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Fidel Castro nun Yahudi olduğunu biliyor muydunuz?
Bu onun 11 ABD Başkan'ını Nasıl gömdüğünü çok iyi açıklıyor.
Lenin gibi SSCB de de bütün üst polit büro üyeleri Yahudiydi.
Bu arada @bsruzm arkadaşımız banlanmış. Yabancı forumlardan birileri banlamışsa biran önce yasağının kaldırlmasını temenni ederim.
Düdüğün teki Türkiye ile terörü aynı cümlede kullanıyor, kendi mal kafasında kurguladığıyla boş boş ötüyordü. İtiraz ettim, genelde ezerim kafasını ama profilindeki bayrağa saygımdan ağzımı bozmadım. Düdük işte bir aylık ban atmış... Şimdi düşünsene ait olduğu(?) topraklar yıllarca İngilize köle olmuş, sen ise İngilizlere toprağını yedirtmemiş bir neslin evladısın ama yine de FETÖ, PKK, Sağ-Sol, Aşağı-Yukarı, Can Dündar, Zart-Zort bir sürü bok pösürük çıkabiliyor ülkende... Senden bunlar çıkabiliyorsa, ondan neler neler çıkar... Saman altından ne sular yürür. Sonuçta adam eski Amerikan büyükelçisi Ricciardone'nin ağzından konuşuyordu. Bu ilk kez yaptığı birşey değil ama o bayrak yok mu? Akan sular duruyor işte yoksa ben de bilirim öyle Talibanı, AQ'yu desteklediniz, göz yumdunuz demeyi ama öyle adileşemiyorum. Ha bu arada malum ülkenin mahkemesi FETÖ üyesi öğretmenlerin Türkiye'ye gönderilmesine itiraz etmiş... Neyse, bu son iki, üç yazımdan biri bu forum'daki, kendinize iyi bakın, kalın sağlıcakla FETÖ'cüler hariç :)
Fidel Castro nun Yahudi olduğunu biliyor muydunuz?
Bu onun 11 ABD Başkan'ını Nasıl gömdüğünü çok iyi açıklıyor.
Lenin gibi SSCB de de bütün üst polit büro üyeleri Yahudiydi.
Che'de yahudi çıkarsa şaşırmam o kıvama geldim şuan :)
. .
Crimson Tide filmini izleyen var mı ? Muhteşem bir film hele Denzel Washington'ın Kaptan'a isyan sahnesi muhteşem !

Keske uzunu da böyle indirseler ;
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Bu ülkede hiç iç açıcı haber veren bir site yok mu? hosts dosyama gazete eklemekten bıktım... yoksa tazmanya canavarı gibi sağa sola saldırıyorum... :flame:
. .
This guy gave me aids

Lol the stupidity of this presenter is something to laugh at, but this is the intelligence level of 60-70% of the EU at this moment in time on these matters. But he does say he is 'greek', and Greece with its population less than Istanbul, declaring 'war' on Turkey is almost as funny as Latvia declaring war against Russia... que the Greek tragedy, a country who blackmails the EU for money on bailouts..
But on the flip side he is right about threatening EU by refugee gun.

They don't want those people. Turkiye and Turkish gov. opened the borders and let 'em stream in. Wasn't Erdogan's himself saying that having those people is a part of humanitarian act? Wasn't he saying you Turks are happy and welcome 'em? If those people were not welcomed by you so why the hack did you let 'em stream in?

Dudes EU has no common sense and cultural ties with those people. Dude those people are not intelligence enough to cooperate with EU. They bring their problems where they go even create new problems. We all know it due to our experiences since civil war has started.

Yeah helping those people our own duty as being a human but they don't want it. This is crystal clear.

Why doesn't Erdogan push-force Saudis, UAE, Bahrain etc. so-called Muslim states to have those people? Isn't that ridiculous?

Erdogan and his supporters must face with their own double faced policies and behaviors. Wrong is wrong. You made a mistake by having 3.5 million of Syrian refugees so don't push others to be part of your mistake.

If you do so, you will be humiliated in front of people.
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But on the flip side he is right about threatening EU by refugee gun.

