp-mhp cooperation.

Before everyone one but everyone (USA, EU, Russia even fcking armenia) supporting while acilim policy was on the table, opening parliament to pkk, selling assets of state to foreign investors, begging EU to be a member etc. They were cheering akp louder and louder after each anti-national polices of it.

Now everyone but everyone against akp. They attack like a rabid dogs everyday nowadays just because akp doesn't satisfy 'em anymore. Together with mhp they seek policies which serve our national interests.

Bro none denies that we are in the darkest days of our history right now but we must admit that our gov's policies are different.
Bro I am afraid you got me wrong. I didn't say our country is ok or Erdogan is doing good. I still say that he is the reason of our current situation. I am certain on it not changed my mind but it's crystal clear we have different akp and Erdogan since 15 July. As I said before, in 3-5 years period akp changes it's policies dramatically. Currently it seeks national policies due to nationalists politicians (ministers)who are in power right now. And it's only for me or what I dunno but I feel that MHP leads current policies of akp. Every critical decisions came out after akp-mhp cooperation.

Before everyone one but everyone (USA, EU, Russia even fcking armenia) supporting while acilim policy was on the table, opening parliament to pkk, selling assets of state to foreign investors, begging EU to be a member etc. They were cheering akp louder and louder after each anti-national polices of it.

Now everyone but everyone against akp. They attack like a rabid dogs everyday nowadays just because akp doesn't satisfy 'em anymore. Together with mhp they seek policies which serve our national interests.

Bro none denies that we are in the darkest days of our history right now but we must admit that our gov's policies are different.
Nope everything you wrote is wishful thinking and as for MHP leading AKP :rofl::rofl: That party is already finished when Bahçeli sold his party to Akp so he could protect his chair from inner party oppositon.When next elections come MHP wont be able to pass %10 barrier you know that i hope.
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Türkçe konuşsanda dediğini anlasak?
Ingilizce okumayi yazmayi denersen burada,kolay ogrenirsin(google translate yardim eder)
Yanlis yazarim falan dusuncelerini kafana takma,cogumuz yanlis yaziyoruz.

I don't understand Dutch ... What is this documentary about ?
Its in German.
The film is about the children of Karachi where nobody speaks about.
Left by their parents or thrown ''away''(in a plastic bag to a ump),either girls or children of unmarried people.
Most of them end up at the dump,hundreds of them are ''dumped'' every year.
Ingilizce okumayi yazmayi denersen burada,kolay ogrenirsin(google translate yardim eder)
Yanlis yazarim falan dusuncelerini kafana takma,cogumuz yanlis yaziyoruz.

Its in German.
The film is about the children of Karachi where nobody speaks about.
Left by their parents or thrown ''away''(in a plastic bag to a ump),either girls or children of unmarried people.
Most of them end up at the dump,hundreds of them are ''dumped'' every year.

You mean illegitimate babies?

That's not really an issue nowadays.. yeats ago Edhi took an initiative where he installed baby cots for such children ... The children were/are taken by charity foundations.

And so did contraceptives ...

Nobody throws away female babies in Pak.. But there have been cases where families protested infront of media houses with boards like "kids for sale" due to rising prices and poverty.

Street children is an issue .. Hundred thousand or so kids... Mostly run aways.. Who ran from houses due to strict parents or teachers.. Some orphans.. Similar programs are initiated for them... Last year a street children football team actually won some international football tournament.. But a lot of work needs to be done in a county of 190 million .. With 12%+-poverty.
You mean illegitimate babies?

That's not really an issue nowadays.. yeats ago Edhi took an initiative where he installed baby cots for such children ... The children were/are taken by charity foundations.

And so did contraceptives ...

Nobody throws away female babies in Pak.. But there have been cases where families protested infront of media houses with boards like "kids for sale" due to rising prices and poverty.

