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Pak releases four detained workers of JuD

Islamabad, Dec 15 (PTI) Just days after launching a crackdown on the Jamaat-ud-Dawah after the UN banned it, Pakistani authorities have released four detained workers and removed police guards deployed at the home of a senior leader of the organisation.
Authorities in Azad Kashmir released the four detained workers of the Lashkar-e-Taiba's front organisation and also withdrew police guards posted at the home of the group's regional head, Maulana Abdul Aziz Alvi.

Chaudhry Imtiaz, the Deputy Commissioner of *** capital Muzaffarabad, told the Dawn newspaper that police guards had been removed from Alvi's residence but he had been asked not to leave the area without informing the administration.

Alvi, who heads the *** chapter of the Jamaat, was put under house arrest in his Karyan village on Thursday night.

"He had been placed under house arrest for security reasons. He is still under surveillance and cannot leave the station without prior intimation to the authorities concerned," Imtiaz said.

He said four persons taken into custody from a workshop run by the Jamaat in Muzaffarabad had been released because they were "merely mechanics". Imtiaz said there were no instructions from the federal government to detain the "regional or second-line leadership" of the Jamaat. PTI


?? Make up your minds already - these guys can't seem to be able to keep their commitments

Assuming indians consider themselves a 'democratic,secular' country...would u be able to expalin according to the charter of democracy and civil rights how its possible to detain ppl long enough without any formal implication and in absence of sound evidence?if there's a way let Pakistan know!(other than 'we say so!' reason)

"We can make available whatever evidences we have. In this case, we are also investigating, we have not come to any conclusion. Therefore at this juncture, perhaps, it would be premature to share the evidences," Mukherjee told Karan Thapar on Devil's Advocate programme for CNN-IBN.
Do i need to say more?if the indian government isn't ready to share evidences till now since the investigation is still ongoing,y such a hue and cry?

"We would like to see an ISI that is reforming and brought completely under civilian control," Kerry told the Indian Express.

We would like to see a CIA that can keep its nose in its own business and not meddle with Iraq,Afghanistan,India,Tibet,Pakistan and almost more than half the globe.mayb the world would be a safer place.Is sumone listening?
Oh and raw to limit it activities to inside india,rather than Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Srilanka...whew...i thought the list wuldn't end!mayb a horrific event like the mumbai mayhem culd have been avoided!
Pak releases four detained workers of JuD

Islamabad, Dec 15 (PTI) Just days after launching a crackdown on the Jamaat-ud-Dawah after the UN banned it, Pakistani authorities have released four detained workers and removed police guards deployed at the home of a senior leader of the organisation.
Authorities in Azad Kashmir released the four detained workers of the Lashkar-e-Taiba's front organisation and also withdrew police guards posted at the home of the group's regional head, Maulana Abdul Aziz Alvi.

Chaudhry Imtiaz, the Deputy Commissioner of *** capital Muzaffarabad, told the Dawn newspaper that police guards had been removed from Alvi's residence but he had been asked not to leave the area without informing the administration.

Alvi, who heads the *** chapter of the Jamaat, was put under house arrest in his Karyan village on Thursday night.

"He had been placed under house arrest for security reasons. He is still under surveillance and cannot leave the station without prior intimation to the authorities concerned," Imtiaz said.

He said four persons taken into custody from a workshop run by the Jamaat in Muzaffarabad had been released because they were "merely mechanics". Imtiaz said there were no instructions from the federal government to detain the "regional or second-line leadership" of the Jamaat. PTI


?? Make up your minds already - these guys can't seem to be able to keep their commitments

Assuming indians consider themselves a 'democratic,secular' country...would u be able to expalin according to the charter of democracy and civil rights how its possible to detain ppl long enough without any formal implication and in absence of sound evidence?if there's a way let Pakistan know!(other than 'we say so!' reason)

"We can make available whatever evidences we have. In this case, we are also investigating, we have not come to any conclusion. Therefore at this juncture, perhaps, it would be premature to share the evidences," Mukherjee told Karan Thapar on Devil's Advocate programme for CNN-IBN.
Do i need to say more?if the indian government isn't ready to share evidences till now since the investigation is still ongoing,y such a hue and cry?

"We would like to see an ISI that is reforming and brought completely under civilian control," Kerry told the Indian Express.

