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Captain India Owaisi barks against Pakistan yet again

ZomboMeme 06012020140852.jpg
Don't blame him, he has to prove his patriotism. When every Muslim in India counts as a terrorist or nonnative. As long as he is voice of Muslims of India and talks about their rights ... we shouldn't judge him ..
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Don't blame him, he has to prove his patriotism. When every Muslim in India counts as a terrorist or nonnative. As long as he voice of Muslims of India and talks about their rights ... we shouldn't judge him ..
Exactly spot on
These people say these things to just stay alive. Regardless sooner or later they too will be victim of anti-Muslim pogroms and genocide.

I perfectly understand Indian muslims' need to placate their Hindu compatriots so that they are allowed to live in India with daily humiliations. But the sad fact is that no matter what they say or do, it will never be enough for the BJP, and RSS type extremists. They want Muslims, either dead or expelled.
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Don't blame him, he has to prove his patriotism. When every Muslim in India counts as a terrorist or nonnative. As long as he is voice of Muslims of India and talks about their rights ... we shouldn't judge him ..

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