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Cannot afford to match India militarily: Pak Defence Minister

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Didn't India say the same thing?

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?
"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.
For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive
Oh Thank you Mr defence minister , you told us what we never knew, thx for informing us ew dumbo
Affirmation of the funds engulfed by Mr-Zardari & Co to make sure Pakistan doesn't prosper neither do military.
Goshhh.....how stupid can he really be.:rolleyes: Considering the size of the two countries and their economy, neither we can match India nor we need to match India. There is where the term minimum deterrence comes into play.
Mr minister you just made a fool out of yourself by stating out such obvious.

Naaah.... its your comprehension problem and lack of geo-political knowledge.
Accepting the truth was never considered as a lack of strenght or mere stupidity. IT has its own virtues.
If you donno, this is not the first time that a military chief or defence minister talk in a comparaitve sense.
Chinese general said the same thing about US military might.( China cant match the US military)
Indian Naval chief said the same thing about Chinese navy( We cant afford to match the PLAN in quantity)
Years ago, pretty much all EU countries said the same thing that they cant afford to match USSR militarily, hence they justify it with NATO.

All the above statements by various chiefs and ministers cant be ignored ,just because they have truth init. We ain`t an Ostrich........

A wise man, takes note of the exact situation and plans accordingly. While a dumb A lives in dreams and plans a miserable failure.

I believe your DM is a wise man to bring truth onto the table. Ministers heading a department knows much better than you and me.

For example an Indian PM has no idea about how many a/c or subs the indian mil has, but OTOH a defence minister will tell them and gives a clear picture of its strenghts and weaknesses. We take A.K Antonys words at face value than compared to man mohan singhs words.

People are misunderstanding the word deterrence. Its typically of two types. Minimum but credible deterrence, and deterrence to avoid wars.A deterrence can be a overwhelming responce over the enemy if he initiates the war.a deterrence can just be a responce to what enemy did to you.

IF I have to talk about deterrence posture ,I rather go with the former.Keep all the cards hidden under the sleeve,untill the enemy strikes.
( Lol.... this is where the secret induction of A-III comes as a case study.It right away went into serial prodcution after the 3rd test.Be it a confidence in the system or the credible deterrence measure)
There are no doubts that we cannot afford to match indian military. Well quality always dominate quantity

Here, INDIA is leading in both terms.... no-one should have a doubt over that!! Read post #38
Indian Naval chief said the same thing about Chinese navy( We cant afford to match the PLAN in quantity)

He was not talking just about the navy. Here is what he said:

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

He was talking about all parameters, GDP, defence spending, etc.
India military mightier, can sustain a war: Pakistan

India can last up to 45 days, while Pakistan can fight only for 20-22 days

Islamabad: Pakistan cannot afford to match the
induction of modern weaponry by India,
which possibly has a greater capacity to sustain a war, Pakistani Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar has said.

"If we only try to match them (India) militarily and buy the sort of armament they have, we will probably not be able to afford it," Mukhtar said.
Explaining his contention, he noted that India's economy is "six to seven times bigger than" Pakistan's and its trade volumes were "five to six times greater".

"The capacity of India and Pakistan to fight was for 20 to 22 days. Now India has inducted a lot of armaments, may be they can last for 45 days, we will not be able to do so," Mukhtar said in an interview to BBC Urdu.

He was responding to a question on whether the projection of India as Pakistan's greatest enemy was the root of the country's problems. Mukhtar noted the two countries were taking steps to improve relations in the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

"Slowly, the process of meetings has started. People are going across the border. Nobody had ever thought they could walk suitcase in hand to Amritsar via Wagah but that is the reality now and it is happening," he said.

This was happening, he said, "in spite of the fact that wars were fought, there were problems on the border and the Mumbai incident". Asked why an incident like Mumbai occurred whenever relations improved between the two countries, Mukhtar said: "It is very unfortunate such incidents happen and they should not happen.
But there are players who are behind these incidents.

He did not give details about such elements but said some of them had been arrested and put on trial. Matters would improve when "we decide that religion and politics should not be mixed together," he said. "Let them go side by side. There should be no restrictions on religion which is between me and my God."

Earlier this year, India and Pakistan revived their dialogue process, which was suspended for over two years in the wake of the Mumbai attacks which were carried out by the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba.

In the wide-ranging interview, Mukhtar said Pakistani military wants a speedy probe into the failure to detect Osama bin Laden's presence in the country as well as the US raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad on May 2.

"The military wants the work to be completed quickly so that responsibility can be fixed and they can be punished... A security lapse is something for which a person can be punished.

"I do not believe there was a security lapse in the Abbottabad case," he said. The Americans were "far too clever" and had superior intelligence and weaponry, he said.
"We do not have the resources to have been able to stop them," he added.

Even before the commission set up to probe bin Laden's presence had started working, some were condemning it, Mukhtar said. With a "big incident like this, one cannot make a hasty decision" as there is a need to carry out a thorough analysis and prevent another such incident, he said.

The recommendations of the commission will be implemented. "Those responsible for negligence will have to answer, the government is capable of taking action," he added.

Responding to a question about talks with the Taliban for finding a solution to the Afghan problem, Mukhtar said both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban will be included in the parleys.

"The government is aware where the Taliban and their institutions are located and there is no difficulty in meeting them. Talks will be held with all Taliban and the government knows where they live," he said.

The Taliban travel to Saudi Arabia for talks and they have relations with Middle East countries as well. They also have contacts with some religious bodies, he said, adding these contacts mature and reach the state level.

Without an understanding with the Afghan people, government and Taliban, there can be no solution to the Afghan problem, the minister said.

India military mightier, can sustain a war: Pakistan - 1 -  National News
Cut the crap. This isin't some calculus or Physics lecture.

India has got greater manpower, whereas Pakistan is considering to break their backbone or base.
Wont say more, but Pakistan is working on a huge project eating most of the budget of Pakistan which has been classified.

Working on 8-20 Nukes/Annum and more local made equipment.
We are gearing up, not for a war or taking over India, but for self defence (which is assured).

I recently met an ISI officer who hinted me some of the projects, but not the thing as whole.
Believe me, when Pakistan is gonna emerge out to the world, it gonna be HUGE and people wont believe what Pakistan did within these few years. (as a lot of things isint told to public).

and what do you think other's are doing???? watching movies with popcorn???
He was not talking just about the navy. Here is what he said:

He was talking about all parameters, GDP, defence spending, etc.

who has denied that CD ?? He u have gone through first few pages even we are admitting that China>India>Pakistan..

why are u diverting from the topic ?? shall we put the statement of ur minister about US army to satisfy ur ego ??
Anyone with a brain in his skull knows this fact, but everyone with a brain in his skull and nuts hanging down knows that if the eventuality of a war occurs then not just the military but the entire nation will unite and fight..........
Goshhh.....how stupid can he really be.:rolleyes: Considering the size of the two countries and their economy, neither we can match India nor we need to match India. There is where the term minimum deterrence comes into play.
Mr minister you just made a fool out of yourself by stating out such obvious.

With all due respect minimum deterrence was not the mantra in the past...Anyhow i agree he is just stating the obvious...
Lol defence ministers of South Asia .
India says we couldnt match China .
Pakistan says we couldnt match India .

And dhammm Defence budget is increased in both the countries :lol:
Even India knows what the pak minister is saying...But 40 days is too much...Next gen war will be tactical hit and run with retaliation and compromise. Atleast in the subcontinent.

Every nation is dependent on each other for survival. One economy extinguished leads to the whole region collapsing like a pack of cards.

We dont want that do we.
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