We would like to see a CIA that can keep its nose in its own business and not meddle with Iraq,Afghanistan,India,Tibet,Pakistan and almost more than half the globe.mayb the world would be a safer place.Is sumone listening?
Oh and raw to limit it activities to inside india,rather than Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Srilanka...whew...i thought the list wuldn't end!mayb a horrific event like the mumbai mayhem culd have been avoided!
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We would like to see an ISI that is reforming and brought completely under civilian control," Kerry told the Indian Express.

who the hell he is to like or don't like his own nation reject him and now he visit pakistan when we never invite him shame on he who he come in pakistan without invetation from gop.
Brave ppl who r have the guts to face the truth and die serving it r assets for the world not just a place!karkare's personality commands respect from Pakistan and India both! if i were in ur place i would have felt proud...however in ur case it shows ur narrow minded,hateful perspective.Can't blame u!
Traces of Kasab's Pak link being wiped clean?

PTI | December 15, 2008 | 14:37 IST

Pakistani authorities and residents of Ajmal Amir Iman's village have apparently launched efforts to cover up their links with the lone terrorist arrested for the Mumbai terror attacks, days after his father admitted that the young man as shown by the media was his son.

Pakistani security and intelligence agencies have deployed a large number of personnel in plainclothes at Faridkot in Okara district of Punjab province, from where Ajmal hails, with journalists visiting the area having to face angry protests.

Footage of the intelligence operatives has been aired by Geo News channel. The News daily reported that journalists who visited Faridkot on December 6 were surrounded by over 100 people, some of them armed with cane sticks, who pressurised the reporters not to interview anybody or do any filming in the area.

Ghulam Mustafa Wattoo, the mayor of the local council who has been at the forefront of efforts to deny Iman's links to the village, warned the journalists that they would be responsible for the 'consequences' if they went against the wishes of the people.

One person tried to snatch the camera and wallet of a foreign journalist and a team from a TV channel was assaulted by persons who snatched their mobile phones and digital video (DV) tapes and tried to smash their cameras.

Asim Rana, who was in-charge of the team, said villagers could not take DV tapes from the camera 'with such expertise' because they would not know how to extract the tapes. "It clearly shows that some people from the (security) agencies are among the villagers, who are running the whole show," Rana said.

An unnamed top Pakistani politician and a senior Punjab police official had also confirmed to a foreign journalist that Iman belonged to Faridkot, The News reported.

On Sunday, hundreds of people from Faridkot blocked the Dipalpur-Kasur road for about two hours to protest what they described as a media campaign 'wrongly linking their village' to Iman.

During the protest, Mayor Wattoo said Iman was not a resident of the village and was not related to anyone there.

Iman's father Amir Kasab admitted to the influential Dawn newspaper that the terrorist shown in pictures of the attack on a train terminus in Mumbai was his son. After he spoke to the newspaper, AmirKasab and his wife Noor were moved from their home in Faridkot to an undisclosed location.

Geo News channel too has aired what it described as secretly filmed footage of Faridkot residents acknowledging that Iman belonged to the village. The residents said Iman had last visited Faridkot five to six months ago, when he told his mother he was going away for jihad.

The channel also reported that a man named Ghafoor is currently living in Amir Kasab's home in Faridkot. Ghafoor has been claiming before media persons that he has been living in the house for 'several years'.


Shows how sincere GoP in investigating Mumbai attacks will be given the effort by them to clean up the evidence. If there will be any Joint Investigation it will be mere hogwash and any evidence shared will be used to cover up the tracks as is being done now.
He was valuable for India, not Pakistan. Don't insult his memory.

He was valuable for us, because he shows India's true face...
IA face,I|ndian democracy face.....
he helped us with his investigation....
So blame on ISI was removed due to his effort

he helped us indirectly...i am not saying that he was our agent or he works for us...
One thing is very strange,India is claiming the arrest of only that person,who pictures were released during the attack when he was walking along with his colleague.Why that person is arrested?This person was showing by Indian

media again and again during raid,on next day his pictures was in all media...

This thing leads to conspiracy...

Another thing let us assume that person was from Pakistan and was used by LT in attach(all this assumption, its never happened actual).So looking on the attack it was so well planned and horrible,those who were involved were highly trained and were operated by best planners.So here question arrise that LT planners were so idiot that they can not find the persons for attack with in India, where Muslims are living more then Pakistan.The Muslims of India hate India, due to many factors all we knows.By using Indian Muslims there were many advantage then why they used Pakistani man.
So this point also clear that it was drama by Indian agencies....

another point Why terroist killed Hemant Karkare, the chief of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, he was shot three times in the chest as he led his men at the Taj Mahal Palace.Now again assume that it was done by LT and supported by ISI, So they were so idiot that they killed the above said man, who was doing best to expose indian extremist face,even his army face,he was investigating the Indian army officer who was involved in Samjotha Express bombing,before it was also blamed on ISI and now real face was exposed by the Hemant Karkare.
so why LT killed Hemant Karkare who was so valuable for Pakistan.
One thing is very strange,India is claiming the arrest of only that person,who pictures were released during the attack when he was walking along with his colleague.Why that person is arrested?This person was showing by Indian

media again and again during raid,on next day his pictures was in all media...

