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Cay Bahcesi

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Yeah, but just because we had been in the same language tree doesn't make us natural allies.
Nobody was saying that. There are a lot of other things that connect Japanese to Turks. It is very easy to learn their language and visavis. We have similar attitude with Japanese. Honor and respect is very important. We had good relations with Japan during Ottoman Empire. Also our interest are in alignment geopolitically. No need to look always back. Look forward.

Japan’s Strategic Push with Turkey | The Diplomat

Japan’s Strategic Push with Turkey
With few diplomatic openings in East Asia, Tokyo has been busy forging ties with Ankara.

The dearth of diplomacy in Northeast Asia since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in December 2012 has presented Tokyo with a more flexible calendar for international courtships. Much of Abe’s first year focused on improving ties with ASEAN (indeed he visited every country in the organization) and India. These engagements, together with Japan’s renewed push to resolve decades-old disputes with Russia, have largely been interpreted as an overt hedge against China’s growing power in the region. Much of this interpretation is correct, but there is a more multifaceted element to Abe’s diplomatic agenda that should not be shrouded by the acute tensions between Japan and China.

One area representative of this dynamism is Japan’s efforts to pursue stronger relations with Turkey, demonstrated through a host of Japanese investments in the country’s growing civil nuclear program and transportation infrastructure projects. Abe has put an unusual amount of effort into bolstering the relationship with Ankara through two separate trips to the country since taking office. Abe also welcomed Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Japan this past January. The rapid expansion in Japan-Turkey ties is even more dramatic, given that Ankara was all but ignored by Tokyo in the five years between the Abe 1.0 and Abe 2.0 administrations. Indeed, the last Japanese Prime Minister to visit Turkey (before Abe) was former LDP leader Junichiro Koizumi.

Japan-Turkey ties are longstanding and most diplomats who have been posted in Ankara and Tokyo will point to a bond forged by a sunken frigate off the coast of Japan in the late 19th century. In 1890, the Ottoman frigate, named the Ertugrul, sunk on the way home from a visit with Japan. While more than five hundred sailors died, sixty-nine survived and were both rescued and escorted safely home by the Japanese navy. “Ertugrul” is consistently recognized by the leaders of both countries and has served as the basis of a friendship between geographically distant states.

The contemporary focus on ties between Tokyo and Ankara is rooted in economics and energy. While bilateral trade remains low at less than $4 billion, investment opportunities are growing. During Abe’s second visit to Turkey in October, the Japanese leader attended the opening ceremony of Turkey’s massive undersea tunnel in Istanbul spanning the Bosphorus. The ambitious project’s largest foreign investor was the Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) which invested more than $1 billion in the $4 billion plan.

The Marmary tunnel project in Istanbul is an example of Japan’s emphasis on using soft power in the Middle East to complement its increased role in international security issues (such as its antipiracy mission in the Gulf of Aden). At the grand opening, Abe noted: “This project has been accomplished thanks to the cooperation of Japan’s high-technology and Turkey’s experienced labor power. The upcoming year is the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan. I hope this project will be the new symbol of the two countries’ friendship.” Abe seems keen to increase Japanese investment and trade with Turkey ahead of the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the latter’s modern republic. The Marmary project is significant for a couple of reasons. First, JBIC’s investment outweighed any contribution from European banks. And second, the project provides a degree of symbolism as a link with Asia.

Yet while the Marmary project caught headlines, the real driving force here is Japan solidifying its footprint in Turkey’s nuclear energy plans. A landmark deal, won by Japan-based Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and French nuclear giant Areva, for the Sinop nuclear power plant is reportedly worth $22 billion. Mitsubishi beat out other bids from Chinese, South Korean and Canadian companies. Moreover, Erdogan has stressed that Turkey would “welcome future bids” on nascent plans for future reactors. Abe and Erodgan signed a joint statement last year pledging further cooperation on science, technology and nuclear power, among other issues. Meanwhile, Abe reassured Turkey that Japan’s nuclear industry has learned lessons from the Fukushima disaster: “Japan has a responsibility to share the lessons of the Fukushima nuclear disaster with the rest of the world and to promote nuclear safety. We will help ensure the safety of nuclear power in Turkey and other countries that decide to introduce nuclear technology by assisting in their institution-building and human resources development.”

This influx of Japanese investment has helped push along the Japan-Turkey joint study to explore a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). Both sides have stressed a desire to enter into negotiations this year and it is possible that a Japan-Turkey agreement may come before Tokyo is able to finish a pact with the European Union (currently under negotiation). A finalized deal would only be the second FTA for Japan in Europe, including its current agreement with Switzerland. Ankara meanwhile has no FTAs in Asia and is looking for an opening with Japan.

Finally, on the political and security front, Japan has been stepping up its engagement on Syria and has been working as an interlocutor of sorts between Iran and the P5+1. Abe’s commitment to enhancing Japan’s reach in the region on these issues is something that should appeal to Turkey, which is looking for other players under the tent besides Washington. Looking ahead, Abe will likely continue his courtship of Turkey through his remaining tenure. Yet, although there are no obvious fissures in the bilateral relationship, the partnership may suffer as Japanese attention is overtaken by other competing concerns (namely China and South Korea).
Turks come from Central Asia so our language tree is from there. Our language is related to Korean and Japanese. This is a fact. Brothership is not only blood you know. There are people who are brother by blood but hate each other.

its true.....i was at a function at Japanese embassy in Ankara back in 2008

I was so shocked, they ALL knew Turkish -- a lot of the embassy staff

the grammar structure is extremely similar.....and Turkish grammar is not easy!! My God
Guys, Turkic and Korean & Japanese languages are not even remotely connected. Even Mongolian (considered Altaic) are only very distantly related to Turkic. This should also go to the Ural-Altaic term, which is mostly nonsense as well. It would be like saying that Swedish and Pashtun are related.

