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Bu da belki cok erken hayatina mal olmustur.
Kader ve Ecel baska, Allah CC nin verdigi akli, emrettigi gibi sonuna kadar kullanmak ayri.
Onu bunu bırakın da derhal Suriye'ye girmemiz lazım.

Çok geç kaldık kardeşim, hemde çok çok. Kardeş biraz geo politik gerçeklerden uzaksın sanki. Suriye'ye en geç 2014 de girmemiz gerekti, oraya tampon bölge ve Türkmenlere ağır teçhizatla desteklememiz gerekti. Biz kimi destekledik? Pyd yani pkk. Dış politika tam bir fiyasko.
Oncelikle pkk'li ile Kurd vatandasimizin bir birinden ayrilmasi sart. Ama bir Kurd olarak terore katilma sebebinin issizlik ve egitimsizlik olduguna kattiyen katilmiyorum zaten bunun gercek olmadigini son yasadigimiz teror olaylarinda egitimli terorislerin cizre'de elemine edildigini gorduk okuduk ve biliyoruz ki pkk'li militanlarin buyuk bir kismi iyi derecede egitim almis militanlardan olustugununu da biliyoruz. Issizlik konusuna gelecek olursak, o bolgede issizlik diye bir sorun yok asilnda. Orada halk calisarak emek harcayarak ve alin teri dokerek helal yoldan para kazanmak yerine pkk'nin hizmetinde gayri resmi isler, kacakcilik, eroyin-kokayin bazli urunlerin yetistirilmesi-uretilmesi vs. gibi islerden para kazanarak hem teror orgutune hemde kendi yasamlari icin gerekli maddi kazanima ulasiyorlar. Bunu artik bilmeyen kalmadi. Sadece helalden para kazanan ve teror orgutu ile baglantisi olmayan azinlik var ki onlar her Allahin gunun teroristin baski ve tehditleri ile yasamak durumunda kaldilar ozellikle acilim politikasi doneminde. Devlet o bolgeye Turgut Ozal ile birlikte yatirim yapmaya basladi bir cok kez karsiliksiz krediler verildi ve bu krediler o bolge halki tarafindan cekildi ama hic bir zaman o bolgeye yatirim olarak kullanilmadi. Hepsi heba edildi. Halis Toprak gibi 1-2 kisi haric ama onlarda o bolgeye yatirim yapmadi hic bir zaman.

Bu arada ikinci paragrafinda hafiften tehdit seziyorum. Ilk cumlemde dedim Kurd halki ile pkk'yi ayirmak lazim. Ezilen halk? Hangi ezilen halk? Pkk yuzunden ezilen ve evlerini islerini ve sevdiklerini kaybeden halk mi? Yoksa pkk'ya desdek veren ve verdigi desdege karsilik hak ettigi cezayi ceken halk mi? Zaten burada uzerine baski uygulanmasi gerekenler pkk sempatizani sozde vatandas. Benim gibi ulkesine bagli seven Kurd'e kimin bir zarari var ki?

Simdi durust olalim artik bir birimizi kandirmaya calismayalim.

Egitimli kisiler dagda degil, sehirlerde dolasiyor. Egitimli kisiler, oradaki fakir halki kandirip, devlete karsi kiskirtiyor. Daglarda keles ile gezen terroristlerin cogu fakir ailelerden gelen, issiz ve egitimsiz olan genclerdir. Issizlik yuzunden bunalan insanlari ikna etmek daha kolaydir. Yoksa terorun ust kademelerinde bulunan ve propaganda destegi saglayan kisilerin egitimli oldugunu bizde biliyoruz.

O bolgelerde issizlik sorunu yok demek, realiteden uzak kalmak demektir. Guneydogu, bati bolgelerine gore cok geride.

‘’Sozde’’ ezilen halk dedim. Dunya’da boyle bir goruntu var, bunu inkar edemeyiz. Onun icin Turkiye cok titiz davranmak mecburiyetinde. Yoksa her aksi davranis, bizim aleyhimize kullanilabilir.
bizim aleyhimize kullanilabilir

Bugün "Merkel" tek bir cümle ile bu konuya deginmedi .
Basin konferasinda Türk asilli Alman DIE WELT ve NTV (GER) muhabiri "Deniz"
salakca provoke etmesine ragmen cevap bile vermedi .