They don't want those people. Turkiye and Turkish gov. opened the borders and let 'em stream in. Wasn't Erdogan's himself saying that having those people is a part of humanitarian act? Wasn't he saying you Turks are happy and welcome 'em? If those people were not welcomed by you so why the hack did you let 'em stream in?

Dudes EU has no common sense and cultural ties with those people. Dude those people are not intelligence enough to cooperate with EU. They bring their problems where they go even create new problems. We all know it due to our experiences since civil war has started.

Yeah helping those people our own duty as being a human but they don't want it. This is crystal clear.

Why doesn't Erdogan push-force Saudis, UAE, Bahrain etc. so-called Muslim states to have those people? Isn't that ridiculous?

Erdogan and his supporters must face with their own double faced policies and behaviors. Wrong is wrong. You made a mistake by having 3.5 million of Syrian refugees so don't push others to be part of your mistake.

If you do so, you will be humiliated in front of people.

The mistake wasn't helping out people in need, the mistake was letting them into the country, and not leaving them at refugee camps, This mistake continued further with jobs, healthcare, pay.... and letting them stay over 5 years and now giving them possibility to become Turkish citizens.. mistakes continue by letting Kurds from Iraq cross the country with military equipment to fight in Syria, Sleeping when Iran sent its military into Syria, Sleeping when Russia did the same, Blindly believing in everything the EU and US say and that they will look out for Turkey's best interests....and that they are allies. and so on.... I haven't even begun on treason's that Erdogan himself has committed multiple times, he needs to be hung, his supporters... well.. people believe what they are fed... but why stop there, what was the parliament doing or other political parties and figures? they are all guilty in front of Turkish citizens... but who cares right, every one is going to forget everything and try to live their already difficult lives and existences.

Most arabic countries in my personal view and experience are the ferengi of the world (Star trek joke). Personal gain and profit.. is their motto.. all cleverly disguised under a fake veil of religion and helplessness, naivety and innocence....
Our men are actually unknown. Today a an plane crashed and was carrying full squad of an Brazilian team. I'm seeing all people around media posting it (People in Turkish media society)
Today Erdal tosun died in an car crash, and everyone is talking about it.
But 2 soldiers has been lost or kidnapped literally I am hardly seeing nobody talking about it.

They are truly unknown. Even when we have soldiers who were killed in combat, and hardly not talked about. This is what I pretty much get annoyed about.
@Angry Studios

There is no news coz there is censorship on the media. Do you live in Turkiye?

There are a lot stupid reality shows, matchmaker shows and survival shows etc. Most of people have been complaining about it but our RUTUK hasn't even moved a finger about it.

You may know why?
@Angry Studios

There is no news coz there is censorship on the media. Do you live in Turkiye?

There are a lot stupid reality shows, matchmaker shows and survival shows etc. Most of people have been complaining about it but our RUTUK hasn't even moved a finger about it.

You may know why?

Incident happens, incident can be used to criticize government =
yayin yasagi geldi=
people repeat reports about incident and say there is media gag so they can't give further updates

It's all about catching viewers and making money, hence why news shows in Turkey are 1 hour long and all about being catchy.
Adana'ya 6 milyonliralik muftuluk binasinin acilisini yapmislar.

Evet saka felan degil 6 milyonluk muftuluk binasi.

Bu israf nedir arkadas? Elhamdurillah muslumanim ama bu israf nedir arkadas? Muftulugun ne gibi bir is yapisi varki 6 milyonluk binaya ihtiyac duyar.

Allah'tan korkmazsizlik, kuldan utanmazsizlik budur benim kitabimda.
Adana'ya 6 milyonliralik muftuluk binasinin acilisini yapmislar.

Evet saka felan degil 6 milyonluk muftuluk binasi.

Bu israf nedir arkadas? Elhamdurillah muslumanim ama bu israf nedir arkadas? Muftulugun ne gibi bir is yapisi varki 6 milyonluk binaya ihtiyac duyar.

Allah'tan korkmazsizlik, kuldan utanmazsizlik budur benim kitabimda.
New career opportunities.:sarcastic:

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