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Çay Bahçesi

It was probably not so hard for them to notice that you're back since you posted basically everywhere.

Güvenlik kaynakları, Türk askerinin Suriye'nin Cerablus bölgesine girdiği iddialarının doğru olmadığını bildirdi. Bölgedeki güvenlik kaynaklarından edinilen bilgiye göre, Türk askeri, demiryolunun güneyinde yer alan Türk topraklarındaki mayınları temizlemek için bölgeye girdi.


Mayın temizleme faaliyeti sırasında bir metre bile Suriye topraklarına girilmediğini belirten kaynaklar, Türk sınırının, bölgedeki demiryolunun bazı yerlerinde 30, bazı yerlerde 50, bazı yerlerde ise 100 metre güneyine kadar indiği bilgisini verdi.
Sınırda hareketli saatler! TSK Suriye'ye mi girdi? | GAZETE VATAN

Security sources deny Turkish troops entered Syria
Really enjoy Cenk Uygurs TYT, however his latest coverage of Turkey is really bias and his claims are without backing.
No one is asking him to make a pro turkish coverage; but he could at least cover the subject in hand from two sides. He mentions civilians deaths and says the source is local to the area. What he fails to see is that the very source he relies on is in fact from HDP and there affiliates, which in the past and currently are doing their best to put pressure on Turkey internationally with imaginary or inflated civilian causalities. He is portraying the story, as if most of the killed are civilians; one might ask, what are civilians doing in evacuated/curfew imposed areas with Ak-47s setting up traps in civilian homes and actively engaging with the military? There is a simple answer they are not civilians.

He is either covering the story like this, because of the anti turkey sentiment that has become popular for views, to prove to his viewers that contrary to the channel name, he is not pro turkey, or he is just naive. And frankly, i don't know which one it is, since i, believe or not, still enjoy his videos.
Is this true ?

Unfortunately, propaganda. Nothing is true, what is written in JP.

But , Russia is building a Base in Kamishli. What should we or can do ?

Russia is getting more and more coward aggressive after Sultan- Ahmed Place attack and threats poisoning Turkish water reserves and biological warfare with sophisticated
biologic weapons.

Nothing what is happening is casualness.

No Earth Quake and no H1N1 what occurs in Türkiye.

British Court accused today PUTIN of murder, cause poisoning ex KGB-member Mr. Litvinenko in London with Polonium 110.

That should be the question !

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