Vizesiz seyahati hayal eden varsa hemen uyansin ! Türkiyeve Türk olmak bu kadar ucuz olmamali

We appear to have a member from Kazakhstan. Waddup dude, hope you can contribute and inform us about the latest developments within the Kazakhi armed forces :)
nothing special to report. We are going to make mbobb marauder. They will have a local engine, suspension, weapons, bulletproof glass and broneshiny. Samu armor would do the same in Kazakhstan. Also, there is a factory of collecting kits Eurocopter helicopters. Well, Aselsan plant.
Everything else, is a joint project with Russia and modernization of the Soviet fleet.

Here the Victory Parade in World War II.
There MSTA-B, C-300, C-200, BMPT Terminator, the T-72B ob89, BTR-82A, Otkar Cobra, BMP-2, RZSO Grad, tornado, Uragan, Self-propelled antitank Sturm-C, Strela-10M, 2C1, 2C3, OPEN Tochka-U TOC-1A
Because of the air.
Su-27UB, Su-27C and Su-30cm, the Su-25
MiG-29, MiG-31B
8AMTSh Mi-Mi-24P and Mi-35, Mi-26T, Ka-32


Parade after military exercises
Bize Yavuz Sultan Selim gibi bi lider lazım.. Aksi takdirde bu belayı def edemicez..

Talat-Cemal-Enver Paşalara çok kızıyorum şahsen ama bazende ermeni sorununu kökten çözdükleri için de takdir etmemek mümkün değil.

Basimiza kurt belasini saranlarin basinda yavuz sultan selim gelir bunu bilmekte fayda var.
Siz dunyanin hangi ulkesinde Kendi kurucu unsur halkinin bu kadar asagilandigi baska bir ulke gordunuz?
Bu ulkenin cumhurbaskani sayin abdullah ocalan fikirlerinin degil aldigi kellelerin hesabini veriyor deyip bilmem kac kere secim kazanabiliyorsa siz hangi ulkeden hangi politikadan bahsediyorsunuz?Bu adamlar kibrisi veriyorlardi allaha sukur rumlar buna engel oldu ? Ulkemizde ermenilere yaranmak icin stadlarimizda azerbaycan bayraklari coplere attirildi.Davullarla zurnalarla pkklilar karsilandi. Turkiye cumhuriyetinin Tc si kurumlardan kaldirildi amac ileride devletin adini bile degistirmekti bunu anlamamak icin salak olmak lazim. Ak partili sozde aydinlar turk diye bir irk yoktur demekeye baslandi iclerindeki kimi yavsaklar bile Kendimi turk degil musluman olarak tanimliyorum demeye basladi.
Kimse kusura bakmasin ki Turkiyede akp ile Turkiye politikasinin olmadigini gorduk sadece ak politikasi var oda kafamizi kuma gomup gotumuzu bayira dikmek oldu

bakin bu kadin burasi kurdistan diye turk polisine bagiriyor. Sizce bunun sivastan oteye gidemezsin diye diger partilere laf atan cumhurbaskaninin algisal olarak empoze etkisinin sebebi yokmudur?

Turkiye cumhuriyeti olarak bizler ypgli pkkli teroristleri kendi ulkemizde kendi hastanemizde tedavi ettik yetmedi oso yu ypgye yardim icin ayn el araba yani kobaniye yolladik sonuc kurtlerin yasamadigi suluk ve tel abyad bile bugun ypgnin elinde ve ypg suriye ordusu ile birlikte osoyu vuruyor ve kurtler suriyede hayal dahi edemedikleri bir basari yakaladilar ki biliriz suriye de kurtlerin vatandaslik hakki bile yoktur.

irak bolgesi desen ortada turkmenler telaferde kerkukte kaybetti amerli ve tuz hurmatuda kazanan turkmenler yazikki bizim destegimizle degil iranin destegiyle kazandi.
Hep bir fikir vardi irak turkmenlerinde turkiye bizi yalniz birakmaz oysa biz onlarada bile hiyanet ettik herseyi gectim en kotu gunlerinde bile onlari kendi ulkemize almadik pasaport istedik

