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Captured CST Terrorist

Why did you not read my full post before becoming so chuffed?

I said doctoring it was one possibility. On that one day, he may have worn something resembling a Kalava. Occasionally, even I wear a fake steel bracelet I got from the joke shop years ago. It doesn't mean that Muslims wear those steel bracelets, I'm using it as a fashion accessory. Now, me being a non observing Muslim, do not care whether I imitate a Sikh or a Hindu, or a Christian. Someone could give me a steel bracelet, and I'd probably put it on, not thinking I look like a Sikh.

A religious radical from LeT who was on his last suicide mission would not want to die with a symbol of Hindu piety on his wrist. And the Kalava is a symbol of Hindu piety. These are supposedly hardcore religious extremists.

What is Hindu piety ? You know more than Hindu's themselves. But it all started from Rakhi right.
Let me know does a hardcore Let militant wear western clothes on a suicide mission ?
It is amusing to me that Indian members can call out others as being in "Denial mode" I have read the so called "reporting" which has riled up the people who want to blame another country for all the ills of their own making.

For example I loved the one where Indian doctors were tired of pulling out bullets with POF written on them.
Now unless the whole casing was being fired into patients then frankly The doctors would have no idea where the bullets came from. (Bullets don't have stamps casings do) and even if they did then the bullets would become deformed from impacts so any stamp would be non existent.

Then there was the whole two captured freighters nonsense frankly people should give the ISI credit....if they were going to do something like this would they do that? or even give the terrorists ammunition from POF?

Nd of course I am totally amazed that they managed to make 300 rounds last that long. I managed to fire off that much in 90 minutes once and that was during one battle. no way that would have lasted 2/3 days.

too many things not adding up...
Hi guys, very interesting reading your forum ... I'm neither Indian/Pakistani or Muslim.
I'm sure some of you would be aware, that the orange/yellow coloured bands (most often worn on the right wrist, but sometimes also worn around the neck) are used by Muslims after visiting & praying at the Dargah in Ajmer (Rajasthan).

Peace to you all ... Indian, Pakistani, Muslim & Hindu.
Hi guys, very interesting reading your forum ... I'm neither Indian/Pakistani or Muslim.
I'm sure some of you would be aware, that the orange/yellow coloured bands (most often worn on the right wrist, but sometimes also worn around the neck) are used by Muslims after visiting & praying at the Dargah in Ajmer (Rajasthan).

Peace to you all ... Indian, Pakistani, Muslim & Hindu.

It's funny, but I can "sniff" you Indians out on the internet nowadays.

Alright, you're not Indian, you're not Pakistani, you're not Muslim. You could have just moved to Venezuala, got citizenship, making you not an Indian, not a Pakistani, and not a Muslim. You would still be a Hindu of Indian descent, which explains the statement.

The point is this, genius. Even if he was from "the dargah in Ajmer" in India, which I've never heard of, the orange band is not something worn by any Muslim in Pakistan. Thus tieing the orange band to Pakistan is just stupid, when it's commonly worn by religious maniacs of the Hindu variety in India.

All I can say is, you Hindus need to acknowledge that the orange band is something worn by Hindus for religious purposes, so a fundamentalist who is wearing one is much more likely to be a Hindu than a Muslim.
^well then looks like Shoaib Akthar is a 'religious maniac of the hindu variety'

Oh and yeah, he's right - that thread is worn by certain muslim sects in India.
What is Hindu piety ? You know more than Hindu's themselves. But it all started from Rakhi right.
Let me know does a hardcore Let militant wear western clothes on a suicide mission ?

You're missing the point. The Rakhi is associated with Hinduism. Western clothes are not. A hardcore Islamist can wear Western clothes since they're not associated with any foreign belief.
^well then looks like Shoaib Akthar is a 'religious maniac of the hindu variety'

You've totally missed the point.

Akhtar wore that, like I wear my steel bracelet. He is not a Hindu, I am not a Sikh. We're both not observing Muslims, so we do not mind. We would hardly wear it. However, it is frequently worn by religious Hindus to show devotion.

The orange whatever it is, is not worn by Muslims, it is worn in substantial numbers by Hindus. Period.
You've totally missed the point.

Akhtar wore that, like I wear my steel bracelet. He is not a Hindu, I am not a Sikh. We're both not observing Muslims, so we do not mind.

The orange whatever it is, is not worn by Muslims, it is worn in substantial numbers by Hindus. Period.

Its worn by certain muslim sects.
Top US official offers to work closely with Indian forces
Thursday, December 04th, 2008 AT 8:12 PM

New Delhi: Appreciating India for showing restraint despite provocation through the recent Mumbai terror attacks by Pakistani elements, visiting US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen today offered to closely work with the Indian armed forces, to combat terrorism in the region.