This thing leads to conspiracy...

Another thing let us assume that person was from Pakistan and was used by LT in attach(all this assumption, its never happened actual).So looking on the attack it was so well planned and horrible,those who were involved were highly trained and were operated by best planners.So here question arrise that LT planners were so idiot that they can not find the persons for attack with in India, where Muslims are living more then Pakistan.The Muslims of India hate India, due to many factors all we knows.By using Indian Muslims there were many advantage then why they used Pakistani man.
So this point also clear that it was drama by Indian agencies....

another point Why terroist killed Hemant Karkare, the chief of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, he was shot three times in the chest as he led his men at the Taj Mahal Palace.Now again assume that it was done by LT and supported by ISI, So they were so idiot that they killed the above said man, who was doing best to expose indian extremist face,even his army face,he was investigating the Indian army officer who was involved in Samjotha Express bombing,before it was also blamed on ISI and now real face was exposed by the Hemant Karkare.
so why LT killed Hemant Karkare who was so valuable for Pakistan.

Google Image Result for http://bp3.blogger.com/_9nTItnS3VNk/R5efQC5qGAI/AAAAAAAAOMI/Q-PxZJd7LQs/s320/terrorist+al+qaeda+encapuchado.bmp

Please take a look. One more gun man was caught on camera. Its Kasab's fate mann!!! that he was caught. And that later Pakistan denied identifying him. They were encountered by security personnel before they were able to take positions.

And about Karkare's death, the terrorist was not carrying that man's photo. Else he would have paid his honour and left him. As far as he is concerned he saw personnel with guns, he shot them. And three bullets should not be a matter of quesation because the gun was an ak genre automatic. And for clarity, he was not captured at Taj.

And the institution of ISI was never blamed for this by Indian authorities.

'The Muslims of India hate India, due to many factors all we knows.'

Reply: Nice try mann... Clearly misleading. So you don't know much.

Dude!! you should stop being driven by your hope to find something. Look at the facts. The Dawn reported the Pak link. And there were fears expressed about the clean-up of evidence.

The Indians never denied local support and some of these 9 may be Indians too. Now it is Pak's responsibility to act.

And please stop such misinformed misleading posts. I wish majority of Pakistanis see the common sense behind the incident and not talk like this man above.:pakistan:
Traces of Kasab's Pak link being wiped clean?

PTI | December 15, 2008 | 14:37 IST

Pakistani authorities and residents of Ajmal Amir Iman's village have apparently launched efforts to cover up their links with the lone terrorist arrested for the Mumbai terror attacks, days after his father admitted that the young man as shown by the media was his son.

Pakistani security and intelligence agencies have deployed a large number of personnel in plainclothes at Faridkot in Okara district of Punjab province, from where Ajmal hails, with journalists visiting the area having to face angry protests.

Footage of the intelligence operatives has been aired by Geo News channel. The News daily reported that journalists who visited Faridkot on December 6 were surrounded by over 100 people, some of them armed with cane sticks, who pressurised the reporters not to interview anybody or do any filming in the area.

Ghulam Mustafa Wattoo, the mayor of the local council who has been at the forefront of efforts to deny Iman's links to the village, warned the journalists that they would be responsible for the 'consequences' if they went against the wishes of the people.

One person tried to snatch the camera and wallet of a foreign journalist and a team from a TV channel was assaulted by persons who snatched their mobile phones and digital video (DV) tapes and tried to smash their cameras.

Asim Rana, who was in-charge of the team, said villagers could not take DV tapes from the camera 'with such expertise' because they would not know how to extract the tapes. "It clearly shows that some people from the (security) agencies are among the villagers, who are running the whole show," Rana said.

An unnamed top Pakistani politician and a senior Punjab police official had also confirmed to a foreign journalist that Iman belonged to Faridkot, The News reported.

On Sunday, hundreds of people from Faridkot blocked the Dipalpur-Kasur road for about two hours to protest what they described as a media campaign 'wrongly linking their village' to Iman.

During the protest, Mayor Wattoo said Iman was not a resident of the village and was not related to anyone there.

Iman's father Amir Kasab admitted to the influential Dawn newspaper that the terrorist shown in pictures of the attack on a train terminus in Mumbai was his son. After he spoke to the newspaper, AmirKasab and his wife Noor were moved from their home in Faridkot to an undisclosed location.