Bana kimse masal anlatmasin yakin bir zamanda serok ahmet yeni bir pkk acilimi yapacakmis cizreyi yeniden insa edecekmis aha simdiden yaziyorum. Benim hakkimle pkklilara yapilacak her nokta kadar yardim HARAM OLSUN HARAM OLSUN
Bana kimse masal anlatmasin yakin bir zamanda serok ahmet yeni bir pkk acilimi yapacakmis cizreyi yeniden insa edecekmis aha simdiden yaziyorum. Benim hakkimle pkklilara yapilacak her nokta kadar yardim HARAM OLSUN HARAM OLSUN
Bence de %97 HDP'ye oy veren, kenti öyle bırakıcan. Gelsin kendi belediyesi temizlesin.

nothing special to report. We are going to make mbobb marauder. They will have a local engine, suspension, weapons, bulletproof glass and broneshiny. Samu armor would do the same in Kazakhstan. Also, there is a factory of collecting kits Eurocopter helicopters. Well, Aselsan plant.
Everything else, is a joint project with Russia and modernization of the Soviet fleet.

Here the Victory Parade in World War II.
There MSTA-B, C-300, C-200, BMPT Terminator, the T-72B ob89, BTR-82A, Otkar Cobra, BMP-2, RZSO Grad, tornado, Uragan, Self-propelled antitank Sturm-C, Strela-10M, 2C1, 2C3, OPEN Tochka-U TOC-1A
Because of the air.
Su-27UB, Su-27C and Su-30cm, the Su-25
MiG-29, MiG-31B
8AMTSh Mi-Mi-24P and Mi-35, Mi-26T, Ka-32


Parade after military exercises

Brother, would you contribute to a thread "Kazakhstan Armed Forces" if we open and sticky it ? We are having a hard time to find content from Turkic countries.
Bence de %97 HDP'ye oy veren, kenti öyle bırakıcan. Gelsin kendi belediyesi temizlesin.

Brother, would you contribute to a thread "Kazakhstan Armed Forces" if we open and sticky it ? We are having a hard time to find content from Turkic countries.

Put it part of Russian defence, I don't see Kazakhstan as an independent country. They lost all their identity, culture everything.
ow would you not think we have gone through Russia 2 world wars and the Patriotic War. We recently shared with the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian people during the hard times of industrialization. On the territory of Kazakhstan was a lot of people, who were brought here by force. It is of course the subject of dispute among historians, but what we are much closer to the Russian people and the State is a fact. I think you understand yourself and what have friends on the situation, and have friends for life. Kazakhstan supports the main Russian force in Central Asia. We are pursuing a policy that is beneficial to both countries.
With the Turkish people, we are bound by ties of blood are the same as with the Russian. In Kazakhstan, 130 nations, and the Russian language and culture serves as a conduit between them. But we do not have any relationship with you. It will take a lot of time that would have proven predonnost Turks, their honor and their power to Kazakhstan. In the meantime, we see that you are a puppet in the hands of the Saudis and the United States. And they are not our friends. Some want to impose in Kazahsatne Wahhabis, other "Western democracy". We do not need. Want to have an ally in the Kazakh-stop to create hell. For us Wahhabis main enemy of the state. And you support them.

Kazakhstan and he is able to help Turkic countries in Asia. We have enough money.

Hmm, your connection to Russian is deeper than i thought. :(

Brother you know, Turkic was very strong when we had stayed together.

We long for that... in every Turk there is a hope for the Great Turkic Unity. But we kind of see the Russian influence against that Unity. But you say that you are seeing Russians as a great friend and to an extent that you would place them above your brothers bounded to you by blood.
Poll: Turkey's possible future union | Page 17
Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

Turkey being puppet of Saudis is just comical , even the Arabs themselves would laugh. Wahhabi ideology is dangerous indeed but relations between Saudi and Turkey is based on mutual cooperation. We have no problems with them.

Also, i love Nursultan Nazarbayev. :mps:

Hmm, your connection to Russian is deeper than i thought. :(

Brother you know, Turkic was very strong when we had stayed together.

We long for that... in every Turk there is a hope for the Great Turkic Unity. But we kind of see the Russian influence against that Unity. But you say that you are seeing Russians as a great friend and to an extent that you would place them above your brothers bounded to you by blood.
Poll: Turkey's possible future union | Page 17
Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

Turkey being puppet of Saudis is just comical , even the Arabs themselves would laugh. Wahhabi ideology is dangerous indeed but relations between Saudi and Turkey is based on mutual cooperation. We have no problems with them.