During his meetings with Defence Minister A K Antony and Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta here, Admiral Mullen hailed New Delhi’s desire to cooperate with Pakistani officials in the pursuit of those responsible for the Mumbai attacks which claimed more than 180 lives.

Indian officials, on the other hand, shared with Mullen the evidences they had collected to show involvement of Pakistan’s rogue elements in the terror incidents, Defence Ministry sources said here.

Mullen repeated US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s offer of American assistance in the investigations into the terror incidents during the meetings with the Indian Defence and top brass of the security apparatus, including National Security Adviser M K Narayanan, a US Embassy release said.

Offering condolences to India’s losses in the last week’s attacks, the US Admiral also urged all parties in both the South Asian neighbours to collaborate against the increasing sophisticated threat of militant extremism in the region, it added.
Defence Ministry sources said New Delhi made it known to Mullen that the forces which carried out the terror strikes in the western Indian metropolis should be reigned in by Islamabad.

Top US official offers to work closely with Indian forces
The orange whatever it is, is not worn by Muslims, it is worn in substantial numbers by Hindus. Period.

Its fashion in cities and worn by both Muslims and Hindu's period.
You must have confused with Saffron flags and saffron colors seen at temples.
Its fashion in cities and worn by both Muslims and Hindu's period.
You must have confused with Saffron flags and saffron colors seen at temples.

Not in Pakistan. I can assure you Muslims do not wear those orange things on their wrists.

I doubt Muslims do it in India. Either way, I don't necessarily disagree he's an Indian. His Kalava, his appearance, his conversations, all point to him being Indian.
roadrunner ... try white, not Indian/Pakistani, &, old enough to be your grandmother.
Not a 'genius', just another possibility re the orange band, I'm sorry you have taken offence.
Dargah Sharif at Ajmer is one of the most sacred Muslim shrines in India, & visited by Muslims worldwide ... it's magnificent, hope you too can visit one day.
Not in Pakistan. I can assure you Muslims do not wear those orange things on their wrists.

I doubt Muslims do it in India. Either way, I don't necessarily disagree he's an Indian. His Kalava, his appearance, his conversations, all point to him being Indian.

Why do you forget he is alive just wait India has allowed lots of foreign intelligence including FBI Scotland yard and MOSSAD to investigate him India may even allow ISI if they request though none of any Pakistanis were killed.
FBI helping India gather evidence on Mumbai attacks
4 Dec 2008, 0834 hrs IST, IANS

WASHINGTON: US Attorney General Michael Mukasey says FBI agents are working with Indian police to provide assistance and gather evidence about
the Mumbai terror attack
s, but would not confirm whether FBI is also working with Pakistan.

He didn't know the nature of the request from the Indian government, but "the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is looking into any evidence it can get," Mukasey told reporters at the Justice Department on Wednesday.

Asked if the US agency charged with tracking from international and domestic terrorists to spies on US soil was also working with the Pakistani government on the Mumbai attacks, he said: "I can't comment on that."

Mukasey also declined comment on if there was any indication that the people involved in the Mumbai attack had any contact with people in the US or if Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a Pakistan-based terrorist group that is prime suspect, "is planning attacks on Indian allies or outside of India."

Asked if the US had any intelligence or any other indication about the attack, the top US law officer said: "I can't comment on that."

Asked about the lessons learned from what happened in India, Mukasey cited the need to get the best intelligence possible about where attacks might occur and to increase security appropriately. "It's obviously a horrible incident, a horrific incident, nothing we ever want to see happen here."

"And to the extent it's an object lesson, it's an object lesson in maintaining vigilance and in the need for surveillance, electronic surveillance and other kinds of surveillance and the need for protection," he said.

Declining to comment on the performance of Indian authorities, Mukasey said: "As far as the performance of the Indian authorities, I'm not in a position to comment on that."

"I'm confident that the people who respond to events like this in the United States are well trained, well disciplined and well able to respond fully," he said.

But "It's impossible to fully protect every target. Total security is an impossibility," he added.

"You try to anticipate and to get the best, essentially the best in the way of intelligence that you can get so that you can anticipate where the events might occur and provide security in those places. But you can't provide universal security,"

Asked if the state of US surveillance techniques would have picked up something like the Indian attack in advance if it was going to happen in the US, Mukasey said: "I can't conjecture in that way, I really can't."

Mukasey said he believes the US has jurisdiction in cases of violence against Americans in connection with acts of terrorism. Six Americans were killed in the attacks at two luxury hotels and other landmarks.

"It's not a question of my desire. We have jurisdiction. I believe we have jurisdiction over violence committed against Americans in connection with acts of terrorism like this."

Mukasey said he did not yet have enough details to say whether any charges eventually would be brought in the US.

"I don't yet have that level of detail and I don't think I could share it if I had it. I know, I mean, I can confirm finally that the FBI is over there, that they're working with the Indian police on gathering evidence."

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