Geo News channel too has aired what it described as secretly filmed footage of Faridkot residents acknowledging that Iman belonged to the village. The residents said Iman had last visited Faridkot five to six months ago, when he told his mother he was going away for jihad.

The channel also reported that a man named Ghafoor is currently living in Amir Kasab's home in Faridkot. Ghafoor has been claiming before media persons that he has been living in the house for 'several years'.


Shows how sincere GoP in investigating Mumbai attacks will be given the effort by them to clean up the evidence. If there will be any Joint Investigation it will be mere hogwash and any evidence shared will be used to cover up the tracks as is being done now.

Contrary to your claim .. Pakistan is saying. This means they are accepting that he is Pakistani & surely he will have family too, so why this post by the Indians now ? :-

Ajmal Kasab kidnapped from Nepal before 2006: lawyer
News Desk

RAWALPINDI: A Pakistani lawyer C M Farooque claimed that many people, including Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces.

He said Ajmal Kasab went to the Napalese capital on a business tour. His application regarding his arrest was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which a reply was sought from Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission.

While talking to the Geo News, C M Farooque Advocate said the Nepalese forces arrested almost 200 people including Ajmal Kasab before 2006 and his application in this regard was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission were made respondents.

The advocate said he wrote letters to Pakistan and Indian governments in this regard. He said that he had also addressed a press conference in Nepal highlighting the issue in which he revealed that the Nepalese forces arrested Ajmal Kasab and many others and held them at an unknown place and that these people would be used for their ulterior designs at some later stage. He said that he had no contact with Ajmal Kasab ever since he disappeared.

The lawyer said he was still pleading the case of Kasab and was to visit Nepal towards the end of this month. The Nepalese Supreme Court had repeatedly issued notices to the respondents to furnish their reply but they did not submit any reply.

Advocate Farooque said he had filed the petition in the Nepalese Supreme Court in February 2008. He said he was running an NGO, ‘Voice of Human and Prisoners Rights’ and the parents of Ajmal Kasab contacted him for help in this regard after appealing to the Pakistan Government for help.

The people arrested in Nepal had gone there on legal visa for business but Indian agencies were in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicated them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan.
i liked this site,though being a pakistani one.but gradually it's getting filthier day by day,I pledge to senior members like Sir.Muradk et al to infuse some real intellect into the discussion or I'LL LOSE PATIENCE AND DO WHAT WE HAVE DONE TO PDF.


He was valuable for India, not Pakistan. Don't insult his memory.

Oooh yes .. I am sure his breaved wife has understanding on the same level, as initially she refused to meet Indian officials !
i liked this site,though being a pakistani one.but gradually it's getting filthier day by day,I pledge to senior members like Sir.Muradk et al to infuse some real intellect into the discussion or I'LL LOSE PATIENCE AND DO WHAT WE HAVE DONE TO PDF.



I know truth $ucks !

PS : I just checked PDF is working !
Contrary to your claim .. Pakistan is saying. This means they are accepting that he is Pakistani & surely he will have family too, so why this post by the Indians now ? :-

Only Dawn reported about the father. Pakistan Government still refuses to identify Kasab(Does it?).

And this thread is not about Indians convincing Pakistanis or vice-versa. He just mentioned a new development. Thats it.

About the lawyer... needs investigation. Lets see what new facts will come out. I bet many international journalists have already started to ascertain facts not to mention the Pakistani establishment.
Only Dawn reported about the father. Pakistan Government still refuses to identify Kasab(Does it?).

And this thread is not about Indians convincing Pakistanis or vice-versa. He just mentioned a new development. Thats it.

About the lawyer... needs investigation. Lets see what new facts will come out. I bet many international journalists have already started to ascertain facts not to mention the Pakistani establishment.

Ruby : Seeing the amount of change of story from the Indian sources, Pakistani ship on Indian coast, Korean ship on Indian coast, paddling story, no photos of the kidnappers, than finding Kasab .. still no other killed guy is recognized and than the consular story.

None of it has been officially given to Pakistan, all is via media, GOP (Govt. of Pakistan) has a several times asked for proof including joint investigation (one of the requests at the time of Samjhota express too), but until now Indian govt. has done nothing on this front.

Hence, why should the Pakistani govt. acknowledge Kasab's identity.

Don't forget Pakistan is not blocking any international media from coming into it's country .. India did ban live CNN coverage !

Also the claim of the lawyer is not from GOP but independent. According to him he is a NGO ; I have not a clue on the authenticity of the guy, I am sure he will be ripped apart from the media after his claims !
Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces

Well this really tells something :D ,remember tht undercover Indian intel man was also arrested - Indian Intelligence agencies are not in full control
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