Also, i love Nursultan Nazarbayev. :mps:

Hmm, your connection to Russian is deeper than i thought. :(

Brother you know, Turkic was very strong when we had stayed together.

We long for that... in every Turk there is a hope for the Great Turkic Unity. But we kind of see the Russian influence against that Unity. But you say that you are seeing Russians as a great friend and to an extent that you would place them above your brothers bounded to you by blood.
Poll: Turkey's possible future union | Page 17
Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

Turkey being puppet of Saudis is just comical , even the Arabs themselves would laugh. Wahhabi ideology is dangerous indeed but relations between Saudi and Turkey is based on mutual cooperation. We have no problems with them.

Also, i love Nursultan Nazarbayev. :mps:

This is a matter of the past years. It has been many centuries since.
I also respect Nazarbayev.
As for the Saudi puppets - so we can see by your actions. This is a personal opinion. No offense, brother.
We Saudis are evil. We are opposed to their policies. We caught enough of their agents, that would understand that any good should not expect from them. Not only Saudis, even Qatar. We have seen what has led friendship Saudis and Chechens. No thanks.
Turkey and Kazakhstan could easily create a union. But for this to Kazakhstan and Turkey will need to make our economy stronger. Now Kazakhstan is included in the 50 most developed countries of the world, we need the top-20. After, we can talk about an alliance. Before that, we will not change the Allies. Besides, in military terms, Russia's second military power of the world. Able to wipe out any state. Only the United States and Russia have a full-fledged army capable of solving the problems of the world order. The US is not one for us because of "democracy."
This is a matter of the past years. It has been many centuries since.
Yeap, mate it has been many centries since GökTürk Empire...but it was not the only one.

A century ago, we were Ottoman Empire.

I also respect Nazarbayev.
As for the Saudi puppets - so we can see by your actions. This is a personal opinion. No offense, brother.
We Saudis are evil. We are opposed to their policies. We caught enough of their agents, that would understand that any good should not expect from them. Not only Saudis, even Qatar. We have seen what has led friendship Saudis and Chechens. No thanks.
:) None taken, brother. It's important for us to talk about these issues to clear misunderstandings/stereotypes. We have a Kyrgız member in our section. @telkon Once he said;; "Before coming to Turkey, we saw Turkish as Arabized Blood-Thirsty savages. After coming to Turkey, I saw that we share many common grounds and our stereotypes were wrong". He still lives in Turkey.

Turkey and Kazakhstan could easily create a union. But for this to Kazakhstan and Turkey will need to make our economy stronger. Now Kazakhstan is included in the 50 most developed countries of the world, we need the top-20. After, we can talk about an alliance. Before that, we will not change the Allies. Besides, in military terms, Russia's second military power of the world. Able to wipe out any state. Only the United States and Russia have a full-fledged army capable of solving the problems of the world order. The US is not one for us because of "democracy."
Agreed and to add, we should further know each other, clear misunderstandings, reforge the weakened bonds between Kazakh and Turkish people.
Egitimli kisiler dagda degil, sehirlerde dolasiyor. Egitimli kisiler, oradaki fakir halki kandirip, devlete karsi kiskirtiyor. Daglarda keles ile gezen terroristlerin cogu fakir ailelerden gelen, issiz ve egitimsiz olan genclerdir. Issizlik yuzunden bunalan insanlari ikna etmek daha kolaydir. Yoksa terorun ust kademelerinde bulunan ve propaganda destegi saglayan kisilerin egitimli oldugunu bizde biliyoruz.

O bolgelerde issizlik sorunu yok demek, realiteden uzak kalmak demektir. Guneydogu, bati bolgelerine gore cok geride.

‘’Sozde’’ ezilen halk dedim. Dunya’da boyle bir goruntu var, bunu inkar edemeyiz. Onun icin Turkiye cok titiz davranmak mecburiyetinde. Yoksa her aksi davranis, bizim aleyhimize kullanilabilir.

