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Caravan of jihadists coming from Afghanistan to liberate Kashmir: Al-Qaida


Sep 18, 2011
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LONDON: A chilling new video from the al-Qaida has asked Muslims in Kashmir to emulate "brothers" in Syria and Iraq and wage a violent jihad against India.

The video, which includes a statement read by Maulana Asim Umar, a senior leader of al-Qaida's Pakistan cell will definitely have India's security officers worried.

The video promises a "caravan of jihadists coming from Afghanistan to liberate Kashmir".

The video, titled, "The War Continues: A Statement on Kashmir's Muslims," features an audio sermon by Umar.

The video runs footages dating back to 2010 of protests on the roads of Srinagar in which civilians were killed during a standoff with India's security forces.

Interestingly, the video addresses Muslims on both sides of the line of control — both on the Indian and Pakistani side as well as to the broader Muslim populations of both countries.

In the video, Kashmiri Muslims are urged to join the global jihadi movement.

It says "Now Muslims all over the world have picked up arms, are marching in the field of jihad. Even those who rejected armed jihad are now joining this path after being disillusioned with democratic ways of peaceful protests".

The video mentions Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Algeria and other parts of the world where Islamic extremism has been rife.

The video also calls for attacks in Europe and for a repeat of the Lee Rigby incident in London last year. The soldier was almost beheaded by two men of Nigerian origin in broad daylight outside a military barrack.

The footage cites Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq as inspiration for Muslims in Kashmir.

UK has long warned that jihadi fighters connected to the al-Qaida were replacing genuine opposition fighters in Syria, putting the whole world at risk.

Russia informed UK that the dangerous group fighting in Syria in the name of rebels is the Jabhat al-Nusra, which has direct links to the al-Qaida.

International observers fear that Syria has become the biggest training ground for jihadis instead of Pakistan as Islamist sympathists can experience combat training without any official scrutiny.

The fresh video cites "new Afghanistan being created in Syria" as inspiration and is the first to specifically target Kashmir.

Caravan of jihadists coming from Afghanistan to liberate Kashmir: Al-Qaida - The Times of India
fake video yara intelligence officials said their is no such thing as Al Qaeda pakistani cell the video is made by some individual working on foreign agenda to associate peaceful kashmiri struggle with terrorist Al Qaeda
They are going to be liberated instead................good for Afghanistan though....less lunatics in their country.....
I am also wondering how much India paid for this PR stunt -- either directly to this idiot or to intermediate instigators.

any terrorist coming from pakistan's land into india will make pakistan a suspect.
Wouldn't India pray for this to happen and pollute Kashmir's sacrifices as terrorism by alqaida? Isin't that a bit too wishful.. a bit too darn wishful!

as if foreign origin terrorists fighting in kashmir is something new ! Most of the terrorist killed and still operating in J&k are from different parts of world.
Dumb Alquida , now international community will look favorably on India when it comes to Kashmir issue

AQ's Pakistani leader buried Pakistan's Kashmir hopes and opened doors for punitive actions against terrorists and extremist separatists.
More than an average Indian, I guess Kashmir's Shias will be worried after what is happening in Iraq.

I think Shias are like 25% of Kashmirs population?

If Al-qaeda dominates Pakistan and starts sending fighters in, we may see the shias flee en-masse to other states. We may even get Baltistani shias spilling over into Indian Kashmir for protection.

Bad scenarios.
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