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Cannot afford to match India militarily: Pak Defence Minister

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Why can't you for once stick to the topic?

You are always here. Do you work for living at all?

It is on topic, read the thread title. :wave:

If you think it is offtopic, then feel free to report it.
It's about India and Pakistan .
Not of China .

Should we post the links where Chinese ministers got their pants yellow in front of USA ??

Like I said, if you feel that it is offtopic, then you can report it. Also report post #2 for bringing it up.

Anyone else, can see the clear relevance between the current thread title and this:

The Hindu : Cannot afford to match India militarily: Pak Defence Minister

India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive
There are no doubts that we cannot afford to match indian military. Well quality always dominate quantity.
what quality you are talking about?
Like I said, if you feel that it is offtopic, then you can report it. Also report post #2 for bringing it up.

Anyone else, can see the clear relevance between the current thread title and this:

The Hindu : Cannot afford to match India militarily: Pak Defence Minister

India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive
Dude .

Point me a single post where Indians said their military is better than China .
It's a known fact that China > India > Pakistan .
No one here claimed superiority over Chinese

Then why r u putting the same link everywhere
Dude .

Point me a single post where Indians said their military is better than China .
It's a known fact that China > India > Pakistan .
No one here claimed superiority over Chinese

Then why r u putting the same link everywhere

Its his usual plot of deviation. Anything bad of Pakistan he has to come and rescue. Its like somebody is paying him to troll.
Then why r u putting the same link everywhere

Because the headline looks just like the other one, with similar political forces at play?

Why didn't you complain about post #2 by Agnostic Indian, which referenced the exact same thing?


similar statement was made by our naval chief on India China defence capabilities.

Oh right, because he is an Indian. Therefore it is relevant.
Anyone with a brain in his skull knows this fact, but everyone with a brain in his skull and nuts hanging down knows that if the eventuality of a war occurs then not just the military but the entire nation will unite and fight..........

And I believe that people with brain in their skull and blah blah........ also realise that Indian population is 9 time more than that of pakistans.

Dont fight a lost war............going tooooooo far

Here every one knows the ground reality.
Pakistan<Indian<China<Russia=/<US of A. this is the clean picture if you take individual nations military strenght into considerations.
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