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Career in the ISI

Salam every one

This is my duty being a Pakistani to inform about the painfull insult and humiliation of Pakistan by an American mother(-F-) film makers who considerd Pakistani as a terrorist nation in Paris in a movie FROM PARIS WITH LOVE

Pakistan should take action against this movie and abusing behaviour of american film makers

This film should be a platform in Pakistan and worldwide for every Pakistani to show there aggression and hate against america, for considertion every individual should watch this movie
the Jhon Travolta using such an abusive language for Pakistanies and there MOTHERS

Show Patriotism :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Please don't declare jihad on France now :lol::lol::rolleyes:
advertised under ministry of defense but they dont state that they are hiring for ISI.. that was the point i was trying to make!!

cars.. perhaps but i doubt it.... my uncle was a colonel in ISI ever since i remember and all he had till the end was a suzuki bolan and one regular land cruiser jeep... perhaps they might issue better cars to the agents required but that would depend upon the mission, i really doubt they get 'good' ones for regular use!!!

i dont think you can show off with a diplomatic passport!!!! 2ndly you are supposed to be undercover!!! 3rdly the point i was trying to make was, things are not as they show em in bond movies!!!!

Your doubts are wrong you are assuming too much on your own, i am not sure about what your uncles designation was, but all the officers who are actually civilians are provided with lots of perks and privileges, good cars are for regular use, If you think about it it makes sense, a lot is required to provide people at such sensitive posts so that they don't desire for anything by illegitimate means.
The whole point of diplomatic passport was not for showing off rather telling that if one is found of hot Arab or European women then one can easily go there without having to apply for visa.
i was just trying to clear the 'bond 007' images.. that agencies dont work that way... simple as that!!!
I suppose you have a bit of misconceptions about how intelligence agencies work. Bond movies are more like a bit of drama. If you read Bond Novels; they give a more clearer picture about how agencies work.

Writer of Bond Novels and creator of Bond character; Mr Ian Flemming was a Retd Royal Navy Commander and MI6 agent. He was enjoying his retirement at a small Island in Caribbean and he chose to stay there because he fell in love with the Island. His most favorite piece of Literature was titled "BIRDS OF WEST INDIES" and the name of the author was "JAMES BOND"; there he got a name for his character which he depicted in his novel based on his own life. All other stuff in movies are a Director's/Producer's imagination.
Your doubts are wrong you are assuming too much on your own, i am not sure about what your uncles designation was, but all the officers who are actually civilians are provided with lots of perks and privileges, good cars are for regular use, If you think about it it makes sense, a lot is required to provide people at such sensitive posts so that they don't desire for anything by illegitimate means.
The whole point of diplomatic passport was not for showing off rather telling that if one is found of hot Arab or European women then one can easily go there without having to apply for visa.
well he was in ISI for 7-8 yrs till her retired... dont know his designation but he was involved in alot of nuclear deals n all the stuff related to our nuclear program... anyways, he did had cars in the motor pool but i never saw him use many, perhaps he didnt like to show off... who knows!!!

as for diplomatic passport... ISI is supposed to be undercover why in the world would they require diplomatic passport, as it will blow their cover, they might get diplomatic passport for certain mission but not all the time!!!
I suppose you have a bit of misconceptions about how intelligence agencies work. Bond movies are more like a bit of drama. If you read Bond Novels; they give a more clearer picture about how agencies work.

Writer of Bond Novels and creator of Bond character; Mr Ian Flemming was a Retd Royal Navy Commander and MI6 agent. He was enjoying his retirement at a small Island in Caribbean and he chose to stay there because he fell in love with the Island. His most favorite piece of Literature was titled "BIRDS OF WEST INDIES" and the name of the author was "JAMES BOND"; there he got a name for his character which he depicted in his novel based on his own life. All other stuff in movies are a Director's/Producer's imagination.

most ppl dont read books n rather watch movies n get impressed... that was a simple point i was trying to make... :hitwall:

my dear all,

its my childhood desire to join isi but i dont know how i will be able to do this:smitten:

my dear all,

its my childhood desire to join isi but i dont know how i will be able to do this:smitten:
Shall you not desire (to join ISI)
Let them do the desire (to have you in ISI)
Please don't declare jihad on France now :lol::lol::rolleyes:

Dear ...whatever !!!..... i didt mentioned anything abt jihad but i jst appealed for showing patreiotism for ur homeland!!!

its quite easy to heard tht some one abused, disgraced and humliate my country but I would never tolorate some one to disrespect my mother..............!!!:hitwall::hitwall:

should we remain silent abt their atitude towards pakistan or any muslim country to call them what ever they want.........or let them prove it that offcourse they are the super nation of the world!!


Son of Pakistan :pakistan:
ISI do hire civilians in officer and lower classes.

In officer class, civilians are trained and given a rank of Assistant Director initially, and they are promoted according to their output. I think some grade 20 directors are also civilians.

Civilians work with Officers and Men coming from Army, Navy and PAF.

There are newspaper adds for civilians enrollment once or twice an year. Normally, instead of ISI, a Public Sector Organisation is mentioned and a PO Box is given for correspondence.

Very strict security check about the back ground is carried out before offering job, if one passes all tests and interview.

Good Luck.
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if u wanna apply in ISI
than go to forces there u might get chance to join that
but i think that there are many good jobs too in other sectors
wher u can apply
Thanks for the help. There are many people in pakistan looking for jobs.. a good job hunter always plan well for the job and for that thing he/she takes the complete info about the job and interviewing tips!

i am moon and dong BS(EE) ...... i want to join ISI so please tell me how i can join the ISI ......
Salaam All,

My name is J and I am 20 years old and currently studying Engineering in Germany after completing my A-Levels. I will graduate in 2008.

I want to join the ISI after graduation and I would like to know about the recruiting process and what positions are open for me to join. I don't want to join the ISI via the whole army enrollement process.

I have always wanted to do something great for my people and I feel the ISI is the ideal platform to use my skills, knowledge and training to achieve greatness.

Please reply with concrete suggestion and advice.

Thank you for extending your interests to serve the the Directorate Inter Service Intelligence. There is an issue here which is namely the background screening of an prospective ISI staff specially if that candidate spent some time abroad .
This screening involves for some people up to 10 years of intensive historical background check. Candidates are asked to provide certain informations and those informations are verified by the directorate though it's own resources. There is a dedicated desk at the Directorate for this purpose. No candidate's employment will be final until the whole process is completed. This is quite simple if the candidate has 10 years of unbroken habitation in Pakistan or the candidate is a member of the armed forces.
The problem starts if the candidate has spent some time abroad in the last 10 year. It makes it very difficult to do the screening as the Directorate does not exercise jurisdiction outside Pakistan. As a result , the screening process can not be completed and the employment application will be declined. I hope that the information that I provided will help you to assess your own situation. Thank you.
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