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Captain Roohullah of Army sacrificed his life for Pakistan during the operation

I agree with @Areesh
His anger is justified. For how long we are gonna celebrate the bravery? How about the 61 lives lost again yesterday?
We are not even on same page. No one wants to answer the other institutions.
They come, strike hard and take away lives of 100s. And if you compare the lives of terrorists PA take on borders and sacrifices of lives this nation is giving is equal. Are we really winning this war on terrorism?
This is not the first time recruitments are attacked in same center. How the hell they managed to come again and succeeded in their goal.
Nation needs the answer.

Cpt. Roohullah was going to get married in next two month. Can this bravery heal the wounds of his mother? Siblings? Father? Fiancé?

@The Sandman @django what you guys have to say?
We need to perform better especially in the counter intel dept, enhance perimeter security at bases, police academies etc and be more preventive ie make sure those consulates do not operate as terrorist factories, let the ISI deal with them in an appropriate way..........within the framework of international law.Kudos
We need to perform better especially in the counter intel dept, enhance perimeter security at bases, police academies etc and be more preventive ie make sure those consulates do not operate as terrorist factories, let the ISI deal with them in an appropriate way.Kudos

See even after all these incidents, we are talking about what needs to be done.
Military and civil governments aren't working collectively.


This is the SURGICAL STRIKE that India was talking about-----.

So once again, they succeeded in their plan.
See even after all these incidents, we are talking about what needs to be done.
Military and civil governments aren't working collectively.
True they are not always on the same page, I remember the attack on GHQ and on one of the airbases, apparently the military were warned about it according to the interior ministry yet the terrorists managed to get into the airbase and do pretty significant damage.

Is he from Parachute Regiment? the uniform emblem indicate the same.

He is not from the SSG. In Pakistan, we do not have Para regiments. Para school opens up slots for officers and men to attend the training and get para qualified but they revert back to their units after attending the para school. The only true Para outfit in the PA is the SSG which if we go by the terminology from the partition days would be "Para Commando". All who qualify from the para school are authorized to wear the para wing. SSG elements who (must) qualify wear the SSG wing.

This young officer Capt Roohullah was part of the Light Commando Battalion that participated in the operation along with the Rangers CTW.
RIP, Condolences to friends and families of the soldiers affected.
Crocodile tears and we do not want them or need them......it's your damn consulates who are organising all this murder yet your government (despite Kulbudashan Yadav) deny all this however when an Uri happens they globe trott around the world trying to isolate Pakistan (without success) and carry out imaginary "sirgical" strikes.
So pissed at what happened. This happens when your priorities are some where else. You keep asking people to support against terrorism but your on focus is some where else. Biggest threat is in Baluchistan but still failed to secure the security of institutions when there is imminent threat. Without sealing the whole west border this terrorism will continue. And we will loose precious lives.
Crocodile tears and we do not want them or need them......it's your damn consulates who are organising all this murder yet your government (despite Kulbudashan Yadav) deny all this however when an Uri happens they globe trott around the world trying to isolate Pakistan (without success) and carry out imaginary "sirgical" strikes.
I am sorry for your ignorance, but this is not the thread to discuss that.
@Areesh I understand how you feel, I really do .... but for heavens sake have some respect for those who spend 19 hours a days going thought reports & conducting field ops so things like these don't happen... on average Intel agencies stop 3 attacks a day...... you have no idea about the spectrum of threats faced by Pakistan & how lonely & strapped for funds our Intel agencies are .... at the time when they need our support, if you start cursing them & start shouting they Failed .. They are a failures ... they do nothing etc etc ... think how it will effect their moral...... So I will say I again ... I understand how you fell.... but don't loose yourself in the emotions ....
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