Egitimli olanlar her yerde dag kadrosunda sehir yapilanmasinda yani heryerdeler ve bunlarin sayisi oyle bir kac yuz felan degil bildigin kemik konumunada olan kisiler orgut icerisinde. Artik bir birimizi kandirmayalim demistim ama halen issizlik fakirlik vs. bahaneleri ile yapilan terorzimi ki yapilan terorizmin altinda bildigin irkcilik var. O nedenle ki kendi Kurd olup bu ermeni orgutune desdek veren sirf kendi irkinin adina yapilan teror eylemlerini irci ideloji ile desdek veren kitle gercegini inkar etmek yada yok mahiyetinde saymak bu saatten sonra kimsenin inanmadigi bir strateji.

O bolge dedigimiz dogu ve guneydogu anadolu bolgesi ki bolgenin toplam nufusu 10-12 milyon civari (yanlisim varsa duzeltiniz lutfen). Bu sayida bir insan kitlesinin issiz oldugunu idda etmek akla mantiga vede matematige terstir. Sizin benim bildigim tarzda bir "is" ile ugrasindan ziyade asil gelirin buyuk bir kismini olusturan yasa disi isler ile ekonomilerini desdekliyorlar ki bunu inkar etmek ya o bolge halki hakkinda hic bir sey bilmemek demek yada kasitli olarak gercegi carpitmak demek.

Karadeniz bolgesi halen Turkiyenin en geri kalmis bolgesi konumunda ama nedense hic bir karadenizli bunu sebep addedip daga cikmiyor degil mi? Dedogim gibi gercek irkci bir ideoloji ile bolucu faliyetler yapmak o ndenledir ki Islam ircki ve asiri milliyetci halve davranislari yasaklamistir. O nedenle ki pkk ozellikle islami hedef alip islami ogretiler ile devlet ve millet bilinci ile yasayan Kurd vatandaslari hedef almaya devam etmektedir. Bunun en iyi bilen ismi benim halen Diyarbakir'da yasayan akrabalarim tehdit aliyor ve evleri kursunlaniyor. Ben burada acilim politikasinin en buyuk izdirabini ulkesini seven Kurd vatandaslarin cektigini yuzlerce kez anlattim.

Sozde halk evet ama teror desdekcisi bir halk degil dunya tum kainat o gozle baksa bile masum kani akitarak irkci bir ideloji ile insan katleden her kim olursa olsun musaama gostermek taviz vermek insanliga ve Islama ters bir davranistir.
Aleyhimizde kullanabilirler o nedenle guclu olmamiz gerekiyor ve guclu olmamiz icinde icimizdeki bu kafir surusunun temizlenmesi gerekiyor. Kanserli hucreleri temizlemedigin surece vucut halsiz ve gucsuzdur o durumdaki bireyi cocuk yastaki bir birey dahi tokatlar. Bilmem anlatabiliyormuyum.

Once pkk denen kafir surusu berteraf edilmeli ki tum Kurd halki bu topraklarda huzur ve baris icinde yasasin ve diger Kurd halklarinin da bu birliktelige katilmalari gerceklessin. InsAllah once ulkemiz icersinideki birlikteligi sagliyacagiz sonra digerlerini bu birliktelige tek tek katacagiz. Bunun baska caresi yok.
It is very difficult to read the Turkish language, but communicate verbally with turkami- Kazakhs can ease. Languages are very similar.

You need to understand Russia is our friend with whom we live together side by side. Russia has always helped us, as well as Kazakhstan. In this, we can not exchange your friend at a time. Russia is acting in our view correctly, forcing the US and CA from the Middle East. The further of the country from Kazakhstan, the calmer us. they are enemies for us. And here you are, on the contrary support all of these Wahhabis and Democrats. It is not right :(
It is very difficult to read the Turkish language, but communicate verbally with turkami- Kazakhs can ease. Languages are very similar.

You need to understand Russia is our friend with whom we live together side by side. Russia has always helped us, as well as Kazakhstan. In this, we can not exchange your friend at a time. Russia is acting in our view correctly, forcing the US and CA from the Middle East. The further of the country from Kazakhstan, the calmer us. they are enemies for us. And here you are, on the contrary support all of these Wahhabis and Democrats. It is not right :(
1-) From where did you heard that we are supporting Wahhabis ?
2-) What's wrong with Democracy ?
3-) Why do you see US as an enemy against Kazakhistan ?

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