Street children is an issue .. Hundred thousand or so kids... Mostly run aways.. Who ran from houses due to strict parents or teachers.. Some orphans.. Similar programs are initiated for them... Last year a street children football team actually won some international football tournament.. But a lot of work needs to be done in a county of 190 million .. With 12%+-poverty.
Yes illegitimate babies.
Its from nov 8 2014 so as you said, things must have changed and you are right,its not easy in country of 190 million with 12% poverty.
I'm very uncertain about this topic. Last week I watched a German documentary named "The children of Karachi". Since that day I'm praying to God that this movie was pure propaganda. I nearly cried watching these poor children and their terrible condition.

Allah, I beg you, help these babies and their families... I don't want to believe that people throw their babies away at the local dumping ground. Is this real?

@Kaptaan @DESERT FIGHTER @Moonlight @Khanate

Brother, Karachi is extremely complex, socially and politically. The city is home to 25 million people and is the 5th largest metropolitan city in the world. I've spoken about Karachi and my own experience of it in the past (Read).

To set the stage for you, Karachi is called 'Mini Pakistani' because it is home to all ethnic groups of Pakistan even though it is a Sindhi city. And then there are large refugee populations Afghan (1 million+), Rohingya (200,000) etc. Having such large refugee populations in a major city will be a non-starter in most parts of the world. This is an important point because how do these poor refugees support themselves? There is barely any aid coming through. With little education, they have few opportunities so they are forced into criminal activity (drugs, robberies, etc.) and then all sorts of social issues pop up.

Now a well-governed city will be able to deal with any law enforcement and social issues but since Karachi is so diverse socially (Mini Pakistan), no political or governance ideology has taken root in Karachi. Here is a governance breakdown for you:

Karachi (Municipal): Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)
Sindhi (Provincial): Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
Pakistan (Federal): Pakistan Muslim League (PML)

These are three very different political parties: MQM are secularists who are hopelessly corrupt. PPP is an incompetent left-wing party with no vision. PML are centrist-conservatives, corrupt but they are largely competent however they have no control on Karachi (MQM) or Sindh (PPP).

In short, the bureaucratic puzzle of Karachi has manufactured problems like waste management, lack of metro bus and ambulance system, laws on wall chalking, graffiti, health and safety are not enforced because of political interference in police work, etc. I see the video and I can spot the poor Afghan children playing near the dumpsters and yes it is heart breaking. We discuss these bureaucratic issues of Karachi in Pakistan regularly:

Compare this to Punjab province, no one talks about socialism because Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab, is driving a campaign of privatization, free markets, etc.

Read: ‘Shahbaz Sharif is energetic, reformist’ — The Economist

Likewise in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Movement for Justice) who won the election for the first time is depoliticising institutions. The result is KPK has the best police force in Pakistan with zero political interference.


Meanwhile in Karachi, 13 Inspector Generals (IG) have been changed. Such basic administrative failures have resulted in loss of confidence from the public resulting in extremely low voter turnouts (Source). I've said for some time now that the social, urban and development, infrastructure etc. issues of Karachi require political will. These are not engineering challenges.
. .
You mean illegitimate babies?

That's not really an issue nowadays.. yeats ago Edhi took an initiative where he installed baby cots for such children ... The children were/are taken by charity foundations.

And so did contraceptives ...

Nobody throws away female babies in Pak.. But there have been cases where families protested infront of media houses with boards like "kids for sale" due to rising prices and poverty.

Street children is an issue .. Hundred thousand or so kids... Mostly run aways.. Who ran from houses due to strict parents or teachers.. Some orphans.. Similar programs are initiated for them... Last year a street children football team actually won some international football tournament.. But a lot of work needs to be done in a county of 190 million .. With 12%+-poverty.

They're saying that people are leaving their babies at the local waste disposal site to get rid of them. They die at this place lonely. Some of these babies are even savaged by dogs and other animals during their short live time. Another topic is adoption. Supposedly, the Pakistani society refuses adoption. Adoptive parents would be marginalized by their social environment. According to this documentary, your adoptive children can't assume your surname in Pakistan. The state doesn't allow you to designate your adoptive children as your heir. etc.

I'm happy that people like Edhi existed. He and his wife are shown in this video. Pakistan needs somebody who clears up the society, economy and politics. I see chances, intelligent people and potential at any corner of Pakistan but your elites are wasting the future of this beautiful country.