As far as i know Ural-Altaic has been seperated by linguists... i have seen videos on youtube saying that we are related with Fins. :disagree:
Guys, by the way, I kid you not, I was mistaken for Japanese multiple times. :D

Not by Turks, but by foreigners. But I'm quite tall so most of the time they think half half something.
Whether we are realted or not we can be good partners but at this point an alliance is not necessary. An alliance will only be necessary if we actually gain real influence in central asia and have the capability to project real military power in that region.
its true.....i was at a function at Japanese embassy in Ankara back in 2008

I was so shocked, they ALL knew Turkish -- a lot of the embassy staff

the grammar structure is extremely similar.....and Turkish grammar is not easy!! My God
That is what Japanese tell me too.

Whether we are realted or not we can be good partners but at this point an alliance is not necessary. An alliance will only be necessary if we actually gain real influence in central asia and have the capability to project real military power in that region.

First economy, then military, then politics. We have to follow this example. Now most Turkic countries are in stage 1.
Guys, by the way, I kid you not, I was mistaken for Japanese multiple times. :D

Not by Turks, but by foreigners. But I'm quite tall so most of the time they think half half something.

You have slanted eyes ? Any Tatar heritage ?
You have slanted eyes ? Any Tatar heritage ?
I have slanted yes. I have some Circassian and from history books I read they were in close contact with Turco-Mongols. That is my theory but a lot of people have slanted eyes who are just regular Turks.
As far as i know Ural-Altaic has been seperated by linguists... i have seen videos on youtube saying that we are related with Fins. :disagree:

Altaic and Uralic are two separate branches obviously. And within Altaic branch you have three distant separate branches; Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic.

Although Mongolic does share some similarities with Turkic, it is still far away. We share few words in fact (dağ, altun, al etc), and also features, but it's still very distant.

As for Altaic classification of Japanese and Korean, I'm not sure about it.
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When I was small child I had even more slanted eyes, people called me Japanese fish. :D ... "japon baligi"
during Cold War, Japanese intelligence agencies used to support ultra-nationalist groups like the Grey Wolves because they supported a United Turkistan (which meant ceding Xinjiang region consisting of Chinese Turkic Uighur community)

nothing materialized, but it used to happen...I've spoken to retired Turkish intelligence officials about this when I lived in Turkiye. It's not really a secret anymore.

"enemy of enemy is friend" logic applied at that particular time
Altaic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are similarities but keep in mind the language connection goes back thousands and thousands of years. You can't compare it like modern languages.

For example:


Guys, by the way, I kid you not, I was mistaken for Japanese multiple times. :D

Not by Turks, but by foreigners. But I'm quite tall so most of the time they think half half something.

Turkiye is a heterogeneous country. You have Turks Tatars Daghestanis Ingush and other groups (Turkic)....and of course the Kurts. Very interesting country for anthropologists

When I was small child I had even more slanted eyes, people called me Japanese fish. :D ... "japon baligi"

Balik mi?

Siz Kadikoy'de ya da Besiktasta acaba... :D
I have slanted yes. I have some Circassian and from history books I read they were in close contact with Turco-Mongols. That is my theory but a lot of people have slanted eyes who are just regular Turks.

Sizin atalarinizi Ertugrul ile tatile ciktiler galiba

That is what Japanese tell me too.

I was taking Turkce lessons at Turkish American Academy since at that time i was living in Cankaya. After that I learned by talking in the streets, and at my job - everyone speaking Turkish.

When I saw those Japanese speaking Turkce better than me I was very jealous :laugh:

I left Turkiye early 2010 I think....and at that time I could speak like a Turk and nobody believed I was even from Pakistan. I had to tell them over and over again - Vallaha ben Pakistanliyim

One time I was taking a seyahat (bus service) from Bursa to Izmit. I think that day there was terrorism/bomb blast in Istanbul so the police came on the bus and was checking everybody national ID card.

I showed them the only identification I had....Pakistani NIC (National ID Card) and it was in English and Urdu writings. I was travelling alone on a big Efe Tur bus full of Turks and everyone is looking, shocked that I was a foreignor not Turkish.

I made some good friends that day - and I told the police "Turkiye ve Pakistan dostluk her zaman olacak" (I wanted to say Pak Turk friendship will always be). I dont know if I said it correctly but they shaked my hand and said I must enjoy my stay in the country. People were smiling and laughing and even one old lady gave me some Simit to eat.

Every single memory I have from Turkiye was good memories. I never had any bad moments, except when I was driving from Izmit to Istanbul -- trafik takes 3 hours....yani uc saat trafikta.

it should only take 45 minutes drive, it is not far
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First economy, then military, then politics. We have to follow this example. Now most Turkic countries are in stage 1.

Central Asia is extremely complicated. All those countries hate eachother. That's the problem.

Stop the mis-trust - form a new economic union and create free trade zones, special economic zones etc.

this can be done diplomatically and through the WTO
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