Brother, Karachi is extremely complex, socially and politically. The city is home to 25 million people and is the 5th largest metropolitan city in the world. I've spoken about Karachi and my own experience of it in the past (Read).

To set the stage for you, Karachi is called 'Mini Pakistani' because it is home to all ethnic groups of Pakistan even though it is a Sindhi city. And then there are large refugee populations Afghan (1 million+), Rohingya (200,000) etc. Having such large refugee populations in a major city will be a non-starter in most parts of the world. This is an important point because how do these poor refugees support themselves? There is barely any aid coming through. With little education, they have few opportunities so they are forced into criminal activity (drugs, robberies, etc.) and then all sorts of social issues pop up.

Now a well-governed city will be able to deal with any law enforcement and social issues but since Karachi is so diverse socially (Mini Pakistan), no political or governance ideology has taken root in Karachi. Here is a governance breakdown for you:

Karachi (Municipal): Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)
Sindhi (Provincial): Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
Pakistan (Federal): Pakistan Muslim League (PML)

These are three very different political parties: MQM are secularists who are hopelessly corrupt. PPP is an incompetent left-wing party with no vision. PML are centrist-conservatives, corrupt but they are largely competent however they have no control on Karachi (MQM) or Sindh (PPP).

In short, the bureaucratic puzzle of Karachi has manufactured problems like waste management, lack of metro bus and ambulance system, laws on wall chalking, graffiti, health and safety are not enforced because of political interference in police work, etc. I see the video and I can spot the poor Afghan children playing near the dumpsters and yes it is heart breaking. We discuss these bureaucratic issues of Karachi in Pakistan regularly:

Compare this to Punjab province, no one talks about socialism because Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab, is driving a campaign of privatization, free markets, etc.

Read: ‘Shahbaz Sharif is energetic, reformist’ — The Economist

Likewise in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Movement for Justice) who won the election for the first time is depoliticising institutions. The result is KPK has the best police force in Pakistan with zero political interference.


Meanwhile in Karachi, 13 Inspector Generals (IG) have been changed. Such basic administrative failures have resulted in loss of confidence from the public resulting in extremely low voter turnouts (Source). I've said for some time now that the social, urban and development, infrastructure etc. issues of Karachi require political will. These are not engineering challenges.

Thank you for enlightening me. Is this the reason why the government left Karachi for Islamabad?
Brother stop being stupid like those other sheep. No they haven't changed. I believe in 7 de neyse 70
Nope everything you wrote is wishful thinking and as for MHP leading AKP :rofl::rofl: That party is already finished when Bahçeli sold his party to Akp so he could protect his chair from inner party oppositon.When next elections come MHP wont be able to pass %10 barrier you know that i hope.

Well bro I just share my personal feelings with you. Maybe I am wrong but I always wish the best for my people and country.
ORC Araştırma Şirketi'nin anketine göre bugün seçim olsa AK Parti'nin oy oranı yüzde 52.8, CHP'nin 23.4, MHP'nin 15, HDP'nin ise 7 olarak belirlendi.
. .
ORC Araştırma Şirketi'nin anketine göre bugün seçim olsa AK Parti'nin oy oranı yüzde 52.8, CHP'nin 23.4, MHP'nin 15, HDP'nin ise 7 olarak belirlendi.

hdp kapatılmalı oy verenlerin hepsi içeri alınmalı, yurt dışındaki destekçilerinin vatandaşlığı alınmalı. biz ülke olarak kendimiz terörle ciddi mücadele etmiyoruz ki avrupa bizi dikkate alsın
hdp kapatılmalı oy verenlerin hepsi içeri alınmalı, yurt dışındaki destekçilerinin vatandaşlığı alınmalı. biz ülke olarak kendimiz terörle ciddi mücadele etmiyoruz ki avrupa bizi dikkate alsın

Aynen, butun mal varlıkları dondurulsun, Türkiye deki pkk lilarin hepsinin kimliği alınsın, kırım dan Türk ve ahiskalilar yerlestirilsin. Suriyelilerin geri gönderilsin.

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